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2020, Vol. 18, Special Issue 1

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  • Kirje
    Variable velocity system for evaluating effects of air velocity on Japanese quail
    (2020) Vilela, M.O.; Gates, R.S.; Zolnier, S.; Barbari, M.; Teles Junior, C.G.S.; Andrade, R.R.; Rocha, K.S.O.; Tinôco, I.F.F.; Souza, C.F.; Conti, L.; Rossi, G.
    This study documents the design and performance of a system to apply different magnitudes of air velocity to Japanese quail, to evaluate the combined effects of velocity, temperature and humidity on bird behaviour, performance and welfare. The system was developed to simulate observed field conditions ocurring in regions with high winds where quail are raised in curtain-sided housing. System performance consisted of characterizing air velocity distribution in cages downstream of the air velocity which was directed at the front of the cages. The system consisted of two fans attached to a 25 cm PVC tube, one at each end, with the outlet airflow directed through a continuous slot over the cage front at the feeder. The design and performance of this experimental system was evaluated, with six such systems were built and utilized in research trials. To assess system performance, air velocity was measured at 275 points per cage uniformly arranged along the three dimensions (length, width and height) in eight cages with zero, 1, 2 or 3 m s-1 nominal velocity setpoints. Spatial distribution of velocity was analysed by mapping and from descriptive statistics, with attention to the zone closest to the feeder where birds must go to eat. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) found in mean paired difference of air speed data measured for pairs of front portion cages with similar velocities. A significant positive correlation was found (P < 0.001) between the measured air velocity at paired points in the cages subjected to the same velocity treatment. A comparison of measured mean air velocity to the nominal setpoint values used for experiments indicated that careful attention to outlet adjustment is important, especially at higher nominal velocity setpoint as 3 (± 0.10) m s-1 which was difficult to achieve with the system. An example of the use of the deployment of the variable velocity system in controlled environment chambers with Japanese quail is provided.
  • Kirje
    Investigation of dual varying area flapping actuator of a robotic fish with energy recovery
    (2020) Tipans, I.; Viba, J.; Irbe, M.; Vutukuru, S.K.
    Autonomous under-water vehicles (AUV) performing a commanded task require to utilize on-board energy sources. At the time when on-board power source runs low during operation, the vehicle (AUV) is forced to abort the mission and to return to a charging station. The present work proposes the technique of an energy recovery from surrounding medium. This effect is studied for dual action actuator movement that obtains energy from fluid. It is realized that a flapping or vibrating actuator can be used for energy extraction phenomenon apart from the non-traditional propulsive technique. In the present work a simple dual flapping actuator that can switch between simple flat plate and perforated plate at extreme end positions (angles) by using an efficient mechatronic mechanism that would help in overcoming viscous forces of the operating medium is extensively studied. The main objective of the present article is to develop a new approach for energy gain and recharge power pack of on-board sources from the surrounding medium and to create a robotic fish that would work autonomously by using unconventional drive along with the possibility of energy restoration by using dual varying area type vibrating actuator. At the time of recharge, the robotic fish would project its tail (actuator) out of water and use surrounding medium (air) to scavenge the energy. All the equations describing the process are formed according to classical laws of mechanics. The mechatronic system is explained and the results obtained are discussed in detail for air as the operating fluid to scavenge energy.
  • Kirje
    Effect of concentrate feeding technology on nutrient digestibility in Latvian Dark-Head lambs
    (2020) Šenfelde, L.; Kairiša, D.; Bārzdiņa, D.
