2020, Vol. 18, No. 1
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/5956
Sirvi 2020, Vol. 18, No. 1 Pealkiri järgi
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Kirje Agroecological prospects of using corn hybrids for biogas production(2020) Mazur, V.A.; Pantsyreva, H.V.; Mazur, K.V.; Myalkovsky, R.O.; Alekseev, O.O.Ukraine is an agricultural country with great agricultural potential for biogas production, which is the key to fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions for energy crops, including corn. The article analyzes the experience of using biogas in Ukraine and the world, its mechanism of production. The leader in biogas production in the world is the European Union in general and Germany in particular. The total number of biogas plants in Europe exceeds 11 thousand, of which 7.2 thousand in Germany. Іnstalled biogas, which is released in the process of complex fermentation of organic waste, consists of a mixture of gases: methane – 55–75%, carbon dioxide – 23–33%, hydrogen sulfide – 7%. An important sector of renewable energy sources in biogas production is presented and the prospects for its use are determined. The energy dependence of our country on the volumes of imported natural gas is analyzed. The main aspects of biogas production are explored using renewable energy sources that are inexhaustible in our crane and the phased operation of the biogas plant is investigated. The real advantages of the need for biogas production and use in our country are outlined. Problems aimed at the development of alternative energy have been proved in order to detect environmental pollution. It has been established that in Ukraine the use of corn silage to improve the efficiency of biogas production at existing biogas stations has not been used so far. The problems of increasing the yield of corn plants have been proved not only by breeding and genetic methods, but also by cultivation technology.Kirje Analysis of the selective value of promising Melissa officinalis L. subsp. altissima (Smith.) Arcang variety(2020) Nevkrytаya, N.V.; Pashtetsky, V.S.; Novikov, I.A.; Petrishina, N.N.; Mishnev, A.V.; Repetskaya, A.I.The aim of this research was to study a promising MD 1–17 Melissa officinalis L. subsp. altissima (Smith.) Arcang. variety sample obtained in the collection of the gene pool of the Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea (RIAC) in comparison with Krymchanka (selected in the RIAC) and Lada (selected in the All-Russian research Institute of medicinal and aromatic plants(VILAR) varieties of lemon balm M. officinalis L. subsp. officinalis. In 2017– 2019, in the Department of Essential Oil and Medicinal Plants of the RIAC,a competitive variety trial of lemon balm varieties was conducted in accordance with the methodological recommendations for the selection of essential-oil plants. A territory where this study was conducted belongs to one of the five agroclimatic regions – the upper piedmont, warm, not enough humid; to the northern subarea with moderately mild winters. Weather conditions during the years of competitive variety trial varied significantlya fact that allowed assessing the adaptability of studied variety samples and forecasting the nature of productivity potential realization in different growing conditions. As a result, it was found that MD 1–17 variety sample significantly exceeds other varieties in terms of yield of fresh raw materials, on average, by 62.2 and 77.4%, and in yield of air-dried raw materials, on average, by 32.2 and 52.2%, respectively. In terms of obtaining essential oil from air-dried raw materials, this variety sample exceeds the best in this parameter Crimean variety Krymchanka by 56.3%. Basic components of its essential oil are caryophyllene (25.3–35.9%) and germacrene D (17.7–31.2%) with almost complete absence or insignificant amount of citral (0.1–7.3%); the proportion of latter in essential oils of Krymchanka and Lada varieties can reach 36.6% or more. Novelty of this study includes the creation of the first variety of a new promising essential oil plant –M. altissima. Raw materials of this variety and products of its processing may be of interest for different ways of use, including the perfumery and cosmetics industry, for food purposes as a component of tea compositions, etc.Kirje Aphid complex associated with potato in agro-climatic conditions of Kosovo(2020) Musa, F.; Krasniqi, D.; Musa, S.Field surveys for aphids infesting potato crops in three most important localities for potato production in Kosovo (Podujevë, Prishtinë and Vushtrri) were conducted in vegetation seasons of 2018–2019. With the purpose to monitor and confirm the aphid composition in potatoes, aphid leaf count was used as a method which is applied worldwide. Sampling for aphids from the leaves of potato plants was undertaken during cropping season, every 10 days, where 100 leaves were taken at random and checked in triplicates, from each field. During of this experimental work, the following aphid species were