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2023, Vol. 21, No. 3

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  • Kirje
    Fixed-time artificial insemination in the bovine ‘Lydia Brava dos Açores’ using frozen semen
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Faria, N.; Pacheco-Lima, J.; Valadão, L.; Moreira da Silva, M.H.; Moreira Silva, F.
    The present study was designed to evaluate the use of estrus synchronization and fixedtime artificial insemination (FTAI) after synchronization of ovulation in the bovine Lidia cattle called ‘Brava dos Açores’. For such purpose, a total of 70 females was submitted to FTAI after a CIDR®-Cosynch synchronization protocol, in which on Day 0, a progesterone-impregnated internal controlled release drug (CIDR®) was inserted intravaginally, and GnRH was administered intramuscularly. After 5 or 7 days, respectively for heifers or cows, PGF2α was administered and the CIDR® removed, being the artificial insemination performed after 60 hours only once using straws containing 50 million mL of spermatozoa per straw. Before starting synchronization, all animals were vaccinated against several diseases, and only females negative for IBR/BVD, Trichomoniasis, Brucellosis, Leucosis and Campylobacteriosis were selected to be used in the experiment. Pregnancy diagnoses were performed, by ultrasonography. During the experiment, females took a routine course, to reduce the stress during the different procedures such as to place and remove the implants and the artificial insemination, because as they are known to be quite nervous, it can seriously impair seriously the results. In general, 64% of the cows became pregnant vs 40% for heifers, which can be considered satisfactory considering the nature of inseminated cattle. It can be, thus, concluded that the animal’s correct management, as well as the use of the presented protocols are fundamental to achieve the success of this technique, so that the use of these protocols and animal’s management when inseminating this type of animals is strongly recommended.
  • Kirje
    Assessment of ‘Complex–co’ preparation efficiency for some cereal crops growth stimulation
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Martirosyan, H.S.; Mikaelyan, A.R.; Asatryan, N.L.; Babayan, B.G.
    The problem of obtaining environmentally friendly products, which are free from unwanted compounds that are harmful for human health like residual nitrates is very actual. The solution to this problem should be started from the initial stage of crop cultivation: seed disinfection. For that goal the new organic origin preparation ‘Complex-Co’ was used. In current paper the effect of a new plant growth stimulation preparation of complex influence ‘ComplexCo’, was studied on cereal crops cultivation. It was produced by the acidic processing of winemaking waste product: the natural cream of tartar. Unlike the high risk classical organic and inorganic fertilizers, ‘Complex-Co’ preparation is based on absolutely vital compounds and can be considered ecologically safe. It contains: amino derivatives of natural tartaric acid (TA), coalmine and micro-nutrient elements, which provide the target properties and improve soil behavior. The effect of ‘Complex-Co’ preparation was studied on three common agricultural crops: barley, emmer and triticale. As a result of the experiments and field-trials it was proved as an effective preparation for root and foliar nutrition of crops. After the usage of the elaborated preparation the significant growth stimulation effect was observed for all the tested cereal crops. Also, the disinfection effect of ‘Complex-Co’ preparation was observed for the seeds of the tested plants. The preparation is being recommended for the further research of its effect on various plants cultivation in farms, greenhouses and orangeries.
  • Kirje
    Changes in gray forest soil organic matter pools under anthropogenic load in agrocenoses
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Pavlichenko, A.; Dmytrenko, O.; Litvinova, O.; Kovalova, S.; Litvinov, D.; Havryliuk, O.
