2023, Vol. 21, Special Issue 1
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/8645
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Kirje Agronomic traits determinants of superior varieties and millable cane productivity of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) on dryland, Indonesia(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Karimuna, S.R.; Sulistiono, W.; Taryono; Alam, T.; Wahab, A.Indonesia is one of the sugar-producing countries in the world, with most of the planting area shifted to dryland, sub-optimal. During the development of production, it is necessary to select varieties that are suitable for dryland. This study aimed to determine the adaptation of superior sugarcane varieties on dryland. This study used a split-plot under repeated Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Six superior sugarcane varieties used in this research were Saccharum ‘CMG Agribun ’, Saccharum ‘AAS Agribun’, Saccharum ʻASA Agribunʼ, Saccharum ʻAMS Agribunʻ, Saccharum ʻPS864ʼ and Saccharum ‘Bululawang’. The variables observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of segments, and number of tillers at the age of 13, 15, and 17 WAP (weeks after planting). The results showed that growth parameters, namely plant height at 13 and 15 WAP, number of tillers at 15 and 17 WAP, and stem diameter at 13 and 15 WAP, showed better growth, indicating superior agronomic properties of a sugarcane variety on dryland. Saccharum ‘AMS Agribun’ and Saccharum ‘Bululawang’ varieties, stem diameter, increased with spacing treatment at the early growth of 17 weeks after planting. The Saccharum ‘PS864’ was the best, having the highest average of agronomic values compared to other varieties. The Saccharum ‘PS864’ had the highest plant height and number of internodes. The highest number of tillers was obtained in the Saccharum ‘AAS Agribun’ varieties.Kirje Germination characteristics of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) affected by temperature variation(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Sari, A.; JuniartiGermination was essential in preparation for the subsequent few sorghum growth cycles, but increasing the temperature was a major limiting factor. Temperature change effect, provide information on appropriate sorghum cultivation techniques. Sorghum was the principal cereal grown for food, feed, fodder, starch, fiber, dextrose syrup, biofuels, and bioenergy. This study evaluated the effect of temperature variation on the viability and vigor of sorghum seeds. This research applies Factorial Experiment in Completely Random Design, where the first factor is three genotypes of sorghum Numbu, G1Marapi, and G3Marapi. The second factor was the temperature variation of 18 °C–38 °C. Sorghum seeds were germinated for ten days and placed in the growth chamber. The result showed that every 2 °C temperature increase gives a different response to the germination of sorghum. The optimum temperature for sorghum seed germination was 20 °C–32 °C, with good viability and vigor of > 80%. Root and shoot growth was optimal at 24 °C–28 °C, such as Numbu has a root length of 17.0 cm and shoot length of 18.3 cm at 24 °C, but at 38 °C, no seed germination. However, the morphological mechanisms of sorghum response were a basis for information to get tolerant genotype and maximize utilization of its local germplasm to develop improved cultivars.Kirje Response of regulation of resistance genes, reactive oxygen species, and antioxidant enzymes to salicylic acid treatments in drought tolerant rice(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Hartatik, S.; Oktaviani, F.; Mufadilah, M.A.; Avivi, S.; Thamrin, N.; Indrawati, A.; Puspito, A.N.; Kim, K.M.; Ubaidillah, M.Drought is one of the most important issues in crop production which may disrupt physiological processes and biochemical metabolism in rice plants, including the emergence of plant resistance gene expression such as OsAB13 and OsLEA, the formation of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), namely hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), as well as the emergence of gene expression related to antioxidant enzyme activity such as OsAPX1, OsCATA, Mn-SOD, Cu/Zn-SOD, and APX Cytosolic. Besides the emergence of plant resistance gene expression, ROS, and changes in gene expression related to antioxidant enzymes, rice plants also produce salicylic acid which acts as an endogenous signal to activate plant resistance gene responses and can encourage plant resistance responses such as antioxidant enzyme activity. The treatments in this study included: control, 15% PEG 6000, 15% PEG 6000 + SA 1 mM, and SA 1 mM. The results showed that the interaction between treatments and rice plant varieties significantly affected plant height, root length, total chlorophyll, and H2O2 content. The expression of the OsAPX1, OsCATA, Mn-SOD, and Cu/Zn-SOD genes increased in the 15% PEG 6000 treatment compared to the control. In the 15% PEG 6000 + SA 1 mM treatment, there was an increase in gene expression of APX Cytosolic, Cu/Zn-SOD, and OsCATA compared