registered Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aphis nasturtii and Aulacorthum solani. From the total number of aphids recorded (4,210 individuals), the following percentage belongs to the different aphids: M. persicae (57.24%), A. nasturtii (25.72%), A. solani (7.77%), M. euphorbiae (5.68%), and other none identified aphids (3.59%). Relying on the results of this research we have confirmed to exist statistical significant differences with regard to the number of aphid’s species according to the localities and aphids that infests the potatoes. With the goal to manage and control aphids spread infields with potatoes, it is extremely useful to evaluate and to see the possibility for an Integrated Management against these pests at farmer level.Kirje Biomass yield of silage maize, fertilizers efficiency, and soil properties under different soil-climate conditions and fertilizer treatments(2020) Hlisnikovský, L.; Barlog, P.; Kunzová, E.; Vach, M.; Menšík, L.We evaluated the efficiency (the netto agronomic efficiency – NAE, the physiological efficiency – PE, and the apparent recovery efficiency – ARE) of farmyard manure (FYM) applied alone, and together with mineral N (FYM+N), and NPK (FYM+NPK), on the biomass production of silage maize at three localities (Caslav, Ivanovice, Lukavec) in the Czech Republic, characterised by different soil-climate conditions. The effect of fertilizer treatment on soil chemical properties was also analyzed. After four years of evaluation, the application of FYM resulted in comparable biomass production as in the FYM+N, and FYM+NPK treatments, showing the good ability of the mineralized FYM to provide enough nutrients during the growing season. Increasing doses of applied nutrients were connected with higher biomass production. However, no significant differences were recorded between fertilizer treatments. The efficiency of applied nutrients was higher on soils of worst quality (sandy loamy Cambisol – Lukavec), while lower on naturally fertile loamy degraded Chernozem (Ivanovice). But again, no significant differences between the selected parameters were recorded. Although the application of mineral fertilizers has not increased maize biomass yield significantly, they positively affected soil chemical properties, mainly the soil concentration of P, K, Mg, and soil organic carbon content. This shows the beneficial effect of the application of mineral fertilizers, especially in the Czech Republic, where the application of mineral P and K decreased drastically during the last thirty years.Kirje Combined application of microbial preparation, mineral fertilizer and bioadhesive in production of leek(2020) Karpenko, V.; Slobodyanyk, G.; Ulianych, O.; Schetyna, S.; Mostoviak, І.; Voitsekhovskyi, V.The research deals with additional fertilizing of leek cultivars Goliath and Tango with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and mineral fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме in combination with adhesive agent of a natural origin Liposam. Field research was performed on the experimental plots of the Department of Vegetable Growing of Uman National University of Horticulture. The research focused on microbiological processes and formation of productivity in the leek crops depending on the combination of preparations. It has been established that the number of bacteria Azotobacter in the rhizosphere of leek increased 2.8 times after a four-time fertilizing with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and bioadhesive Liposam during vegetation. The maximum number of bacteria, including Azotobacter, in the rhizosphere of leek, was recorded after a four-time fertilization with DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме in combination with Organic-balance and Liposam. The share of influence of additional fertilization on the microbiota of the rhizosphere made up 77–97%. Leek cultivar Tango produced a larger assimilative leaf surface. Depending on the fertilizing the maximum leaf surface and photosynthetic potential of leek cultivars Tango and Goliath were recorded under combination of Organic-balance + DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме + Liposam. The yielding capacity of variety Goliath was better than that one of the variety Tango regardless of fertilizing. To make the growing technology of leek more environmental friendly it is advisable to introduce in the growing technology bacterial preparation Organic-balance together with Liposam. Utilization of these preparations improves crop yield, which makes up 0.6–0.7 t ha-1 for variety Goliath and 1.1–2.7 t ha-1 for variety Tango correspondingly. The investigated leek varieties had the maximum yields under combined application of Organic-balance + Liposam with fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме, which is by 18–24% higher than provided by plants grown without fertilization.Kirje Composting olive pomace: evolution of organic matter and compost quality(2020) Ameziane, H.; Nounah, A.; Khamar, M.; Zouahri, A.Morocco is one of the major