    Research has been conducted to evaluate the effect of concentrate feeding technology on nutrient digestibility in Latvian Dark-Head lambs. Twenty-four purebred Latvian Dark-Head lambs (rams) were divided into three study groups (four lambs in each group). Concentrate was offered with different feeding technologies: group 1 – ad libitum once per day (ADL); group 2 – five times per day (5TD); group 3 – three times per day (3TD). Lamb live weight at the start of research was 24.6 kg (ADL), 24.1 kg (5TD) and 25.6 kg (3TD), the average age – 83 ± 1.4 days (ADL; p < 0.05), 75 ± 1.4 days (5TD) and 75 ± 1.6 days (3TD). Research data were collected over three periods and two repetitions during lamb fattening in July, August and September, 2019. During the data collection period lambs were transferred to cages with slatted wooden floor and a container with a grid under it. The highest concentrate intake in all data collection periods was found in ADL lambs (1.25 ± 0.106 kg – 1.75 ± 0.092 kg on average per lamb). Hay intake was not equal (90–350 g in average per lamb).The highest average faecal production was found in 3TD and 5TD lambs (F – 0.98 ± 0.102 kg (3TD), S – 1.13 ± 0.060 kg (5TD) and T – 0.99 ± 0.070 kg (5TD)).The least urinal production was found in 3TD lambs (0.24 ± 0.038 kg (F), 0.61 ± 0.078 kg (S) and 0.47 ± 0.033 kg (T)). Dry matter digestibility was 66.54–80.39%. Faecal consistency was soft for ADL and 5TD lambs and solid for 3TD lambs.
  • Kirje
    New approach for recycling spare parts, components and assemblies
    (2020) Mitrofanovs, V.; Boiko, I.; Geriņš, Ē.
    Recycling and disposal are one of the most complicated topics in the lifecycle of a mechanism, especially in case of previous generations of machines that were designed without taking any care of post exploitation period. In the current work, the ‘feasibility points’ of recycling units, methods of recycling as well as pricing formation for recycling materials, reviewed and proposed by several world universities and scientific bureaus and applied by major world brands have been analysed. The general principles that should be rated as a basis when designing and creating new mechanisms, as well as the actions which we consider as a necessary supplement to the existing rules of the lifecycle of assemblies and which should be applied in practice, were introduced by authors in the ‘Management of parts and components for units and assemblies in mechanical engineering industry and its impact on the environment’. It was discovered that even modern assemblies, not to mention previous generations, are being designed without taking into consideration any possibilities of easy recycling the used materials. The number of components of mechanisms, which are being repaired as assemblies, is continuously increasing, while maintainability and repairability of separate parts is decreasing. Taking into account the state of the art in the field, the new approach for promoting the reusing natural resources and decreasing the harmful effects of obsolete components of mechanisms on the environment is proposed. Thus, using the fast-moving parts that in post operational period can be easily detailed by type of a material will ensure more efficient consumption of natural resources. Our research and developments significantly reduce the costs of recycling and these materials become competitive comparing to the new ones. Taking into account the state of the art in the field, the new approach for promoting the reusing natural resources and decreasing the harmful effects of obsolete components of mechanisms on the environment is proposed.
  • Kirje
    Characterization of materials used in the manufacture of ceramic tile with incorporation of ornamental rock waste
    (2020) Luiz, N.F.; Cecchin, D.; Azevedo, A.R.G.; Alexandre, J.; Marvila, M.T.; Silva, F.C.; Paes, A.L.C.; Pinheiro, V.D.; Carmo, D.F.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Hüther, C.M.; Cruz, V.M.F.; Barbari, M.
    The production of ceramic tiles, such as tiles, has a great environmental impact, either in the extraction of natural raw materials or gas emissions in the burning stages. The use of industrial solid waste in ceramic materials can contribute to the reduction of these impacts, according to the characteristics of solid waste and its interaction with ceramic materials in the processing steps. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the materials needed to make a ceramic tile with incorporation of ornamental rock waste (ORW), thus evaluating its main characteristics regarding the feasibility of this incorporation. The physical characterization of the clays used in the production of ceramic artifacts was performed, and for the waste the mineralogical analyzes were performed, through x-ray diffraction (XRD), microstructure analysis from confocal optical microscopy, after sintering the prototypes and chemical analysis by X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Soon after the raw materials went through the step of conformation and preparation of the prismatic specimens by the process of extrusion of the ceramic mass, with an incorporation of the ORW in 0% and 15% of the ceramic mass, for its subsequent The prototypes were sintered at three different temperatures (850 °C, 950 °C and 1,050 °C). The specimens were submitted to technological tests of mechanical resistance, water absorption, firing shrinkage and porosity to evaluate the incorporation viability. The results indicated the presence of quartz particles in all raw materials, and also that the clays of the study region are predominantly kaolinitic. The presence of these materials in the ceramic masses directly influences the micrographs, because they result in the formation of liquid phase, inert particles that can turn the site into a stress concentration point and when incorporated in the ORW the specimens met the technical specifications of the Brazilian standard for application on ceramic tiles. The results found in the technological tests carried out, that the incorporation of 15% of ornamental rock waste in both clays did not affect the tile properties, indicating the feasibility of incorporating this waste in civil construction, minimizing the impacts generated.