to the 15% PEG 6000 treatment. The OsLEA is expressed in Siakraya and Sertani 1 as an indicator of resistance to drought stress, and the OsAB13 is expressed in Indragiri, Sertani 1, and Siakraya varieties as an indicator of resistance to drought stress.Kirje Red seaweed liquid fertilizer increases growth, chlorophyll and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata)(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Huda, M.N.; Mannan, M.A.; Bari, M.N.; Rafiquzzaman, S.M.; Higuchi, H.The demand for chemical fertilizers in Bangladesh is increasing by the day. Seaweed extracts are high in a variety of bioactive substances that can be used as a biostimulant as an alternative to agricultural plants. To assess the impact of foliar spraying of red seaweed (Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui) extracts at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% concentrationsin comparison to the control condition (water spray only) and soil application of recommended doses of fertilizer (RDF) as basal on growth, chlorophyll and yield of mungbean variety BU mug5, a pot experiment was conducted at the Department of Agronomy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur, Bangladesh during Kharif-1 season (March to May 2021). Seven (7) treatments: T1 – Control (foliar spray using water), T2 – Recommended doses of fertilizers (RDF) as basal, T3 – Foliar spray of 5% seaweed extracts, T4 – Foliar spray of 10% seaweed extracts, T5 – Foliar spray of 15% seaweed extracts, T6 – Foliar spray of 20% seaweed extracts and T7 – Foliar spray of 25% seaweed extracts were imposed following completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The results revealed that seaweed liquid fertilizer at 20% concentration increased leaf area, total dry matter and chlorophyll (SPAD value) by 25.00, 40.21 and 9.11% over the control and 15.42, 8.27 and 2.08% compared to RDF, respectively. Seed yield increased by 93.14% when compared to a control with 20% seaweed foliar spray, and by 9.04%, when compared to RDF. Foliar application of 20% seaweed liquid fertilizer performed best among the treatments in terms of mungbean growth and yield, according to findings of the experiment. The results of this study suggest that red seaweed extracts from Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui may be used as a fertilizer to reduce the chemical fertilizer to boost mungbean yield.Kirje Life cycle assessment of shallot farming in Food Estate Hutajulu, North Sumatra, Indonesia(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Sigalingging, R.; Simanihuruk, J.; Vinolina, N.S.; Harahap, L.A.; Sigalingging, C.Food Estate is a government program as a solution to meeting food demand. However, in order to meet food needs, environmental impacts must be considered. The study objective was to investigate the impacts of shallot production in Food Estate Hutajulu, Indonesia. The study was conducted with the first stage determining the functional unit, namely an area of 0.2 hectares with a gate-to-gate scope. The second is the inventory data analysis by grouping the categories of nursery, tillage, maintenance, harvesting, and transportation. The third is life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) according to the ISO 14044 standard. Every data obtained from each process was processed using the software OpenLCA 1.11.0; the following is the workflow and use of the software. Processes were made based on the five categories of data (soil processing, planting, maintenance, harvesting and transportation), which had been determined to be connected to flow. The product system was adjusted according to the data in each process and then calculated, and the results of calculation data and graph models appear from each processed data category. Fourth is the interpretation that considers the highest environmental impact, namely acidification in the transportation process of 1.8974 kg SO2 eq, global warming potential in the transportation process of 415.3188 kg CO2 eq, eutrophication in the transportation process of 0.4364 kg PO4 eq, and human toxicity in the maintenance process of 1,409.07377 kg 1,4-DB eq. To minimize the impact on subsequent production, reducing diesel fuel, chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers are recommended.Kirje Review of agronomic and genetic diversity of Moroccan rice varieties, and their resistance to blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae)(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Elwahab, F.; Sedki, M.; Brhadda, N.; Ziri, R.The study on agronomic and genetic characteristics of rice has given us scope to select varieties with desirable characteristics to mitigate various constraints. Rice (Oryza sativa) is the staple food for half of the world's population. However, its production is hampered by a variety of biological constraints. The Blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae) is an important rice disease, and one of the most effective control methods is to use resistant varieties. Study areas in Morocco include the Gharb plains. For all