    The relevance of research is determined by a complex of factors that shape the change in the humus system of gray forest soil dynamics (content, total reserves, values variability of labile and stable humus pools, humification processes direction) under the influence of mineral fertilizers and chemical reclamation in the long-term ecotope conditions. The purpose of the research was to assess the impact of systematic anthropogenic loading on changes in soil organic matter pools. Research methods included long-term stationary studies, laboratory determination of organic matter content and humus group composition, and statistical data analysis. It has been proven that liming practically did not contribute to the increase of the total humus content, however, due to the coagulating effect, certain changes in labile and more stable forms of humus substances occurred in its qualitative composition. It has been established that the cultivation of crops сultivation in crop rotation with a purely mineral fertilizer system did not lead to a significant organic matter accumulation in the soil, despite the increase in crop yield levels under appropriate conditions and the accumulation of a larger vegetative mass of root and post-harvest residues entering the soil, but its losses were significantly reduced. The use of organic components (green manure, by-products) in combination with moderate rates of mineral fertilizers on a liming background (humus content 1.63%), provided a clear tendency to expand humus reproduction by 0.16%, compared to the initial level, and by 15% and 12% more than in the version with no fertilizers and just mineral system. Under such a fertilizing system, there is a tendency to increase more stable humic acids. The increase in humification of organic matter was achieved through the application of fertilizers in limed backgrounds. In this case, the humus formation type exhibited characteristics of humate-fulvate, with a value of 0.9, which is characteristic of soils of forest origin in the northern Forest-Steppe region with the presence of soil-forming factors specific to that territory. The article materials are of practical value for agricultural producers in the development of an innovative strategy for preserving the environment safety, and soil fertility under the influence of elements of energy-saving technologies for crops.
  • Kirje
    Problems and prospects of sugar beet cultivation in Kazakhstan
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Khusnitdinova, M.; Abdrakhmanova, A.; Pozharskiy, A.; Kapytina, A.; Kerimbek, N.; Nizamdinova, G.; Taskuzhina, A.; Adilbayeva, K.; Kolchenko, M.; Gritsenko, D.
    Purpose - to ensure the food security of Kazakhstan, domestic sugar industry should aim at a significant reduction in import dependence and transition to self-sufficiency. The share of domestic sugar from sugar beet in Kazakhstan is 7%. Design/methodology/approach - review indicating the main problems in the sugar beet production in Kazakhstan for the purpose of reimagining the domestic sugar beet industry to reduce dependence on sugar import. We analyzed the dynamics of sugar beet cultivation in Kazakhstan over the past 20 years and detected a sharp reduction in the sugar beet production. Findings - we have identified 10 problems in sugar beet production in Kazakhstan and determined the necessary targeted solutions. We consider the main direction to be the development of scientific methodology for sugar beet production (breeding of new highly productive disease-resistant cultivars, improvement of sugar beet protection system, efficient crop rotation). The most notable problems included in this paper are small-scale marketability of sugar beet farms, infectious diseases of sugar beet, water supply shortages, use of outdated agricultural technologies, high cost of imported sugar beet seeds. Originality/value - The present paper includes a full analysis of current problems in sugar beet production in Kazakhstan.
  • Kirje
    The laboratory estimation of essential oils as biological methods against black cherry aphids M. cerasi
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Eisa, M.A.S.; Matsera, O.; Cagáň, Ľ.
    Plants' essential oils play a considerable role in the plant integrated protection systems against harmful insects. Therefore the aim of our study was to find the potential repellency and toxicity effects of essential oils (EOs) from Allium sativum L., Ocimum basilicum L., Lavandula angustifolia Mill, Eucalyptus globulus, Labill and Curcuma longa L., and two chemical substances DEET (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) and 2-Undecanone on the black cherry aphids Myzus cerasi. Repellent peculiarities were evaluated at five different concentrations: 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, 1.2% and 1.5%, with 4 replications at the interim of 15 and 30 minutes for an olfactometer test and mortality was evaluated after 2, 6 and 24 hours for insecticidal activity test. The repellent index was most influenced by the concentration of essential oil; the percentage of influence was 64%. At the same time, the highest repellency index 95% was achieved at a concentration of 1.5% when using essential oils of A. sativum and E. globulus, as well as when using 2-Undecanone within 30 minutes of waiting. A contact toxicity (mortality) test in Petri dishes showed efficacy for all tested oils and chemicals after a 6-hour treatment period. The lowest concentration that ensured 100% insect mortality was 0.9% when using E. globulus essential oil. The lowest lethal concentration (LC50) value of 0.00240 mL/10 mL was obtained with O. basilicum oil and the lowest LC98 value of 0.28209 mL/10 mL was obtained with E. globulus oil after a 6-hour treatment period.