olive-producing countries with an annual production of 1.56 million tonnes, part of which is dedicated to olive oil production. This important production generates, in addition to oil as the main product, a significant amount of waste (pomace and olive mill wastewater). The latter, when released in large quantities into the natural environment, cause fatal pollution. A suitable valuation of this waste will allow a clean and sustainable production for the sector. This work consists of composting olive pomace from the traditional system with two structural agents (poultry droppings and cattle manure) and comparing the two composts in terms of composting process parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter temperature, etc.), organic matter dynamics and compost quality, with manual aeration of the compost. Despite the high humidity level of the used pomace (80%), the adopted composting conditions have been effective in reducing high levels of organic matter and therefore organic carbon, as well as reducing the extreme phytotoxicity of the pomace. The experiment showed that the stabilization process in all the four treatments studied is comparable, and the final quality of the composts was adequate for agricultural use.Kirje Effect of different pesticides combined with Melafen on grain yield and quality of winter wheat(2020) Kuznetsov, I.Yu.; Alimgafarov, R.R.; Akhiyarov, B.G.; Safin, F.F.; Nafikova, A.R.The use and search for new pesticides ensuring high and stable yields is one of the topical issues in winter wheat growing. The aim of the study was to develop theoretical foundations and farming practices for highly productive winter wheat through the use of pesticides of different groups in the southern forest-steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan. An experiment (2016–2019) with 4 main blocks was conducted to determine the optimal combination of pesticides in cultivation of winter wheat. The pesticides were used at the tillering ((ZGS) 25) and heading stages ((ZGS) 59) of wheat growth. The experiment was replicated 4 times. The study results show that pesticides used to treat winter wheat increased grain yield and improved grain quality characteristics. The best results were reached in the block where treatment included Melafen plant growth promoter combined with the insecticide, herbicide and fungicide at different stages of winter wheat growth. The pesticides used in the experiment confirmed their efficiency. On the whole, the block of variants that used seed treatment produced a yield of 3.33–6.37 t ha-1 . The new plant growth promoter Melafen worked well in the experiments on winter wheat, especially in combination with pesticides in different variations. It produced the highest grain yield (6.36–7.41 t ha-1 ). All experiment variants demonstrated positive economic efficiency. The study results may be useful in developing winter wheat cultivation practices aimed at increasing yields and improving grain quality.Kirje Float system and crucial points of the method for seedling production and crop cultivation with or without organic fertilization(2020) Kanatas, P.Float system is a less-intensive and low-cost technology that enables efficient control of the nutrition of the growing plants. The findings of experiments carried out under float system in various crops with or without organic fertilization need to be reviewed. The importance of float system for growing plants without inorganic fertilization and chemical pesticide use needs also to be pointed out. Float system can enhance root development of growing plants and control the height of produced transplants. This can result in increased yields and improved transplant quality, not only in tobacco transplant production systems but also in the case of vegetable crops such as tomato or lettuce. In the case of crops like tobacco and for the success of float system alkalinity and oxygen content of the water in the nutrient solution and selection of the growing media are crucial. Regarding vegetable crops, the combination of float system and organic fertilization can enhance root development in tomato as compared to the combination and lettuce resulting in high-quality products. Several aromatic and medicinal plants, including basil and spearmint, provide high yields and good product quality in floating systems especially along with organic fertilization. Conclusively, float system is a major method for producing high quality products or transplants. Further investigation is needed regarding the combined effects of organic fertilization and float system on more crops and under different climatic conditions.Kirje Game species fodder conditions in Eastern Siberia and Amur region(2020) Senchik, A.; Guretskaya, Yu.; Bormotov, M.; Pavlov, A.; Ryabchenko, A.; Glushkov, V.; Sato, Y.; Igota, H.Hunting farms can serve as a source of primary data on the state of natural resources. Taking into account the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the situation with food for ungulates and predators in order