EMU DSpace – Eesti Maaülikooli digitaalarhiiv
Digitaalarhiiv EMU DSpace kogub, säilitab ja loob ligipääsu Eesti Maaülikooli liikmeskonna poolt loodud või Eesti Maaülikooli vastutusvaldkondadega seotud teadustöödele toetamaks maaülikooli konkurentsivõimet ja teadmistepõhist ühiskonna arengut. Digitaalarhiivi haldab Eesti Maaülikooli raamatukogu.
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- Institute of Forestry and Engineering (MMI)
- Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (PKI)
- Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (VLI)
- Publications
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Hiljutised sisestused
Jalakäijate tunnetatud heaolu mõjutavad keskkonnaelemendid tänavaruumis
(Eesti Maaülikool, 2025) Tigane, Kaarel; Poom, Age (juhendaja); Vassiljev, Peeter (juhendaja)
Autostumise tõttu on tänavaruumi arendatud eelkõige kui transpordikoridori, mitte olemise ruumi, mis on aga muutnud tänavad jalakäijatele ebameeldivamaks. Ometi on jalakäimine üks tervislikumaid, kättesaadavamaid ja keskkonnasõbralikumaid transpordiviise ja seda tuleb soodustada. Motivatsiooni jalgsi käia ja jalgsikäimise kogemust mõjutab aga tänavaruumi kvaliteet. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on uurida, missuguseid keskkonnaelemente peavad jalakäijad enda heaolu kõige suuremateks mõjutajateks tänavaruumis ning milline on nende jaoks meeldiv tänavaruum. Magistritöö põhineb 81 intervjuul, mida on analüüsitud nii kvantitatiivsete kui kvalitatiivsete meetoditega. Tulemustest selgub, et jalakäijate heaolu mõjutab muuhulgas roheluse hulk, kõnnitee laius kui ka teised jalakäijad ning meeldivas tänavaruumis soovitakse näha rohkelt rohelust, turvalist liiklust, mugavat kõnniteekonda ja ruumilist vaheldusrikkust. Töö tulemused võivad olla sisendiks inimsõbralikuma tänavaruumi loomisele.
Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
(Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, 2023) Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu
Estonian code of conduct for research integrity agreement. By joining the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Agreement, the research institutions confirm that they respect the main values of research and the principles of action described in the text of the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity finalised in 2017 in cooperation between Estonian research institutions, the Estonian Academy of Sciences, the Estonian Research Council, and the Ministry of Education and Research.
Every research institution retains the right to decide how to raise its members’ awareness of the main values and principles of action agreed upon, how to ensure their observance within the institution and what procedural rules to establish in order to deal with cases of misconduct. The text of the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
By signing the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Agreement, we confirm that we respect and
observe the following main values of research:
honesty and objectivity;
respect and caring;
openness and cooperation.
By joining the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Agreement, we acknowledge the responsibility
of individual researchers and research institutions as well as research organisations and financers of research
planning of research;
conduct of research;
publishing and application of research results;
identification and resolution of conflicts of interest;
ensuring of collegiality in the workplace;
dissemination and promotion of the principles of research integrity.
By joining the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Agreement, we promise to observe, disseminate,
promote and apply the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity in our institution and to do everything
in our power to prevent misconduct, to uncover cases of misconduct and to deal with cases of misconduct
appropriately. We cooperate to apply the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and to draw up
the rules of procedure for dealing with cases of misconduct to ensure the credibility of research and as equal
treatment of members of different research institutions as possible. Signatories:
Baltic Methodist Theological
Seminary, BioCC LLC, Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies, Competence Centre on Health Technologies, Cybernetica AS, Education and Youth Board, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian Aviation Academy, Estonian Biocentre, Estonian Business School, Estonian Crop Research Institute, Estonian Entrepreneurship, University of Applied Sciences, Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian National Museum, Estonian Research Council, Estonian University of Life
Sciences, Institute of the Estonian Language, Ministry of Education and
Research, National Institute for Health
Development, National Institute of Chemical
Physics and Biophysics, Pallas University of Applied
Sciences, STACC OÜ, Tallinn Health Care College, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology, Tartu Health Care College, The Estonian Academy of Security
Sciences, The Estonian Free Church, Theological Seminary, The Estonian Military Academy, The Institute of Theology of the
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran
Church, TTK University of Applied Sciences, Under and Tuglas Literature
Centre of the Estonian Academy
of Sciences, University of Tartu, incl. Tartu
Observatory. List of Signatories updated in January 2023
Hea teadustava
(Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus, 2023) Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus
Hea teadustava kokkulepe. Hea teadustava kokkuleppega liitudes kinnitab teadusasutus, et ta austab teaduse alusväärtusi ja tegevuspõhimõtteid, mis on kirjas teadusasutuste, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Eesti Teadusagentuuri ning Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi koostöös 2017. aastal valminud „Hea teadustava“ tekstis. Iga teadusasutuse enda otsustada jääb, millisel kujul neid kokkulepitud alusväärtusi ja tegevuspõhimõtteid
oma liikmeteni viia, kuidas nende järgimist oma asutuses tagada ning millised protseduurireeglid kehtestada
väärkäitumise juhtumite menetlemiseks.
Hea teadustava kokkuleppe tekst:
Hea teadustava kokkuleppele alla kirjutades kinnitame, et austame ja järgime neid teaduse alusväärtusi:
ausus ja objektiivsus;
austus ja hoolivus;
avatus ja koostöö.
