Elektrienergia salvestamise tarvilikkust taastuvenergeetikas demonstreeriv õppevahend
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Eesti Maaülikool
Taastuvenergeetika ressursside kasutamine on muutunud väga aktuaalseks teemaks,
kuna fossiilkütuste kogus on piiratud ning nende põletamine põhjustab Maal
kliimamuutusi. Taastuvatele energiaallikatele üleminek on raskendatud, sest
taastuvenergeetika allikad pole juhitavad ning see asjaolu nõuab energia suurtes
kogustes salvestamist. Antud töö eesmärgiks on näidata salvestusseadmete tarvilikkust
taastuvenergeetika rakendustes ning kokku panna õppevahend, mis oleks kasutatav
erinevatel õppeastmetel õpilaste aktiivõppe läbiviimisel. Katsete korraldamiseks olid
valitud katseseadmed, mis on juba paljudes õppeasutuses olemas (Vernier või Pasco
katseseadmed) või neid on võimalik väikese vaevaga soetada, nagu taastuvenergeetika
demokomplekt. Taastuvenergiaallikatest oli kasutusel tuuleenergiat elektrienergiaks
muundav tuulik ja päikeseenergiat elektrienergiaks muundav päikesepaneel.
Salvestusseadmena oli kasutatud kondensaator. Katsed olid korraldatud tuulikuga
idealiseeritud olukorras, kus tuuliku pani liikuma ventilaatoriga tekitatud püsiv tuul.
Päikesepaneeliga katsetamiseks oli valitud pilvitu päev. Need tingimused olid vajalikud
katsete näitlikuse suurendamiseks. Katsete põhjal on selgunud, et isegi väikese
võimsusega taastuvenergiaallikatega vooluringis väikese mahtuvusega elektrisalvesti
kasutamine mõjutab tarbija elektrienergia kasutust. Katsete tulemusi arvesse võttes on
koostatud kolm katsejuhendit erinevatele õppeastmetele: põhikool, gümnaasium ja
kõrgkool. Põhikooli ja gümnaasiumile mõeldud laboritööd on kooskõlas riiklikku
õppekavaga ning õpikutest leiduva taustinformatsiooniga käsitletava teema kohta.
The usage of renewable energy resources has become a highly relevant topic due to the limited quantity of fossil fuels and their contribution to climate change on Earth. The transition to renewable energy sources is challenging because renewable energy sources are intermittent and require large-scale energy storage. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the necessity of storage devices in renewable energy applications and create instructional materials that can be used for active learning among students at various educational levels. For the experiments, selected laboratory apparatuses were chosen, which are already available in many educational institutions (such as Vernier or Pasco experimental apparatuses) or can be easily acquired, such as renewable energy demonstration kits. The renewable energy sources utilized in the experiments were a wind turbine that converts wind energy into electricity and a solar panel that converts solar energy into electricity. A capacitor was used as the storage device. The experiments were conducted under idealized conditions, where the wind turbine was set in motion by a fan-generated constant wind, and the solar panel was tested on a cloudless day. These conditions were necessary to enhance the illustrative nature of the experiments. Based on the conducted experiments, it was found that even using a low-capacity electricity storage device in a circuit with small-scale renewable energy sources affects consumer electricity usage. Taking into account the results of the experiments, three instructional guides were compiled for different educational levels: primary school, secondary school, and university. The laboratory activities designed for primary and secondary schools are in line with the national curriculum and the background information available in textbooks regarding the topic under study.
The usage of renewable energy resources has become a highly relevant topic due to the limited quantity of fossil fuels and their contribution to climate change on Earth. The transition to renewable energy sources is challenging because renewable energy sources are intermittent and require large-scale energy storage. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the necessity of storage devices in renewable energy applications and create instructional materials that can be used for active learning among students at various educational levels. For the experiments, selected laboratory apparatuses were chosen, which are already available in many educational institutions (such as Vernier or Pasco experimental apparatuses) or can be easily acquired, such as renewable energy demonstration kits. The renewable energy sources utilized in the experiments were a wind turbine that converts wind energy into electricity and a solar panel that converts solar energy into electricity. A capacitor was used as the storage device. The experiments were conducted under idealized conditions, where the wind turbine was set in motion by a fan-generated constant wind, and the solar panel was tested on a cloudless day. These conditions were necessary to enhance the illustrative nature of the experiments. Based on the conducted experiments, it was found that even using a low-capacity electricity storage device in a circuit with small-scale renewable energy sources affects consumer electricity usage. Taking into account the results of the experiments, three instructional guides were compiled for different educational levels: primary school, secondary school, and university. The laboratory activities designed for primary and secondary schools are in line with the national curriculum and the background information available in textbooks regarding the topic under study.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, aktiivõpe, juhendmaterjal, elektrisalvesti, taastuvenergeetika