  • Kirje
    Physico-mechanical properties of modified antifriction coatings based on babbitt B83
    (2020) Ipatov, A.G.; Spiridonov, A.B.; Shakirov, R.R.; Kostin, A.V.; Shmykov, S.N.; Kukhar, V.S.
    The introduction presents the primary reasons for the decrease in the working efficiency of plain bearing assemblies and suggests key areas for the formation of a stable working capacity of these assemblies. In addition, the introduction discusses preexisting methods for improving the working efficiency of plain bearings. These methods are based on the use of antifriction coatings and have the drawbacks which are considered in the text. The authors proposed a technology for producing an antifriction coating based on a metal composition. This antifriction coating is produces by highspeed laser processing of powder materials. The technology allows to create antifriction coatings, which have significant wear resistance and the effect of self-lubrication while also provide a minimum run-in time of the bearing assembly. The methodology validates the choice of materials for the formation of an antifriction coating. An alloy with significant tribotechnical properties based on babbitt B83 was chosen as the basis (matrix). To improve the bearing capacity of the coating, the babbitt base was transformed with MoS2 molybdenum disulfide. The laser radiation usage in the formation of an antifriction coating based on babbitt B83 synthesizes finely dispersed intermetallide phases and forms a porous coating structure due to incomplete melting of the powder material. Molybdenum disulfide is released mainly through the porous structure, which leads to self-lubrication of the bearing assembly during oil starvation. The results of microstructural and X-ray diffraction analysis are presented to display the structure of the obtained coatings based on antifriction materials. Research value is characterized by the presence of the following intermetallide phases in the structure of the formed coating: Fe2Sn, SnSb, Cu3Sn. The dispersivity of the formed phases is much greater than that of standard babbitt coatings, which is determined by higher crystallization rates under conditions of laser radiation processing. The analysis of diffractograms makes it possible to conclude that the distribution of intermetallide phases along the coating depth is uneven. The underlying layers close to the basis (matrix) are more soft and supple due to the presence of α - solid solution. The surface layers are solid and saturated with the finely crystalline Cu3Sn phase. The research undertaken on formed 853 coating under conditions of dry friction allows to conclude that the antifriction coating can work without supplying lubricant to the bearing assembly.
  • Kirje
    Chemical analyses of lignocellulosic materials residue for cement panels reinforcement
    (2020) Ferraz, P.F.P.; Mendes, R.F.; Ferraz, G.A.S.; Rossi, G.; Conti, L.; Barbari, M.
    The use of lignocellulosic material residue in cement composites is on the rise as sustainable building materials in most developing countries. Besides, this alternative is seen as a good option for new cement panels formulations for indoor applications. Thus, the current paper aims to evaluate de chemical properties of five potential lignocellulosic materials residues to be used for cement panels reinforcement: Eucalyptus, sugarcane bagasse, coconut fibre, coffee rusk, and banana pseudostem. The following physical properties of the lignocellulosic materials were evaluated: lignin, extractives, ash, and holocellulose. To evaluate the similarity of the chemical composition of the lignocellulosic materials, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) was used identified by using Ward’s method of cluster analysis. These compositions were grouped by dendrograms in which the similarity of these data was qualified. It was observed that there were statistical differences among all types of lignocellulosic materials related to the chemical composition. Coconut showed the smallest amount of extractives, and sugar cane the most significant amount. Eucalyptus and coffee husk presented the most similar chemical composition. All of the evaluated materials could be used in fibre cement production for indoor applications.