  • Kirje
    Study of the carbonization process for the plant waste utilisation
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Zhylina, M.; Irtiseva, K.; Ozolins, J.
    In agriculture and the food industry, large amounts of vegetable waste are generated annually: straw, corn waste, nut shells, fruit kernels, etc. The problem of their disposal is extremely acute, and regularly people use the simplest methods that do not require further processing of this type of waste. An efficient way of recycling is to make sorbents out of it. In modern conditions of deficit and rising commodity prices, the search for new, cheapest methods is becoming more and more urgent. The origin of vegetable waste is an excellent annual renewable raw material base. Walnut shells and corn cobs were used as raw material samples for the production of sorbents. The carbonization was carried out at temperatures of 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 °C. Researched properties of raw materials: moisture, ash content and yield of volatile components. The dependency of the sorbent yield on the final temperature was determined, the ash content and the sorption activity by iodine were determined. Based on the results of the study, the high quality of the sorbent obtained was noted. In this way, the use of plant waste as raw material for the production of sorbents allows not only to solve the problem of waste recycling, but also to obtain a high-quality product and reduce its cost.
  • Kirje
    Determination of tomato quality with hyperspectral imaging
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Alsiņa, I.; Dūma, M.; Dubova, L.; Alksnis, R.; Dučkena, L.; Erdberga, I.; Harbovska, T.; Avotiņš, A.
    Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are a widely used vegetable in the human diet throughout the year, both fresh and in various processed products. Tomatoes contain compounds important to human health and are an important source of vitamins, antioxidants, and mineral elements. Performing biochemical analyses is an expensive, environmentally unfriendly and time-consuming process; therefore, a way to determine the biochemical composition of tomatoes using non-destructive methods is being sought. The study includes 45 varieties of tomatoes with different colors - red, pink, orange, brown, yellow, and bicolor tomato fruits. The content of dry matter, soluble dry matter, titratable acidity, lycopene, β-carotene, total phenol, and flavonoids was determined by standard biochemical procedure. Reflectance spectrums of tomato fruits were obtained with Remote Sensing Portable Spectroradiometer RS-3500 (Ltd. Spectral Evolution, Haverhill, MA, USA) at the wavelength 350–2,500 nm with a 1 nm interval. In order to determine the content of various biochemical parameters in tomatoes, the vegetation indices found in the literature were used, and new ones were developed. The research demonstrated that the developed vegetative indices allow to detect lycopene and β-carotene content non-destructively. For the determination of the dry matter, soluble solids and phenolic content, indices designed for detecting water content can be used, but their correlation coefficients with chemical methods are moderately high - 0.65, 0.56 and 0.57, respectively. It was found that the best correlation between biochemically detected parameters and vegetation indices is for lycopene > β-carotene > dry matter> total phenols = titratable acidity ≥ soluble solids > taste index > flavonoids.
  • Kirje
    Bioenergy transition as a strategic mechanism to diversify energy sources in rural areas in Colombia
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Villegas, S.; Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Luna-del Risco, M.; Arroyave, C.; Arrieta, C.; Arredondo, C.