to be able to take timely measures to improve the quality of habitat for wild fauna. Populations of wild large animals live in the host landscapes of so reduced that animals population become extremely vulnerable and unstable, signs of crisis can be seen in the data on the number of animals. Lack of natural food is a serious deterrent, especially in difficult times of the year, such as winter and spring. An analysis of the situation with food for a particular species will allow hunting farms to properly plan their feeding and other activities throughout the year in order to maintain a population of certain species on their territory and minimize the migration of species outside the protected areas. The aim of our work was to create a baseline for tracking data on the characteristics of wildlife animals. The research results allow hunting farms to use the data of animal feeding preferences during different seasons of the year for better organization of their biotechnical measures and improvement of feeding conditions for such species as red deer (Cervus elaphus), elk (Cervus canadensis), roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and bear(Ursus arctos).Kirje Genetic components for fodder yield and agronomic characters in maize lines(2020) Gayosso-Barragán, O.; Rodríguez-Herrera, S.A.; Petroli, C.D.; Antuna-Grijalva, O.; López-Benítez, A.; Mancera-Rico, A.; Luévanos-Escareño, M.P.; Lozano-del Río, A.J.In maize hybrid development, it is essential to know the parent’s performance per se in different environments as well as the genetic base in populations in order to facilitate selection of superior lines. The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic variance and heritability while assessing agronomic behavior in 237 maize fodder lines featuring different inbred levels and origin in two different locations. Traits such as plant height, cob height, stem diameter, and fodder yield were taken. A combined variance analysis was carried out using this information. The variable mean squares showing significant differences were used to estimate the genetic variance components. Significant differences were observed (p ≤ 0.01) for the line variation source and location × line interaction in all assessed characteristics. The genetic parameter estimation provided information on the existing genetic variance and heritability among the population which is important for the progress of the selection process. Lines CLWN701, CLWN345, CML476, CML216, CLWQ232, and CML 528 measured 74.8, 72.2, 67.7, 65.8, 63.8 and 62.5 t ha-1 , respectively showed the highest yield potential for green fodder.Kirje Grain yield response of facultative and winter triticale for late autumn sowing in different weather conditions(2020) Mazurenko, B.; Kalenska, S.; Honchar, L.; Novytska, N.Climate change is affecting the growing conditions of winter cereals. Peculiarities of organogenesis and their impact in grain yield of facultative triticale depend on different nitrogen fertilization can help to avoid adverse effects of unfavorable conditions. Field experiment was conducted in zone of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The experiment included 2 late autumns sowing periods and fertilization system with few variants of nitrogen fertilization applied in spring. Features of organogenesis of two winter varieties and facultative triticale Pidzimok kharkivskiy were determined by apical meristem microscopy from emergence till heading. Was established process of apical meristem differentiation in facultative triticale has non-linear relation between temperature and number of spikelets. The efficiency of apical meristem differentiation reaches its maximum at 12 °C. Grain yield of triticale varieties depend on studied factors but main impact had weather conditions. Grain yield of facultative triticale significantly exceeds winter varieties and had a lesser difference between sowing period than winter cultivars. Crops in the first sowing period were more productive than in the second. Facultative triticale has great productivity potential in late autumn sowing and can realize it in various conditions. Reduced yields in late sowing are lower than in winter cultivars.Kirje Hairy fleabane (Conyza bonarienis) response to saflufenacil in association with different formulations of glyphosate subjected to simulated rainfall(2020) Dalazen, G.; Pisoni, A.; Menegaz, C.; Merotto Jr., A.Saflufenacil has been used to control glyphosate resistant weeds, including hairy fleabane. There are several glyphosate formulations, which are related to different salts and adjuvants. Differences between these formulations may result in variations in efficacy, especially in the face of unfavorable environmental conditions, such as the occurrence of unexpected rainfall after application. The objective of this study was to evaluate the control of hairy fleabane with saflufenacil in tank mix with different formulations of glyphosate subjected to simulated rainfall after application. The treatments evaluated were salts of glyphosate (isopropylamine, potassium and ammonium salt), different periods of simulated rainfall after herbicide application (30, 120 and 240 min, and no rainfall), and the presence or absence of saflufenacil and a non-ionic adjuvant. Absorption of saflufenacil by hairy fleabane is rapid, since simulated rainfall after 30 min after application did not result in loss of efficiency when the herbicide is applied with adjuvant. The association of isopropylamine and ammonium salts of glyphosate with saflufenacil increases the control of hairy fleabane and prevents the occurrence of regrowth when rainfall occurs at 30 min after the application. The occurrence of simulated rainfall after 240 min reduces the glyphosate efficiency by 30%, 15% and 60% for the isopropylamine, potassium and ammonium salt formulations, respectively. The addition of adjuvant improves the efficiency of glyphosate salt of potassium by 40%. The response of the mixture of glyphosate and saflufenacil is variable, mainly in situations of rainfall after application.Kirje Influence of fertilizer application on biomass yield and nutritional quality of Mustard Spinach (Florida) Broadleaf in South Africa(2020) Seetseng, K.A.; Gerrano, A.S.; Mavengahama, S.; Araya, H.T.; Du Plooy, C.P.Mustard Spinach (Florida Broadleaf) is an indigenized leafy vegetable grown in Southern Africa. It is a good source of vitamins and mineral nutrients. An understanding of its response to fertilizer application is important in developing cultural practices for improved yield of the crop. Furthermore, improving fertilizer use efficiency such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) would result in improving cropping system. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted in 2010 and 2011 winter cropping season to determine the influence of NPK applications and their interactions on biomass yield and nutritional values of Mustard spinach. A randomized complete block design replicated four times were used for the experiment. ANOVA showed significant variation among the treatments. The values for total fresh biomass yield ranged from 252–4,510 and 820–4,982 kg ha-1 in 2010 and 2011 cropping seasons, respectively. Omission of P had 4,510 kg ha-1 of total fresh biomass yield, while omission of K had 4,506 kg ha-1 in the first season. The lowest N content (2.63%) was recorded when nitrogen fertilizer was omitted. Full NPK application increased the content of N and K on the leaf tissues of Mustard Spinach. The highest percentage of dietary fiber was observed when K was omitted. The values recorded for ascorbic acid content varied from 126.94 and 117.42 mg 100g-1 , respectively for both seasons. Iron was more concentrated on the treatments, where K was omitted. Mustard Spinach responded to fertilizer application and the results validated that application of NPK had a beneficial effect on increased production and productivity of the crop tested for small scale farmers.Kirje Influence of row spacing on canopy and seed production in grain amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.)(2020) Casini, P.; Biancofiore, G.A new crop recently introduced in Italy is amaranth. Studies involving agronomic techniques on this plant are limited. The aim of the present research was to assess the effect of distance between rows on both seed yield and ground cover in Amaranthus cruentus L. Sowing treatments included two single row spacing designs (18 and 60 cm) and one double row spacing design (18 + 60 cm). At the six true leaf stage, in the single row design of 60 and 18 cm row spacing, ground cover was 16% and 47% respectively. An intermediate coverage of 31% was evident in the double rows. At the ten true leaf stage, plants cultivated in single rows at 18 cm covered the ground early, thereby attaining a ground cover of 85%. Regarding yield, a seed production of 0.92 t ha-1 was obtained from plants in the double row design compared to the respective single row spacing designs of 18 and 60 cm, where yields were 0.85 and 0.70 t ha-1 respectively. The selection of one mode of sowing over another will largely depend on the type of equipment available to the farm. Whilst single row spacing distances of 18 cm displayed a net of advantage against weeds, difficulties were encountered in the case of managing weeds by mechanical equipment. The use of double rows permitted taking advantage of a slightly better ground cover than single rows, together with the possibility of mechanical intervention for the control of weeds, and importantly also provided a higher yield.Kirje Morphological variability of Botrytis cinerea – causal agent of Japanese quince grey mould(2020) Jakobija, I.; Bankina, B.; Klūga, A.Botrytis cinerea is a causal agent of grey mould that damages many species of plants including Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica (Thumb.) Lindley ex Spach). Grey mould has been found on Chaenomeles spp. flowers, fruits in all stages as well as on twigs. Morphological variability within Botrytis species has been previously reported in the