methods, cultural practises like soil levelling seem to be important, but biological control is not widely adopted due to cost, efficacy, and climatic conditions. The bibliographic synthesis was carried out in this context with the main goals of contributing to a better understanding of rice cultivation in Morocco; to identify and characterise the structure of the rice blast pathogen (Pyricularia oryzae), which will allow us to characterise the effects of rice blast; and to research on the Gharb rice field, which resulted in resistant varieties, which will potentially allow producers to have resistant varieties to overcome the diseases. The introduction and development of new rice varieties with high agronomic and socioeconomic value; the selection of lines with high yield, good grain quality, and precocity that are adapted to Moroccan conditions; as well as the development of new lines from Moroccan rice, are among the specific goals.Kirje Osmotic stress tolerance in forage oat varieties (Avena Sativa L.) based on osmotic potential trials(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Ortega-Ortega, A.; Jiménez-Galindo, J.C.; Parra-Quezada, R.Á.; Jacobo-Cuellar, J.L.; Ruiz-Anchondo, Teresita D.J.; Salmerón-Zamora, J.J.; Zamudio-Flores, P.B.; Malvar, R.A.Forage oats (Avena sativa L.) are globally important for milk and meat production, and, to a lesser extent, for the human diet. In Mexico, oats are a strategic crop, occupying the fourth place in cultivated area, only after maize for grain, bean, and sorghum for grain. Droughts are the main problem for oat production in Mexico. This study evaluated the germination and seedling growth of several oat varieties in response to drought stress simulated by PEG-6000 treatments of different osmotic pressure in order to identify drought-resistant genotypes. The Teporaca genotype was the most outstanding in the three levels of OP compared to its control with 0.0 of Osmotic Potential (OP). The Teporaca genotype showed the largest root length and the lowest diminishment of root length under osmotic stress conditions. This genotype also had the largest shoot length in the three osmotic stress levels. Regarding root fresh weight, Babicora stands out with 98.5% and Teporaca with 43% in the most severe level. Teporaca, Menonita, and Babicora showed the outstanding root dry weights of 346.5%, 327.2%, and 251.2%, respectively. These varieties had higher root dry weight than their own controls in water in the most severe level of OP. In conclusion, the Teporaca, Menonita, and Karma genotypes showed the highest osmotic stress tolerance and could be used as sources of favorable alleles to improve oat drought tolerance.Kirje Study of the effect of chromium on the germination parameters of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-gracium L.) and Lens (Lens culinaris)(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Azzouzi, S.; Khamar, M.; Nounah, A.; Cherkaoui, E.; Benradi, F.Soil contamination by heavy metals is a global environmental problem. This contamination affects agricultural crops in the area concerned. In the present study, chromium, which is a heavy metal, is evaluated for its diverse effects on seed germination and lateral growth of fenugreek and lens seeds. A chromium solution was prepared at increasing concentrations: 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, and 0.2 mg L-1 for the addition of germinating seeds in petri dishes for ten days. After two days, the germination rate is calculated. For the following days the length of radicle, stem, and number of leaves are measured. The germination rate of fenugreek varies between 100 and 73.33% for the control and 0.02 mg L-1 of chromium respectively. However, the germination rate of the lens varies between 100% for the control and 90% for the 0.02 mg L-1 . The elongation of fenugreek radicle with chromium solutions shows a significant effect. However, there is no significant difference in the lens at the different concentrations. For the growth of the fenugreek stalk, it is noticed that the concentration 0.02 shows a length of 2.83 cm compared to their control which is 2.30 cm. Consequently, chromium at 0.02 mg L-1 stimulates growth, but at 0.2 mg L-1 , it inhibits it. For lens the length of the stems shows also a significant difference compared to their control. So the effect of chromium on germination parameters depends on their concentrations, as well as on the seed response itself. For our research the response of fenugreek compared to the lens at the same concentrations is different.Kirje Germination performance and seedling characteristics of chili pepper after seed priming with leaf extract of Moringa oleifera(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Yuniati, N.; Kusumiyati; Mubarok, S.; Nurhadi, B.Germination is the most critical stage of the plant life cycle since it is a principal component of seedling establishment and survival. The germination of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) seeds is typically slow and non-uniform under favorable and unfavorable conditions. To overcome these problems, seed priming with moringa leaf extract is a viable option. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of moringa leaf extract priming on germination performance and seedling characteristics of chili pepper. A completely randomized design was applied with five replications. Different concentrations of moringa leaf extract (1:30, 1:20, and 1:10) as priming solution were evaluated along with priming with distilled water (hydro priming), whereas non-primed seed was taken as control. The results revealed that hydro priming and moringa leaf extract priming effectively increased final germination percentage, germination rate index, germination index, vigor index, shoot length, and decreasing mean germination time. Conversely, the treatments had no significant effect on root length, while moringa leaf extractprimed seeds significantly increased shoot fresh weight. Furthermore, priming with moringa leaf extract at 1:20 had slightly better results than hydro priming, since it yielded higher germination index (363.60) and germination rate index (13.74), although it was at par with other concentrations. Additionally, it significantly produced the highest root fresh weight (13.56 mg) and lower coefficient of variation of germination time (14.61) than the control. Based on these findings, priming with moringa leaf extract in amount of 1:20 can be suggested for improving germination and seedling growth of chili pepper.Kirje Agronomic and physiological response of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids to plant density in the dry and wet Middleveld of Eswatini(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Malaza, S.C.; Tana, T.One of the factors limiting yield of maize in Eswatini is use of non-optimum plant density for the different maturity group of maize hybrids in different agro-ecologies. Thus, an experiment was conducted at Malkerns (wet Middleveld) and Luve (dry Middleveld) in Eswatini to determine the effects of plant density on growth, yield components and grain yield of maize hybrids. Factorial combinations of three maize hybrids [SC 403 (early maturing), SC 621 (medium maturing), SC 719 (late maturing)] and five plant densities (41,667; 44,444; 47,619; 50,000, and 57,143 plants ha-1 ) were evaluated in Randomised Complete Block Design in three replications. The results showed that Malkerns had significantly higher crop growth rate (CGR) between V12 and R6 growth stages, relative growth rate (RGR) between V6 and V12 growth stages, mass of thousand kernels (395.60 g), aboveground dry biomass (22.71 t ha-1 ) and grain yield (7.67 t ha-1 ). Among maize hybrids, SC 719 produced significantly the highest CGR (18.37 g m-2 per day) between V12 and R6, aboveground dry biomass (23.05 t ha-1 ), number of kernels per m2 (2074), and grain yield (7.49 ha-1 ). Moreover, SC 719 grown at Malkerns recorded significantly the highest leaf area index (LAI) at V6, and the highest CGR (31.35 g m-2 per day) between V6 and V12 and the tallest plants. The highest density of 57,143 plants ha-1 produced the highest LAI, aboveground dry biomass (21.53 t ha-1 ) and grain yield (7.17 t ha-1 ). Thus, late maturing maize hybrid SC 719 and plant density of 57,143 plants ha-1 (70 cm × 25 cm) can be used to enhance the productivity of maize in the Middleveld of Eswatini.Kirje Resistance of local rice progeny to ferrous iron toxicity between locations, seasons, and salt application in tidal lands(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Sinaga, P.H.; Elfiani; Yusuf, R.; Nurhayati; Yunita, R.; Utami, D.W.; Girsang, S.S.Rice is the main food in Indonesia that grows in various agroecosystems. The challenge is ferrous iron toxicity (FIT), wherein adaptive varieties with high yield potential be required to support increased production. The study objectives were to produce tolerant and widely adapted lines of FIT from local parents, to determine the stability of the lines in various environments and seasons in FIT rice fields, and to determine the response of rice lines to salt application. Two local Fe-tolerant parents that is Cekau and Karya, were used as females to produce lines that were tested for FIT. High-yielding lines and early maturity were selected to represent tolerant, quite tolerant, and moderate to FIT. The research was designed according to a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Most of the local cultivar descent were resistant to FIT and stable at various locations and seasons. There was an interaction between the lines and the environment in the multilocation test, but in the high-Fe field test, there was no interaction between the lines and the season. Sensitive lines gave higher yields in the dry season than in the rainy season, but the tolerant lines are not affected by the seasons. The long dry season followed by high rainfall caused the accumulation of Fe on the soil surface to increase followed by a decrease in yields of moderate and sensitive lines. The addition of 200 kg ha-1 of salt increased the productivity of tolerant, quite tolerant, and moderate lines by improving root quality.