    The growth in population has resulted in an increase in the consumption of goods and services, which has led to a surge in waste generation and the use of fossil fuels. To mitigate the envi-ronmental issues associated with improper waste management and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, residual organic matter can be used to produce bioenergy in the form of biogas and biomethane through anaerobic digestion (AD). These biofuels can act as substitutes for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas (NG) and can be utilized for power and heat generation. In Colombia, the current production of biogas is 4 MW, and the government aims to increase its utilization by promoting the inclusion of biogas and biomethane in the energy matrix through a supportive regulatory framework. Studies suggest that the theoretical energy potential of livestock waste in Colombia is estimated to be 2,673 MW, but the current technological conditions allow for the utilization of only 198 MW, with the pork sector contributing 34%. This study examines the legal context and the present state of biogas in the Colombian energy matrix, while exploring the potential of the Colombian pig farming sector for biogas production. The social, economic, and environmental barriers and opportunities faced by this sector in becoming an energy producer during the transition period are also identified. The findings suggest that biogas presents a sustainable energy solution for rural areas of Colombia where pig farming is a prominent economic activity. Biogas can replace traditional fuels like LPG and firewood for cooking purposes or serve as a complementary source for electricity and thermal energy production in non-interconnected zones. This could mitigate environmental issues and reduce the prevalence of respiratory diseases associated with the use of firewood.
  • Kirje
    Effect of quality properties of added gluten on the texture and sensory properties of rye and buckwheat breads
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Traksmaa, Anna; Kaleda, Aleksei; Nurme, Britta; Laos, Katrin
    Bread producers use vital wheat gluten to enhance the quality of their products. However, commercial isolated glutens could have different properties and therefore influence the properties of the final products. As studies on the quality properties of glutens and their effect on the final baking products are limited, the aim of this study was to characterize commercial isolated glutens and the effect of their addition on the textural and sensory properties of rye and buckwheat breads. Three glutens were tested for water binding capacity (WBC), gluten index (GI), protein sedimentation, and resistance using modified methods. Afterwards, three different bread recipes were developed and commercial glutens were tested in each model bread. The commercial glutens had different physicochemical and viscoelastic properties, which were below the typical values of native glutens (GI was 36‒46%, extensibility- 48‒78 mm). Breads also had different sensorial and textural properties, which diverged more during storage. The sour taste intensity and springiness of the rye bread increased, while its moistness, adhesiveness, and typical odour intensity decreased. Fresh and staled rye toast breads were softer and more porous. The buckwheat bread was the most stable, though it was drier and springier after storage. The effect of gluten was specific to the bread recipe and was uncorrelated with the gluten quality properties individually. However, gluten with the intermediate values of WBC, sedimentation, and extensibility, also resulted in breads with intermediate sensory properties. Thus, it is possible to enhance specific properties of bread using commercial glutens with different quality attributes.
  • Kirje
    IoT and measurement of fermentation process of rice wine
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Vošahlík, J.
    The article deals with the fermentation process of rice wine and obtaining data during fermentation with the help of IoT, developed and implemented stirrer. Stirrer was printed by 3D printer. The process of converting D-glucose into ethanol together with the oxidation of reduced coenzymes is called fermentation. Ethanol fermentation takes place anaerobically, i.e., without access to air with the help of yeast. The fermentation process is gradually being improved with the help of acquired sensor data and the gradual possibility of automation. The main objective of this paper is to develop an experimental environment for measuring rice wine fermentation processes with the help of IoT. During the fermentation of rice wine, there are measurable attributes that can be measured with the help of sensors. These attributes affecting the final product quality, positively but also negatively (pH, temperature, humidity, etc.). It is therefore necessary to select a given sensor that can monitor the attributes and then devices that can then manage and evaluate it. the correct selection and use of sensors and computing equipment, the acquisition and processing of data and the application of the resulting values to fermentation procedures, the resulting product quality increases.
  • Kirje
    Efficiency of technology elements for growing winter wheat on typical chernozem
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Litvinova, O.; Dehodiuk, S.; Litvinov, D.; Havryliuk, O.; Kyrychenko, A.; Borys, N.; Dmytrenko, O.
