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Kirje Impacts of nitrogen fertilization and planting date on the physiology and yield of purple sweet potato at the extreme Northern edge of cultivation(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2019) Zekker, Ivar; Kännaste, Astrid; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Kask, Kaia; Meinson, Pille; Nassar, Helina; Mäeorg, Erkki; Runno-Paurson, Eve; Niinemets, ÜloGlobal warming causes plant stress and reduces crop productivity. Cultivation of the warmer region crop sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) in Northern regions can be an opportunity to benefit from climate warming, but there is little information of how growing season length interacts with agricultural practices such as nitrogen (N) fertilization. We studied the photosynthetic characteristics, biomass accumulation, carbon (C) and N contents of plant organs of the cultivar ´Purple Bud´ in relation to the planting date (the 2nd of May, 10th of May, 20th of May, 30th of May and 10th of June) and N fertilization (kg ha-1; N0, N50, N100 and N150). Nitrogen content of leaves (NL) and tubers (NT) increased with N application dose and was moderately affected by planting time. Despite the fertilization-dependent increase of leaf N content, photosynthesis rate (A) was unaffected or somewhat reduced by N fertilization. This reflected reductions in stomatal conductance (gs) and ratio of intercellular CO2 to ambient CO2 (Ci/Ca), suggesting that enhanced N availability and concomitant increase in whole plant area resulted in reduced plant water availability. The highest tuber C/N ratio, tuber biomass and dry matter content of roots were found in N0 and N50 plants from the longest growing period. Our results collectively demonstrate that the growth and productivity of sweet potato is strongly dependent on the length of the growing season, and can be further constrained by utilization efficiency of N. We conclude that future research should focus on optimum sweet potato cultivation technologies at Northern latitudes.Kirje Azoxystrobin hides the respiratory failure of low dose sulfoxaflor in bumble bees : raw data(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Jürison, Margret; Pent, Kaarel; Raimets, Risto; Naudi, Sigmar; Mänd, Marika; Karise, ReetThe raw data is associated with the paper "Azoxystrobin hides the respiratory failure of low dose sulfoxaflor in bumble bees". raw_data_individual_mortality.xlsx: This file contains the data from all dose-response tests presented in the paper, with each row representing a single individual bumble bee. raw_data_respiratory_measurements.xlsx: This file contains the CO2 level measurements (in µmol/mol) recorded in the study. Each column corresponds to a single bumble bee, and each sheet represents a different treatment group.Kirje Primary Dataset on Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals in Tanzania(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Magesa, Bahati Ally; Geetha, Mohan; Melts, Indrek; Matsuda, Hirotaka; Pu, Jian; Fukushi, KensukeDataset Description. This dataset was the primary input for the publication: Magesa, B.A., Mohan, G., Melts, I., Matsuda, H., Pu, J., Fukushi, K. (2023) Interactions between Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals in Tanzania, East Africa. Sustainability, 15(6), 4911. The primary dataset, provided in SPSS format (.sav), is structured into cases and variables. Cases correspond to individual survey respondents, while variables represent the responses to survey questions. The data were collected from March to April 2022 across selected villages in Mwanga and Same Districts, Tanzania, East Africa. This comprehensive dataset was combined from different sources: • 200 household surveys; • 36 key informant interviews (KII); • 4 focus group discussions (FGD) The dataset includes detailed demographic information, agricultural practices, climate change adaptation strategies, and their impact on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on indicators related to poverty reduction and food security. Quantitative analyses using network theory were conducted to explore the interactions between adaptation strategies and SDGs.Kirje Lake Peipsi fishery data 1986 and 1990-2007 (test trawling samples)(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Kangur, Andu; Kangur, Peeter; Kangur, KülliFor Lake Peipsi, experimental trawling has been conducted since 1986. Test trawling was conducted in the Estonian side of Lake Peipsi s.s. in autumn 1986 and from 1990 to 2007 using the bottom trawl (height 2 m, width 12 m, knot-to-knot mesh size at the cod-end 10 to 12 mm). The trawl was towed by a ship for 15-30 min per haul at speed of 5.5–6.2 km h–1. Test trawling was carried out monthly at noon from August until November in the pelagic zone of the Estonian side of Lake Peipsi s.s. On each sampling occasion, several hauls were made at multiple locations of the lake. All fish were identified, and their standard lengt (SL) was measured to the nearest mm. Moreover, the catches per unit effort (CPUE, individual per trawl-hour and kg per trawl-hour) of trawl samples taken in autumn were calculated for the main fish species (i.e., lake (dwarf) smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), vendace (Coregonus albula), Peipsi whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraenoides), Northern pike (Esox lucius), roach (Rutilus rutilus), common bleak (Alburnus alburnus), common bream (Abramis brama), burbot (Lota lota), Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis), pike-perch (Sander lucioperca), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and total catch.Kirje Macrophyte data of Lake Peipsi(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Mäemets, Helle; Palmik-Das, KadiMacrophyte data of Lake Peipsi has been collected from ten different stations (locations with coordinates in the dataset) starting from 2005, during the Estonian National Monitoring of Environment. Species composition and abundances were registered on the transects starting from upper boundary of the temporarily flooded zone to the deepest growth zone. The width of the transect was ca 20 meters on the shore and near the water´s edge and ca 10 m in deeper water. The abundance was estimated on a 1-5-point scale: 1 - single plant or few plants; 2 - scattered plants or some small stands; 3 - numerous, frequent in the observation area; 4 - dominant or codominant; 5 - mass occurrence, absolute dominant (Mäemets et al., 2010). Taxon ID originates from the database: (according Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering, D., 2015; 2022). For some taxa with more eastern distribution ID was lacking in this database.Kirje Supplementary materials to the article "Medicinal Plants in Semi-Natural Grasslands: Impact of Management"(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Heinsoo, KatrinThe supplementary material contains (S1) species accumulation curves of different habitats based on species lists originating from and the Estonian Environmental Board database. Lists of Estonian MP species (S2) by each scenario are based on the following literature sources: Estonian Agency of Medicine. Ravimina Määratletud Raviomadustega Ainete ja Taimede Nimekiri; 2020 (access 25.11.2020) (scenario 1); Tammeorg, J.; Kook, O.; Vilbaste, G. Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed, 5th ed.; Valgus: Tallinn, Estonia, 1984 (scenario 2) and Raal, A. Maailma Ravimtaimede Entsüklopeedia; Estonian Encyclopaedia Publishers: Tallinn, Estonia, 2010; ISBN 978-9985-70-313-7 (scenario 3).Kirje Bumble bee foraged pollen analyses in spring time in Southern Estonia shows abundant food sources: dataset(Eesti Maaülikool, 2021) Bontšutšnaja, Anna; Karise, Reet; Mänd, Marika; Smagghe, GuyThe database contains the results of DNA metabarcoding (sequences, relative importances) and microscopy pollen count data.Kirje List of medicinal plant species in the semi-natural Miscanthus sinensis grasslands in Nagano and Yamanashi Prefectures, Japan(EMU DSpace, 2021) Melts, Indrek; Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism. Estonian University of Life SciencesThe dataset collected from the typical and the most representative type of semi-natural grasslands in Satoyama landscape in Honshu island, Japan. Twelve grasslands were located on the Kaida Plateau between 1000–1300 m a.s.l. in Nagano Prefecture (approximate geographical coordinate of the study area: 35.931555N, 137.604300E) and six grasslands were located on the north-eastern foot of Mt. Fuji between 1000–1300 m a.s.l. in Yamanashi Prefecture (approximate geographical coordinate of the study area: 35.431819N, 138.812522E). The study sites included local semi-natural Miscanthus sinensis grasslands with different land management types: three sites in Nagano and an one site in Yamanashi managed by mowing (M), three sites in Nagano and in Yamanashi managed by burning (B), three sites in Nagano managed by combination of burning&mowing (B&M) and three sites in Nagano and two sites in Yamanashi were abandoned (A). The fieldworks conducted on June-July and September-October in 2017. Three plots per line transect and three line transects (about 30 m long) per study site were selected according to elevation in slope of site: bottom, central and upper. Botanical inventory included the list of all plant species per 1 m2 plots (nine plots per site). In the dataset the number one marks the occurrence of medicinal plant species by different management types in studied regions. Taxonomy and distribution follow: World Flora Online. Assessed 11 June 2020. The list of medicinal plants in Japan was combined from different literature sources: 1) Wiart, C. (2012). Medicinal Plants of China, Korea, and Japan. Bioresources for Tomorrow’s Drugs and Cosmetics. 