  • Kirje
    Theoretical study on motion of potato tuber on surface of separator
    (2020) Bulgakov, V.; Nikolaenko, S.; Ruzhylo, Z.; Fedosiy, I.; Nowak, J.; Olt, Jüri; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Technology
    The aim of the study was to determine the optimal design and kinematic parameters of the separator that cleans potatoes from impurities and has a design of the spiral type. The authors have devised a highly efficient design of the spiral type potato heap separator, in which the motion of the potato tubers takes place in the channel formed by two spiral members made in the form of cylindrical spiral springs. In order to substantiate the optimal kinematic and design parameters of the new spiral type potato heap separator, the authors have generated a mathematical model of the motion of a single potato tuber on the cleaning surface formed by two spirals. As a result of solving the obtained analytical expressions, the graphical relations between the parameters of the investigated process of the motion of a single potato tuber body situated between two adjacent spirals have been plotted, which has enabled selecting the optimal design and kinematic parameters of the spiral separator. It has been established in the completed investigation that the angular velocity of rotation of the cleaning rolls has to be within the range of 27 40 rad s -1 in order to ensure the efficient transportation and cleaning of the potato tuber with a diameter of 50 mm that moves on the surface of the spiral with a radius of 75 mm wound from the round bar with a diameter of 15 mm, in case the spirals are mounted with an eccentricity of 10 mm. By analysing the kinematics of motion of the potato tuber on the surface of the spiral type cleaning machine, in case the tuber contacts the spirals at two points, it has been established that the increase of the angular velocity of rotation of the spirals results in the respective growth of the transportation capacity of the cleaning tool, while the separating efficiency at the same time becomes reduced to some extent.
  • Kirje
    Study of transhydrogenase systems features in the mutants of the yeast pachysolen tannophilus for the production of ethanol and xylitol from agricultural wastes
    (2020) Bolotnikova, O.; Bazarnova, J.; Aronova, E.; Bolotnikova, T.
    The key catabolic enzymes of D-xylose, an important structural component of different agricultural wastes, were studied in cells of mutant strains of the xylose-assimilating yeast Pachysolen tannophilus. The evaluation of catalytic activity and cofactor specificity of xylose reductase (ЕС and xylitol dehydrogenase (ЕС confirmed the dependence of intracellular catabolic pathway for D-xy lose on the NAD×H/NADP×H ratio, formed under microaerobic conditions. The study of total activity of some NAD+ /NAP×H-dependent dehydrogenases revealed the metabolic characteristics of the yeast cells, which could ensure selective ethanol or xylitol production. Thus, the efficient involvement of D-xylose into the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway provided not only the high activities of xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase, but also of 1-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (EC and lactate dehydrogenase (ЕС, respectively. The inhibition of activity of these enzymes led to selective production of xylitol from D-xylose. On the base of the experimental results, the principles of metabolic engineering of xylose-assimilating yeasts were formulated. The possibility of bioethanol and xylitol production from different agricultural wastes using xyloseassimilating yeasts are discussed.
  • Kirje
    Sustainability indicators in cooperative management of recyclable materials
    (2020) Aramian, C.B.; Barcelos, F.; Silva, F.C.; Cecchin, D.; Azevedo, A.R.G.; Carmo, D.F.
    Following the promulgation of the National Solid Waste Policy in 2010, legal provisions, government programs and sectoral agreements have been implemented, but without the expected efficiency in relation to recycling. It should be noted that Cooperatives of Recyclable Material Pickers (CRMP) should play a leading role in this regard, but they do not have adequate management to be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable, depending on assistance to maintain the activity. Aiming to elucidate this issue, in this paper was made an institutional diagnosis of the category of waste pickers using the Gramacho region in the city of Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro) as a case study. It was carried out an evaluation of the historical context of the neighbourhood, and it was drawn up a semi-structured questionnaire in 12 of the 18 cooperatives in the region. The data were interpreted through a SWOT matrix and the Venn diagram. A matrix was proposed and elaborated with 15 sustainability indicators specific to the CRMC reality in order to evaluate and monitor the management of cooperatives. After collecting the primary data, it was possible to validate the matrix of indicators with indexes of cultural, economic, political and ecological sustainability of the cooperatives. It was found that the matrix of indicators facilitated the understanding of the data and the comparison between the indicators. This tool can help decision-making, creation of action plans and identification of demands by the cooperative waste pickers themselves, without the presence of an analyst or technician.
  • Kirje
    Development of hemp hurd particleboards from formaldehyde-free resins
    (2020) Alao, P.; Tobias, M.; Kallakas, H.; Poltimäe, T.; Kers, J.; Goljandin, D.