    The use of traditional tillage technologies in short-rotational crop rotations increases the cost of agricultural production and has a negative impact on the environment. The research was aimed at establishing and improving the ways winter wheat yield increase in short-rotational crop rotations depending on the efficiency of the main tillage system and fertilizing on typical chernozems s in conditions of unstable moisture in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted at the Department of Agrochemistry National Scientific Centre Institute of Agriculture of National Academy of Agricultural Scienses at the Panfil Research Station of the National Scientific Center Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in a stationary technological experiment, on typical low-humus chernozem in 2 short rotation crop rotations with the following crops rotation: crop rotation 1 - winter rape (Brassica napus L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L), grain maize (Zea mays), spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L); crop rotation 2 - soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L), sunflower (Helianthus annuus), spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L). The article presents the results of research in two short-rotation crop rotations with the placement of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) after winter rape (Brassica napus L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) against the background of two tillage systems: ploughing (25–27 cm) and no-till (direct sowing). The impact of different methods of soil cultivation and fertilizing systems on the humus content and nutrient regime of typical chernozems in the agrocenosis of winter wheat was determined. It was established that in winter wheat, placed after winter rapeseed and soybeans, there is a tendency to increase the humus content under zero tillage up to 15% relative to the control (without fertilizers) and from 5–14% relative to moldboard tillage (25–27 cm ploughing). The most effective in nutrient accumulation was fertilizing system N(90)P2О5(90)K2О(90) applied after rape and after soybean. Respectively, the content of mobile phosphorus compounds increased by 10–18% and potassium by 1.3–2.0 times compared to the control (without fertilizers) with the advantage of no-tillcultivation technology. The given comparative assessment of the yield formation of winter wheat when growing it after different pre-crops showed that the average yield of winter wheat grain in both cultivations on the control option for the soybean pre-crop was 3.55 t ha-1 and 4.00 t ha-1 for rape. The highest increases in grain yield on average over the years of research were provided by the fertilizing system of 50–54% (N(90)P2О5(90)K2О(90)) for growing winter wheat after soybeans and 39–47% (N(90)P2О5(90) K2О(90)) on the winter rape pre-crop with the advantage of moldboard tillage (ploughing) in crop cultivation technologies. The fertilizing system with the introduction of N(16)P2О(16)K2О(16) has the prospect of spreading because, in terms of the formation of typical indicators of chernozem fertility and the yield of winter wheat grain, it approaches technologies with the introduction of N(120)P2О5(90–60)K2О(100–90) with significant cost savings for mineral fertilizers.
  • Kirje
    Spatial disparity and environmental issues of organic agriculture
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Ušča, M.; Ieviņa, L.; Lakovskis, P.
    Food systems are major drivers of such global environmental problems as a decrease in biodiversity, degradation and fragmentation of habitats, use of fertilizers and pesticides, and water pollution. To deal with the environmental issues caused by agriculture at the European level, agri-environmental measures, including organic agriculture, through Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) are introduced to alleviate the detrimental impacts of agriculture. As it is still not clear whether agri-environmental measures, including organic agriculture, contribute unambiguously to the goals set by the CAP and the impact of organic agriculture on water quality is of high uncertainty, this study aims to analyse the spatial disparity of organic land and its impact on the environment by probing into the connection between the location of organic lands and water quality. The paper is based on a study of spatial analyses of organically managed land, its structure, and its relation to water bodies with a significant load of dispersed pollution from agriculture as well as the statistical analysis of the relationship between organic agriculture and water quality. The research was carried out in Latvia and done on a national level. This paper highlights the necessity for a more goal-oriented approach to the implementation of specific CAP measures as well as gives a deeper understanding of a specific CAP measure - organic agriculture. The statistical analysis of the data confirms that the management of arable land with organic farming methods has the potential to contribute to improving and preserving surface water quality.
  • Kirje
    Life cycle assessment of fish feed for oil alternatives - environmental impact of microalgae, rapeseed and fish oil
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Zlaugotne, B.; Diaz Sanchez, F.; Pubule, J.; Blumberga, D.