Hea teadustava kokkuleppega liitudes tunnistame nii teadlaste ja teadusasutuste kui teadusorganisatsioonide ja teaduse rahastajate vastutust:
teadustöö kavandamisel;
teadustöö tegemisel;
teadustöö tulemuste avaldamisel ja
huvide konflikti teadvustamisel ja
heade koostöösuhete tagamisel;
hea teadustava levitamisel ja edendamisel.
Hea teadustava kokkuleppega liitudes lubame oma asutuses järgida, levitada, edendada ja juurutada
head teadustava ning teha kõik väärkäitumise ennetamiseks, avastamiseks ja juhtumite korrektseks
menetlemiseks. Teeme omavahel koostööd hea teadustava rakendamisel ja väärkäitumise juhtumite
menetlemise korra väljatöötamisel, et tagada teaduse usaldusväärsus ning erinevate teadusasutuste
liikmete võimalikult võrdne kohtlemine.
Allkirjastanud asutused:
AS Toidu- ja
arenduskeskus, BioCC OÜ, Cybernetica AS, EELK Usuteaduse Instituut, Eesti Biokeskus, Eesti EKB Liit Kõrgem Usuteaduslik Seminar, Eesti Ettevõtluskõrgkool Mainor, Eesti Keele Instituut, Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Eesti Lennuakadeemia, Eesti Maaülikool, Eesti Muusika- ja
Teatriakadeemia, Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut, Eesti Teadusagentuur, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia
Underi ja Tuglase
Kirjanduskeskus, EMK Teoloogiline Seminar, Estonian Business School, Haridus- ja Noorteamet, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Kaitseväe Akadeemia, Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika
Instituut, Kõrgem Kunstikool Pallas, Sisekaitseakadeemia, STACC OÜ, Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, Tallinna Ülikool, Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, Tartu Ülikool, sh Tartu Observatoorium, Tervise Arengu Instituut, Tervisetehnoloogiate
Arenduskeskus AS, Asutuste nimekiri uuendatud jaanuaris 2023.
Study of the influence of different organic fertilizers on soil agrochemical parameters in hazelnut plantations in Ukrainian Southern Steppe
(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Nikipelova, O.; Pyliak, N.; Yarochevsky, V.; Rucins, A.; Bulgakov, V.
The effect of different origin organic fertilizers on agrochemical indicators of typical medium-humic chernozem in hazelnut plantings in the conditions of Ukrainian Southern Steppe was studied. There were used cattle manure, chicken droppings, Biofertilizer No. 1 (the combination of sewage sludge, winter wheat straw, phosphate-mobilizing bacteria Microbacterium barkeri), Biofertilizer No. 2 (the combination of sewage sludge, sunflower seed husks, phosphate-mobilizing bacteria Microbacterium barkeri), and native sewage sludge in the study. It was found that different origin organic fertilizers effected on the main agrochemical soil indicators increasing. The content of easy hydrolyzable nitrogen in soil increased from 84.0 mg kg-1 in control up to 98.0 mg kg-1 in the tests, mobile phosphorus - consequently from 138.75 mg kg-1 in control to 306.30 mg kg-1 in the tests, and potassium from 108.40 mg kg-1 in control to 166.90 mg kg-1. In addition, the organic matter content increasing from 3.76% (control) to 4.18% (tests) in the soil was detected. The express biosensor analysis of the fertilized soil showed a variation of the average ecotoxicity indicator from 0.92 to 1.41 which could be classified as a “low” common pollution level. It also detected an elevated zinc content in soil samples fertilized by Biofertilizer No. 1 and native sewage sludge. It proves that organic fertilizers based on sewage sludge applying can allow for overcoming the zinc deficit in Ukrainian soils. The advantages of Biofertilizers No. 1 and No. 2 were identified in respect to other studied organic fertilizers. New biofertilizers using allows soil nutrient content increasing, soil biological activity enhancement, which resulting in improvement in crop yield, and environmental enhancement.
Analysis of effective sunflower cultivation zones using the example of Ukraine
(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Vasylkovska, K.; Andriienko, O.; Malakhovska, V.; Vasylkovskyi, O.; Andriienko, A.; Shepilova, T.
The article provides a comparative analysis of the area of sunflower cultivation from 2000 to 2023 broken down by regions of Ukraine for two conditional periods of 2000–2010 and 2011–2021, and 2022–2023 war years. Thus, during the period under research the average area of sunflower seed cultivation increased from 2.84 million ha in 2000 to 6.66 million ha in 2021 i.e. by 2.34 times. The increase of these areas occurred due to the reduction of the area allocated for the cultivation of other crop rotations. During the first conditional period (2000–2010) Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions which geographically belong to the steppe zone of Ukraine became the leaders with an area of sunflower cultivation of more than 500,000 ha (on average 469.8 and 487.8 thousand ha of sunflower). During the second conditional period (2011–2021) Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions maintained their leadership (573.5 and 564.7 thousand ha). The zone of effective sunflower cultivation has expanded due to the expansion of cultivated areas in Kirovohrad region (550.6 thousand ha) which is situated on the border of the northern part of steppe and forest steppe. The occupation of a part of Ukraine pushed back Zaporizhzhia region from leading positions in sunflower cultivation while Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovohrad regions had more than 600,000 ha in 2022–2023. The further increase of cultivation areas at the expense of other crops contradicts the laws of agriculture and the zonal recommendations of scientific institutions. Therefore, an increase in the gross harvest of sunflower seeds is possible only due to the improvement and adaptation of cultivation technology, a balanced selection of sunflower hybrids better adapted to climate changes.