Koerte babesioos Eestis: haigusjuhtude analüüs
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Raudvere, Kirke Kaisa
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Eesti Maaülikool
Koerte babesioos on nakkushaigus, mida põhjustavad mitmesugused
Babesia perekonda
kuuluvad algloomparasiidid. Haigus levib peamiselt puukide vahendusel. Babesioos on
levinud üle maailma ning igas maailmajaos on ülekaalus erinevad Babesia liigid. Haigus võib
esineda subkliiniliselt või kergel kuni raskel kujul. Kõige sagedamini esinevad kliinilised
sümptomid on jõuetus, palavik ja isutus. Nakatunud koertel tekivad trombotsütopeenia ja
aneemia. Sõltuvalt haiguskulust võib tekkida mitmeid ra skete tagajärgedega tüsistusi.
Diagnoos on võimalik panna vereäige mikroskopeerimisel või p olümeraasi ahelreaktsiooni
testiga (PCR). Haiguse ravimi valik sõltub tekitaja liigist. Peamine ennetusviis on
puugitõrjevahendite korrektne kasutamine. Uuringu eesmärk oli kirjeldada ja analüüsida
Eestis esinenud koerte babesioosi juhtude anamneesi, sümpt omeid, kliinilist pilti ja ravi ning
võrrelda neid andmeid teaduskirjanduses leiduvatega. Andmed haigusjuhtude kohta koguti
kahte Eesti väikeloomakliinikusse aastatel 2018 2023 toodud patsientide seast. Kõigi koerte
anamneesis oli ühine see, et nad olid hi ljuti viibinud välismaal. Vereproovides olid peamised
leiud trombotsütopeenia, aneemia, leukopeenia, asparaadi aminotransferaasi (AST) ning C
reaktiivse valgu (CRP) kontsentratsiooni tõus vereseerumis. Paljude koerte raviskeemis
kasutati antibiootikume, mi da enamikus ravijuhistes polnud soovitatud.
Canine babesiosis is an infectious disease spread by protozoan parasites belonging to the Babesia genus. The disease is primarily transmitted by ticks. Babesiosis is prevalent worldwide, with different species of Babesia predominating in each region of the world. The disease can occur subclinically or in mild to severe forms. The most common clinical symptoms include weakness, fever and loss of appetite. Infected dogs develop thrombocytopenia and anemia. Depending on the course of the disease, several complications with severe consequences may arise. Diagnosis can be made using a light microscope to detect parasites from a peripheral blood smear or through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. The choice of treatment depends on the species of the causative agent. The main preventive measure is the correct use of tick control products. The aim of the study was to describe and analyze the history, symptoms, clinical picture, and treatment of canine babesiosis cases in Estonia. Data on cases of the disease from 2018 to 2023 was collected from the databases of two small animal veterinary clinics in Estonia. All dogs had a recent history of being abroad. The main findings in the blood tests were thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia, increased levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration in the serum. Many dogs were treated with antibiotics that were not recommended in the majority of literature guidelines.
Canine babesiosis is an infectious disease spread by protozoan parasites belonging to the Babesia genus. The disease is primarily transmitted by ticks. Babesiosis is prevalent worldwide, with different species of Babesia predominating in each region of the world. The disease can occur subclinically or in mild to severe forms. The most common clinical symptoms include weakness, fever and loss of appetite. Infected dogs develop thrombocytopenia and anemia. Depending on the course of the disease, several complications with severe consequences may arise. Diagnosis can be made using a light microscope to detect parasites from a peripheral blood smear or through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. The choice of treatment depends on the species of the causative agent. The main preventive measure is the correct use of tick control products. The aim of the study was to describe and analyze the history, symptoms, clinical picture, and treatment of canine babesiosis cases in Estonia. Data on cases of the disease from 2018 to 2023 was collected from the databases of two small animal veterinary clinics in Estonia. All dogs had a recent history of being abroad. The main findings in the blood tests were thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia, increased levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration in the serum. Many dogs were treated with antibiotics that were not recommended in the majority of literature guidelines.
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, babesioos, koer