    Fish is an inexpensive source of high-quality protein as well as valuable micronutrients. Increasing the volume of fish and producing more fish feed is necessary to ensure the necessary consumption. One of the main components of fish feed is oil, the most crucial lipid source in fish feed. Fish oil is easily digestible and contains essential fatty acids, but replacing fish oil with alternative oil might make the fish feed more sustainable. Vegetable oils can replace fish oil due to reduced costs due to continued growth in production volumes, high availability and better economic value. Soy, linseed, rapeseed, sunflower, palm and olive oils are often used in fish feed. Also, microalgae oil is rich in essential fatty acids and a long-lasting alternative to fish oil. Important is not only the environmental impact of oil alternatives but also how these alternatives maintain or even improve the overall composition and quality of fish feed and products. An LCA assessment was performed to determine the environmental impact of microalgae, rapeseed oil, and fish oil. Where LCA system boundaries are “cradle to gate” and a functional unit of 1 kg of oil. LCA inventory is data from a literature review and SimaPro Ecoinvent database. The results obtained from LCA are based on PEFCR impact assessment categories. The LCA results show that the single score value for microalgae oil is 1.00E+00 mPt, for rapeseed oil 3.55E-01 mPt and fish oil 1.61E-01 mPt. It should be noted that the comparison presented reflects a generic comparison of alternatives, as the input data is derived from the literature analysis and the Ecoinvent v3.8 database.
  • Kirje
    Energetic analysis in compost dairy barn: a case study in southeastern Brazil
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Cruz, E.F.L.; Hernández, R.O.; Damasceno, F.A.; Tinôco, I.F.F.; Andrade, R.R.; do Nascimento, J.A.C.; Rossi, G.; Becciolini, V.; Barbari, M.
    Energy efficiency aims to optimize the energy consumption of the processes, activities, and machinery of the farm, ensuring the comfort, handling, and safety of the animals. The purpose of the study was to identify the energy consumption demanded by the activities performed at the Compost Dairy Barn facility, located in Itaguara, Minas Gerais, Brazil and to propose energysaving alternatives, applying the Energy Audit Methodology described by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE in Spanish) from Spain. The energy assessment at the facility allowed us to recognize unnecessary energy expenses in machinery uses, variations in milk production in relation to environmental conditions, waste disposal, and to propose improvement alternatives to reduce energy consumption expenses. Waste production data of 1577.7 kg per year was obtained, which corresponds to the bedding and feeding areas, and 175 kg of waste for the feeding area. Data on the temperature and humidity of the bedding area were collected to determine which of the five months of research is the most demanding in terms of energy. To maintain the animal’s welfare, tracing the times of substantial use of machinery (e.g., fans, tractors) at the facility and calculating Equivalent Temperature Index (ETI) was necessary. The highest percentage consumption of energy was represented by tractors in bedding maintenance and supply, by around 95.03%. The energy analysis of the farm showed a reduction in energy consumption of 45.03%, compared to the initial consumption percentages of the overall livestock activity.
  • Kirje
    Analysis of scrapie resistance and productivity of Latvian dark head breed old type sheep compliant to the conservation program of the genetic resources
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Bārzdiņa, D.; Kairiša, D.