    Low density of hemp hurd (Cannabis Sativa L), better end of life impact, performance comparable to wood chips and low energy requirement for cultivation make it a suitable alternative raw material for particleboards (Pb). However, due to concerns about sustainability and formaldehyde emissions, it is essential to develop the new bio-based resins from renewable resources. In this research, the mechanical and physical properties of Pb produced from hemp hurds (HH) and a variety of resins: Urea-formaldehyde (UF), formaldehyde-free acrylic resin (Acrodur®) and bio-based soy resin (Soyad™) were compared to those of wood particles (WP) bonded with UF. The results indicate that boards from HH are generally lighter than WP with a 5.6% variation between HH+UF and WP+UF. Hemp boards based on soy-resin showed higher tensile performance, with an average of 0.43 MPa compared to the 0.28 MPa and 0.24 MPa of (HH+UF) and (WP+UF) respectively. Nevertheless, thickness swelling (TS) of HH+UF (27%) was the least, while there was no significant difference in the water absorption (WA) compared to HH+Soyad4740, both were still lower than that of WP+UF. The overall outcome shows that bio-based soy resin can be a suitable alternative to UF as a binder in Pb production.
  • Kirje
    Thermal analysis of cement panels with lignocellulosic materials for building
    (2020) Ferraz, P.F.P.; Mendes, R.F.; Ferraz, G.A.S.; Carvalho, V.R.; Avelino, M.R.C.; Narciso, C.R.P.; Eugênio, T.M.C.; Cadavid, V.G.; Bambi, G.
    The use of lignocellulosic material residue in cement composites can be considered as a good option because they allow good thermal behaviour. This paper aimed to compare three kinds of cement panels reinforced with different lignocellulosic materials (Coffee husk, Coconut shell, and Banana pseudostem) based on their thermal properties. To produce each panel, the methodology suggested by Souza (1994) was used. Six replicates of each lignocellulosic panel with dimensions of 7.0×7.5 were evaluated. The thermal analysis was performed in a chamber composed of MDP (medium density particleboard). The chamber contained the heat source (incandescent lamp) connected to a thermostat that maintained the temperature at 48.0 °C. The porosity and thickness of the panels and the thermal behaviour of each sample panel (thermal conductivity, resistivity, resistance, and transmittance) and the difference in temperature of both sides of the panel were evaluated. The temperature difference to stabilization was obtained after a sampling time of 200 minutes, with 1,000 readings of 12 s each. Although all the panels were submitted under the same temperature, the inner and external superficial temperatures of the coffee husk panels reached smaller values. Besides, coconut and banana pseudostem panels presented the best results of thermal transmittance and thermal resistance. Thus, coconut shell panels present the best thermal performance, which means that this panel might be an attractive alternative building material, in terms of heat insulation for indoor applications.
  • Kirje
    Airflow profile study of a compost dairy barn using a low-cost 3D-printed anemometer network
    (2020) Vega, F.A.O.; Rios, A.P.M.; Damasceno, F.A.; Saraz, J.A.O.; Nascimento, J.A.C.
    Mechanical ventilation is commonly used for environmental thermal regulation inside closed-field agricultural production systems. Analyzing the air distribution inside these facilities and the correct operation of the fans can be a challenging. This could be determined using cost prohibitive techniques as particle image velocimetry or deploying large wind sensors networks on-site. To avoid this limitation without a lack of measurement accuracy, this research was focused on developing and test a low-cost anemometer network based in low cost propeller’s anemometers, built using fused 3D-printed and open-hardware platforms. Four propeller anemometers with three to six blades were simulated using the 6-DOF method of ANSYS computer fluid dynamics software. Similar results were obtained for all the simulated models with minor differences. Anemometers were tested in an open circuit wind tunnel before to be evaluated in two open compost dairy barn building using high-volume low-speed and low-volume high-speed fans. Data were analyzed by employing contour maps, descriptive statistics and correlation. The results show that the anemometer network determines the fan’s wind profile for wind speeds over 0.7 m s-1 and it was possible to determine the facilities spots with ventilation problems. The proposed anemometer network and methodology are a good alternative to analyze the operating conditions of the tested agricultural facilities and optimize its performance.
  • Kirje
    Separation of reducing sugars from lignocellulosic hydrolysate: Membrane experiments & system dynamic modelling
    (2020) Weerasuriya Arachchige, A.R.P.P.; Mezule, L.; Juhna, T.
