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Kirje Using blogs to promote and predict reflection during teaching practice and induction year(University of Tartu, 2022) Kalk, Karmen; Luik, Piret; Taimalu, Merle; Valtonen, Teemu (opponent)Reflection skills are related to the professional development of teachers, and therefore attention is being paid to it in Estonian teacher education. It is important to promote reflection through social interaction during teaching practice and the induction year. Reflection can be supported using information and communication technology tools, such as blogs. The aim of the dissertation was to find out how blogs could be used during the teaching practice and induction year to promote reflection; in more detail, how the different characteristics of the participants and the blogging are related to reflection in blog posts. The data were collected using questionnaires, from blog posts and collective blogs. The results of the study showed that different characteristics of learners, blog groups and tutors were related to reflection in the blogs. A high level of blogging activeness among the participants could be one of the most supportive factor of learner reflection. Therefore, active communication in a blog can provide emotional support and could lead the learner to write and reflect more deeply. However, social communication in a blog could inhibit learner reflection. Attention should be paid to analysing successes or failures in the blog. More written texts about successes by learners encouraged reflection, while written texts by tutors about successes and their own experiences could have an inhibitory effect on learner reflection. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to analyse and learn from unsuccessful experiences. In addition, the results showed that a small number of learners, strong social relationships between learners, and the use of tasks in a blog might promote learner reflection. It is also important to consider the examples provided by peers and tutors in supporting reflection. Participants in a collective blog can behave similarly to other learners and the tutor can give excellent examples of written reflection. The value of the dissertation lies in the importance and novelty of the results, as a blog can be an effective tool to support reflection in teacher education, but the impact of different characteristics on learner reflection in a blogging environment has been studied little. Furthermore, the suitability of the reflection scales used in the dissertation were checked for the first time in the Estonian context. The dissertation presents practical and methodological implications, which should be taken into account when assessing and supporting learner reflection in teacher education.Kirje The perception of cyberbullying among Estonian students according to cyberbullying types and criteria(University of Tartu, 2020) Naruskov, Karin; Luik, Piret; Menesini, ErsiliaThe concept of cyberbullying is often defined based on and in parallel with the definition of traditional bullying. Cyberbullying researchers have begun to question whether and to what extent criteria specific to traditional bullying apply in the cyber environment. It has been suggested that there might be some cyber-specific criteria; for instance, anonymity and publicity, which could describe bullying that occurs in the cyber world more accurately. Furthermore, researchers have raised the issue of whether the definition of cyberbullying is consistent with how students perceive the phenomenon. This thesis focuses on how students perceive cyberbullying based on suggested criteria (intentionality, repetition, imbalance of power, publicity, anonymity) and the type of cyberbullying behaviour (written-verbal cyberbullying, visual cyberbullying, impersonation, exclusion). Data was collected via focus group interviews and a questionnaire. In both cases, scenarios were used to collect the data. These scenarios described situations between a victim and a bully that could be considered cyberbullying. The results of the study showed that two criteria were important for students when labelling scenarios as cyberbullying: imbalance of power and anonymity. In the context of cyberbullying types, it was easier for students to label the visual type and impersonation as cyberbullying and these types were also considered to be more serious than the written-verbal type and exclusion. In terms of gender and age, we found that there were no diametrically opposite differences on how boys and girls and students from different age groups labelled scenarios as cyberbullying based on the criteria. However, differences appeared in how students perceived the severity of the scenarios. In general, boys perceived cyberbullying as more serious than girls, and this was also the case with two cyber-specific criteria (publicity and anonymity). In terms of age, differences in severity evaluations also appeared in the context of cyber-specific criteria. In terms of gender, it seemed that these were more important to younger students (12–13 years) than older students (15–16 years). The practical value of the work lies in providing suggested themes that should be addressed with students at home and in the school environment to help boys and girls and students of different ages cope with the specifics of cyber communication. Furthermore, some recommendations are also provided for the definition and measurement of cyberbullying.Kirje Emeriitprofessor Nikolai Koslovi bibliograafia 1959-2013(Eesti Maaülikooli raamatukogu, 2018) Koslov, Nikolai (koostaja); Kajak, Ingrid (koostaja)Laborandist rektoriks! Armas lugeja, kes sa hoiad käes me kauaaegse rektori, prof. emeritus Nikolai Koslovi bibliograafiat koos tema lühielulooga, saad jälgida veterinaariateadlase, riigiametniku ja haridusametniku teed läbi väga keeruka ajastu kuni tänapäevani välja. Valdav enamus inimesi on mäletamiseks liiga noored. See on sisuline aruanne tehtud tööst. Kuid see puudutab vaid trükiseid, mis on üks väga väike osa tegelikult tehtud tööst eelkõige Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia juhtimisel ja selle arendamisel. Allakirjutanul on olnud au tunda Nikolai Koslovi sünnist saati, sest minu isa ja Nikolai Koslov olid kursusevennad ja head sõbrad. Põhiline osa meie rektori tegevusest sai mulle tuttavaks siiski õpingute ajal. Need algasid 1973. aastal, mil EPA rektor oli president Arnold Rüütel ja meie päevakangelane teadusprorektor. See oli aeg, kus tehti otsused toonane akadeemia välja ehitada Tähtvere väljale. See oli väga pika sihikuga otsus, mis alles tänapäeval on peaaegu lõplikult ellu jõudnud. See näitab, et juba toona tehti väga põhjapanevaid otsuseid, planeeriti ning alustati Eesti ühe parema ülikoolilinnaku ehitust. Paralleelselt juhtimistööga tegeles professor Koslov kogu aeg teadustööga, mille tulemusi korrastatud kujul saategi käesolevast väljaandest lugeda. Ka siin tegutses Nikolai Koslov teadusele väga olulises valdkonnas uurides veiste tuberkuloosi, mis on läbi aegade olnud kogu inimkonna suureks probleemiks. Käesolev väljaanne on tänukummardus, meie kauaaegsele rektorile, lugupeetud professor Nikolai Koslovile tema 90. juubeli puhul. Palju õnne! Eesti Maaülikooli rektor Mait KlaassenKirje Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia raamatukogu kasutamise kord(Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia, 1961) Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia raamatukogu; Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia raamatukoguEesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia rektori Minna Klementi poolt 12. mail 1961. aastal kinnitatud raamatukogu kasutamise kord.