    Since 2002, the European Union has implemented a disease surveillance programme for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) in small ruminants, which can cause very high economic losses to sheep farmers worldwide. In order to detect susceptibility to this fatal sheep disease, surveillance of this disease has been carried out in Europe for several years. Such a programme was introduced in Latvia in 2004 when the country joined the European Union, so Latvia has been monitoring this potential disease for several years. As this fatal disease has not been detected in Latvia, only a few studies have been conducted on scrapie genotypes in the Latvian Dark Head sheep breed and their effect on sheep productivity traits. The aim of the study was to analyse the productivity of the first lambs of Latvian Dark Head sheep in relation to the scrapie genotype. According to the data analysis, a total of 1531 or 97.7% of the ewes with R1, R2 and R3 scrapie genotypes can be used for future sheep breeding. The average age of all ewes included in the Programme was 5 years and the average fertility was 1.8 lambs. Later in the work, 1,335 Latvian Dark Head ewes with 100% bloodiness were analysed and the average fertility of ewes in the R1 and R3 scrapie genotype groups was 1.6 lambs and 1.7 lambs for ewes in the R2 risk group. In the last 10 years, the implementation of the conservation programme of the old type Latvian Dark Head sheep breed has been successful.
  • Kirje
    Isolation and study of a bioactive extract enriched with anthocyanin from red grape pomace (Cabernet Sauvignon)
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Shakiryanova, Z.; Khegay, R.; Gayibov, U.; Saparbekova, A.; Konarbayeva, Z.; Latif, A.; Smirnova, O.
    Grape pomace is a natural product rich in dietary fibers, polyphenols and anthocyanidins. By their chemical composition, secondary products from grape processing are valuable raw materials for obtaining a variety of new products. Recently, in food biotechnology, fermented and unfermented grape pomace have undergone a deeper study of the role of additives in dry powders or extracts. The quality and biological value of natural food products are determined by their chemical composition and a whole complex of integral organoleptic properties that depend on this composition. Natural anthocyanin dyes not only give color to vegetable raw materials, but also have a well-known physiological activity, in particular, coloring and antioxidant. Purified natural dyes have recently been increasingly used to improve the consumer properties of food products, in biologically active additives, in pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. At the same time, the composition of anthocyanins, even for the same variety of plant raw materials, is complex and variable; it depends on climatic conditions, on the maturity of berries, root crops, and the quality of agricultural work. Anthocyanins easily undergo a number of transformations depending on the conditions of extraction and analysis. The originality and novelty of the isolation and production of biologically active extracts with antiradical properties from by-products of local wineries in ecologically safe areas of southern Kazakhstan lies in the fact that natural environmental conditions: high temperatures and low humidity which contribute to the formation of biologically active substances with increased concentrations. Current research was aimed at the deep study of extracts from grape pomace rich - anthocyanins. Red grape pomaces of Vitis vinifera L. Cabernet Sauvignon were extracted using a solvent-based (SE) method with concentrations of 70% v/v and solid/liquid ratios of 1:10, followed by incubation at three different temperatures of 30 °C, 40 °C, and 50 °C for 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, and 4 h. All solvent extracts showed higher amounts of anthocyanin pigments. The maximum yield was obtained by using the optimal time of extraction (2 h at 50 °C), with the highest total anthocyanin recovery obtained by means of 70% ethanol. The anti-radical and toxic effects of the obtained extract (anthocyanin) were studied.
  • Kirje
    Using multi-frequency electrical conductivity measurement to determine the selective salinity in a two-component salt solution
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Horváth, J.; Kátai, L.; Czinkota, I.; Szabó, I.
    Digital technologies can help farmers produce safe, sustainable, high-quality food while contributing to the fight against effects of abiotic and edaphic factors. Due to digitalization, a paradigm shift occurred in agriculture, which boosted sensor technology's rapid development, especially soil sensors. Using sensors and the digital knowledge of soil properties, farmers can better understand the needs of the fields and cultivated plants on a micro-scale, thereby saving resources and putting less strain on our environment. The relative salinity of our soils is an important aspect because of the impact on production costs and yield. The future of site-specific crop production is moving towards a sensor-based on-the-go measurement approach because obtaining important soil characteristics quickly and cheaply is still one of the biggest challenges in precision agriculture today. Measuring soil electrical conductivity (EC) could offer an opportunity to overcome these limitations if the different salt components of soil could be separated by analytical methods. In our study, we present a calibration model based on conductometry with which the selective potassium and calcium content can be determined in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Solutions containing K+ and Ca2+ cations in the concentration determined in the experimental model were mixed and measured by changing the frequency of the measuring current. In this study, measurements proved that a mathematical relationship can be used to describe the relationship between the composition and concentration of the two-component solution, the measurement frequency and the conductivity. The potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) content of the solution can be separated from each other, and a regression calibration curve can be recorded, from which the proportion of potassium and calcium in the given solution can be determined as a function.