    Separation of fermentable sugars after hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass plays a vital role in second-generation biofuel production. Byproducts and solid fractions generated during pretreatment and hydrolysis can have adverse effects on fermentation efficiency. Previous studies have shown that a maximum of 40% (w/w) of sugar yield can be obtained by sequential UF and NF permeate recovery. This study aimed to introduce a multi-step membrane filtration process to recover fermentable sugars while removing inhibitory bi-products. Fermentable sugar recovery was investigated using a recirculation flow between various stages of separation. The experimental results demonstrated that by introducing NF permeate recirculation to the UF unit a sequential UF/NF system can achieve 60% (w/w%) recovery of reducing sugars. Based on the experimental results, a ‘Simultaneous ultrafiltration and nanofiltration model’ was developed using system dynamics. The model was used to predict the final sugar concentration and sugar yield using sugar permeability in each membrane as the dynamic variability. The model predicts that high sugar permeability (or selective permeability) through the ultrafiltration mostly affects the efficiency of the system, which still is a challenge.
  • Kirje
    Comparison between the thermal properties of cement composites using infrared thermal images
    (2020) Ferraz, P.F.P.; Mendes, R.F.; Ferraz, G.A.S.; Damasceno, F.A.; Silva, I.M.A.; Vaz, L.E.V.S.B.; Mendes, L.M.; Cecchin, D.; Castro, J.O.
    The use of agribusiness residual lignocellulosic fibres can be a good alternative in the development of lignocellulosic composites. The current work aimed to investigate the thermal performance of cement-based composites with lignocellulosic materials: Eucalyptus, sugarcane bagasse, coconut fibre in comparison with commercial gypsum board to be used as internal partitions of the building using infrared thermal images. Three repetitions for each kind of lignocellulosic material were made, and three commercial gypsum boards were used. In the production of the panels, the following parameters were applied: material and cement ratio, 1:2.75; water and cement ratio, 1:2.5; hydration water rate of 0.25; additive, 4% (based on cement mass). The calculations were performed for a nominal panel density of 1,200 kg m- ³. The thermal analysis was performed in a chamber composed of MDP (Medium-Density Particleboard) and with an internal layer of rock wool and the heat source (thermal resistance). For the superficial temperature measurement, a FLIR E75 camera was used to capture the infrared images. When the internal temperature of the chamber stabilized at 50 °C, an infrared thermal image was collected from each side of the composite. Thermal properties were analysed: thermal conductivity, resistivity, resistance, and transmittance. Based on the results, sugar cane cement composites were characterized by higher values of thermal conductivity. Related to thermal resistivity, thermal resistance, and thermal transmittance, only the coconut panel presented similar behaviour to the commercial gypsum board. Thus, cement composite using coconut can be a potential alternative that might solve energy and environmental concerns simultaneously.
  • Kirje
    Comparison of airflow homogeneity in Compost Dairy Barns with different ventilation systems using the CFD model
    (2020) Fagundes, B.; Damasceno, F.A.; Andrade, R.R.; Saraz, J.A.O.; Barbari, M.; Vega, F.A.O.; Nascimento, J.A.C.
    In the pursuit of high milk productivity, producers are using confinement systems in order to improve performance and animal welfare. Among the housing systems, the Compost bedded-pack barns (CBP) stand out. In these barns a bedding area is provided inside, where cows move freely. Generally this area is covered with carbon source material (such as sawdust or fine dry wood shavings) which together with manure, thanks a regular mechanically stirring, ensures the aerobic composting process. The ventilation in these facilities has the function of dehumidifying the air, improving the air quality, drying the bedding, improving the thermal comfort conditions of the confined animals. This work aimed at validating a computational model using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to determine the best homogeneity of airflows generated by different forced ventilation systems used in CBP barns. Two CBP barns were compared with different ventilation systems: high volume low speed (HVLS) and low volume high-speed (LVHS) fans. The results showed that the proposed model was satisfactory to predict the flows generated by both types of fans. It was concluded that the use of HVLS fans produced a more homogeneous airflow when compared to LVHS fans. The use of mechanical ventilation in tropical conditions is necessary for the proper functioning of the system. In this study, the systems used promoted the increase in air speed to levels close to adequate.