1st Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press.; 2) Quattrocchi, U. (2012). CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants. Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. 1st Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press.; School of Pharmacy/Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University. Database of herbal plants. Assessed 17 Oct 2020; The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. List of herbal plant species. Assessed 17 Oct 2020.Kirje Combined acute ozone and water stress alters the quantitative relationships between O₃ uptake, photosynthetic characteristics and volatile emissions in Brassica nigra(EMU DSpace, 2021) Kask, Kaia; Kaurilind, Eve; Talts, Eero; Kännaste, Astrid; Niinemets, Ülo; Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology. Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Estonian University of Life SciencesOzone and water stress effects on Brassica nigra volatile organic compounds emission (VOC) and photosynthetic characteristics. VOCs were collected on adsorbent cartridges and analyzed with GC-MS. Ozone exposures were 250 ppb O₃ for well-watered and 550 ppb O₃ for well-watered and water-stressed B. nigra plants.Kirje Species lists of 14 Estonian coastal meadow sites with different management history(EMU DSpace, 2015) Kose, Marika; Kaljund, Karin; Kattai, KailiThe data were collected during July-August 2015 in locations with coordinates in dataset. The sites have unique names and their management has been evaluated as permanently managed, restored before 2005 and restored after 2005. Their condition is estimated on expert level as good or poor, regarding vegetation composition and height. The data were collected from 20 plots of the size 0,5 x 0,5 m. In the dataset the number marks in how many plots out of 20 the species occurred in the specific site.Kirje Seasonal data on phytoplankton, zooplankton and zooplankton feeding from Lake Peipsi (Estonia)(EMU DSpace, 2019) Agasild, Helen; Panksep, Kristel; Tõnno, Ilmar; Blank, Kätlin; Kõiv, Toomas; Freiberg, René; Laugaste, Reet; Jones, Roger I.; Nõges, Peeter; Nõges, TiinaAbstract of the article : The coexistence of potentially toxic bloom-forming cyanobacteria (CY) and generally smaller-sized grazer communities has raised the question of zooplankton (ZP) ability to control harmful cyanobacterial blooms and highlighted the need for species-specific research on ZP-CY trophic interactions in naturally occurring communities. A combination of HPLC, molecular and stable isotope analyses was used to assess in situ the importance of CY as a food source for dominant crustacean ZP species and to quantify the grazing on potentially toxic strains of Microcystis during bloom formation in large eutrophic Lake Peipsi (Estonia). Aphanizomenon, Dolichospermum, Gloeotrichia and Microcystis dominated bloom-forming CY, while Microcystis was the major genus producing cyanotoxins all over the lake. Grazing studies showed that CY, and especially colonial CY, formed a significant, and also preferred component of algae ingested by the cladocerans Bosmina spp. and Daphnia spp. while this was not the case for the more selective calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis. Molecular analyses confirmed the presence of CY, including Microcystis, in ZP guts. Further analyses using qPCR targeting cyanobacterial genus-specific mcyE synthase genes indicated that potentially toxic strains of Microcystis can be ingested directly or indirectly by all the dominant crustacean grazers. However, stable isotope analyses indicated that little, if any, assimilation from ingested bloom-forming CY occurred. The study suggests that CY, and particularly Microcystis with both potentially toxic and non-toxic strains, can be widely ingested by cladoceran grazers during a bloom event with implications for control of CY abundance and for transfer of CY toxins through the food web.