  • Kirje
    The impact of training on safety performance in agriculture: A scoping review
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Vaher, Ragne; Merisalu, Eda; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Forestry and Engineering. Chair of Biosystems Engineering
    The aim of the study was to analyse the effectiveness of occupational health and safety (OHS) training methods on safety behaviour of farmers and agricultural workers based on literature results. The scoping review intends to find out the main gaps in teaching methodology influencing safety performance of employers and employees in agriculture. A systematic search of literature with help of predefined search strings (agriculture, education, effectiveness, farmer, farm worker, intervention, safety, training) in two literature databases (Scopus, EBSCO) was carried out. It was analysed, how effectively different training methods improved safety awareness and performance of farmers, students and employees. The strength of the evidence on training’s effectiveness was assessed for existence of control or comparison group, pre- and post-testing, follow-up testing, statistical significance testing, clear methodology description and thorough study overview were presented. In the primary literature research, 276 articles were identified. A total of 224 articles were left after the exclusion of redundant publications. After the abstracts’ screening 52 publications met the eligibility criteria. After the full text screening by two independent researchers additionally 33 studies were excluded, and in total 19 studies entered into the data charting process. The articles were assessed as medium (n = 8) and high (n = 8) in terms of strength of evidence. According to the review results, the training methods used in the agricultural sector have shown as effective due to the safety awareness and risk behavior among the trainees improved, but new OHS knowledge after training need to be engaged and regularly updated.
  • Kirje
    Accuracy of waste stockpile volume calculations based on UAV Photogrammetry
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Künnapuu, Rauno; Kokamägi, Kaupo; Liba, Natalja; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering. Chair of Forest and Land Management and Forest Industry
    In environmental supervision, it is necessary to measure waste piles volume to determine whether the activities of the waste manager comply with the established requirements. The aim of this research is to determine whether the model, formed from images collected with low-priced unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) - not with Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK GNSS) capability - is sufficiently accurate to carry out waste-related surveying. Data collection took place in spring 2021 at the Aardlapalu transhipment station in Tartu County. The objects of the research were an unscreened composting pile and a covered composting pile. In the fieldwork, terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric flight were carried out. The reference value was the volume of the model formed from the data of laser scan. The volumes of all models formed by the photogrammetric method were within the permissible difference of 10% provided by law. The most accurate results were obtained from the covered composting pile with an overlap of 70% × 70% and 21 ground control points (GCPs). Using these parameters, the absolute error of the model was 1.48 m³ and the relative error was 0.65%. The most inaccurate results were obtained from the unscreened composting pile with an overlap of 80% × 80% and 21 GCP-s. The research confirmed the hypothesis that sufficient accuracy to calculate waste piles volumes can also be achieved by using a cheaper UAV and camera and with software not specially designed for photogrammetry, design, and drawing.
  • Kirje
    Sustainable power generation expansion with RES and energy storage
    (Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Karapidakis, E.; Kikaki, A.; Mozakis, J.
    Several island power systems have a tremendous protentional for RES use. Nevertheless, present infrastructures and system operations emerge with limitations, preventing the technology from further exploitation. Specifically, this paper presents and analyzes a representative interconnected island power system operation and highlights the benefits and challenges of embedding an ultra-high share of RES. This level of power and energy penetration could be technically feasible, taking into account interconnections and electricity storage systems, which could provide under specific implementation strategies advantages in stability, reliability, and energy adequacy.