  • Kirje
    Lighting and noise levels in compost dairy barns with natural and forced ventilation
    (2020) Andrade, R.R.; Tinôco, I.F.F.; Damasceno, F.A.; Barbari, M.; Valente, D.A.; Vilela, M.O.; Souza, C.F.; Conti, L.; Rossi, G.
    The housing system, called compost barn, is attracting the interest of several farmers. It allows dairy cows to remain in free movement inside a shed without any containment partitions like those used in freestall barns. In Brazil the compost barns with open sides are very common, but recently some closed barns with climatic control systems have been implemented. The objective of this work was to evaluate and compare lighting and noise levels in an open compost barn with natural ventilation and in a closed compost barn with a climate control system. The latter one is based on tunnel ventilation: inlet of air trough evaporative cellulose panels and exit through fans placed on the opposite wall. Through analysis of the collected data it was observed that the sound pressure recorded inside both analysed buildings did not exceed the ranges of noise discomfort recommended for the rearing of animals. However, the sound pressure amplitude inside the barn with climate control system was greater than in the open barn. The light intensity was significantly lower in the closed barn when compared to the open barn (84.96 and 1,413.58 lx, respectively). The artificial lighting system distributed throughout the closed barn was not sufficient to maintain brightness within the recommended range for lactating cows. In addition, it was found that in the closed building with forced ventilation, the highest brightness values are located near the exhaust fans.
  • Kirje
    Utilization of fused deposition method 3D printing for evaluation of discrete element method simulations
    (2020) Hnízdil, P.; Chotěborský, R.; Kuře, J.
    FDM 3D printing is used for designing prototype assessment in engineering production. It is usually used to verify the functionality of kinematics mechanisms. It can also be used for innovation in agricultural production, eg. the development of new mechanisms for agriculture tools. Such a mechanism as well as the entire components is printed using FDM and they are made of plastics. This whole can be experimentally verified in a laboratory trough. The article deals with the verification of the possibilities of using FDM technology for the design of agricultural tools. The material properties, namely stress-strain, of the plastics after printing are entered into the Ansys mechanical library, and the DEM results are also imported into Ansys mechanical. Material properties of plastics for FDM technology such as PLA, PETG show that its mechanical properties limited their using for validation.
  • Kirje
    Design and data comparison of the photovoltaic power plants in the southern and northern hemispheres
    (2020) Daneček, M.; Havrlík, M.; Beránek, V.; Šafránková, J.; Libra, M.; Poulek, V.; Sedláček, J.; Belza, R.
    We have recently developed a unique monitoring system for photovoltaic power plants and have gradually improved it in recent years. The system is installed at about 80 power plants in several European countries and at one power plant in Chile. We collect and evaluate all data in our laboratory. In this paper we describe the unique design of a photovoltaic power plant in the southern hemisphere in Chile with photovoltaic panels installed on tracking stands. We present the evaluated data and we discuss their comparison with photovoltaic power plants installed in Europe. We also discuss different solar conditions of these locations.
  • Kirje
    Towards a business and production engineering concept for individual beer brewing applying digitalization methodologies
    (2020) Schlechter, T.; Froschauer, R.; Bronowicka-Schlechter, A.
    Individualization is a common trend in many fields of production across the industries. Also in the food sector, significant changes can be observed. For many products, individual offerings towards the customer are meanwhile either mandatory or at least help to increase the sales and revenue. Somehow, individual product design and production contradicts scaling effects, which are especially important for food production. On the other hand, as digitalization is implemented in a fairly limited way in the food sector, currently great chances can be observed to build a unique selling proposition and consequently gain market share by implementing appropriate measures to enable a digital food factory. This is where the proposed idea comes into the game. The starting point is the idea to produce individually developed beer and ship it to the individual customer. The beer can be designed on a web page based on typical parameters, like beer type, bitterness, colour, or alcohol concentration. In an expert mode, individual beer creations may be thoughtful, allowing the creation of completely individual recipes (for sure, not guaranteeing the customer a perfect drinking experience). In any way, the data from the web page is directly fed to the brewing equipment in the brewing facility. There, using newly to be developed specialized machines, the individually ordered beer will be produced automatically. In this paper we discuss the individual challenges at each point in the production cycles and propose solutions to those.