literature, but no information is available about B. cinerea isolated from Chaenomeles spp. The aim of this study was to describe the symptoms of grey mould and clarify the morphological variability of B. cinerea isolates obtained from samples collected in commercial plantations of Japanese quince. Samples of plant parts with different fungal disease symptoms were collected in eight commercial plantations of Japanese quince during vegetation seasons of 2017 and 2018. Some samples were taken in Japanese quince plantations in Lithuania and Estonia. A total of 286 isolates of fungi were isolated from damaged shoots, leaves and fruits of Japanese quince plants, using potato dextrose agar. Botrytis cinerea isolates (39) were separated depending on the morphological characteristics and were proved by using methods of molecular biology. B. cinerea was isolated from shoots, leaves and fruits. The isolates of B. cinerea were described and classified into distinct morphological types depending on the characteristics of mycelia, sclerotia, reverse side of media and the presence or absence of sporulation.Kirje Ozone treatment of stored potato tubers(2020) Hutla, P.; Kolaříková, M.; Hájek, D.; Doležal, P.; Hausvater, E.; Petráčková, B.During storage, potato tubers are susceptible to different pathogen, which can attack the skin and flesh of the tubers. The most serious damage can be caused by rot inducing bacteria and fungi. A possible way to prevent microbial damage may be the use of ozone in the air ventilated through the stored tubers. However, the tubers can undergo qualitative changes, e.g. dehydration and loss of starch content. This article presents the results of a five-month experiment in which ozone concentration of 5 mg m-3 was periodically introduced in some of the stored potato tubers of the cultivar ‘Dali’. All potato tubers were stored in closed storage boxes with a metal frame and wood panels in the floor and walls (ground area 1.6×1.2 m, height 0.95 m) which were continuously aerated using the ambient air in a potato warehouse. There was 900 kg of tubers stored in the box. At the end of the experiment, the ozonated variant was compared with the control (not treated). The ozone-treated tubers had 2.95 times lower incidence of infection by rot and the number of microorganisms on healthy tubers was lower than the control. The ozone-treated tubers were less frequently dehydrated. The water loss was higher in control by 0.86 %. There was no significant difference in silver scurf manifestation or in the starch content between the two variants.Kirje Physiological indicators and yield of the Chinese cabbage cultivated at different soil water tensions(2020) Paulus, D.; Zorzzi, I.C.; Becker, D.; Nava, G.A.; De Paula, A.L.; De Paula, F.M.The development and yield of Chinese cabbage is influenced by soil moisture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological indicators, development, and yield of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr.) grown at different soil water tension ranges. Two experiments were conducted (2016–2017) in the Olericulture Sector of the Federal University of Technology of Paraná. Two cultivars of the Chinese cabbage, Eikoo and Kinjitsu, and four soil water tension ranges 13–17, 23–27, 33–37, and 43–47 kPa were studied. Eikoo presented higher relative chlorophyll index, photosynthesis, and fresh leaf mass than did Kinjitsu. Physiological indicators transpiration (5.8 mmol H2O m-2 s -1 ), photosynthesis (14.5 µmol CO2 m-2 s -1 ), stomatal conductance (0.31 mol H2O m-2 s -1 ), and WUE (39.4 kg m-3 ) were higher at 13–17 kPa soil water tension. Soil water tension ranges with high water restrictions reduced the fresh leaf mass of both cultivars. Fresh leaf mass decreased by 236.2 and 191.7 g plant-1 in the highest soil water tension range in 2016 and 2017, respectively, when compared with the fresh leaf mass at the 13–17 kPa tension range. The lowest water consumption was observed at the 13–17 kPa tension range. The year 2017 resulted in higher internal CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, fresh leaf mass, number of irrigations and water consumption compared to the year 2016. Thus, the irrigation regime for the most optimal Chinese cabbage cultivation should maintain the soil water tension range at 13–17 kPa.Kirje Prebiotic properties of licorice root extracts(2020) Tsirulnichenko, L.; Kretova, J.The study objective is to investigate effect of licorice root extract on growth of probiotic microorganisms. As fructan percentage in licorice roots is 27.8–28.8%, this value is sufficient to enable the raw material suitability as a prebiotic ingredient. The licorice root extract (0.1%, 1% and 10% of medium volume) was added to media. The same media without added extract were considered as controls. Effect of the licorice root extract on growth of probiotic microorganisms was studied in 2 commercial probiotic drug Bifiform (Denmark) and Bifidobacterin forte (Russia). Licorice root extract provides probiotic bacteria an opportunity to tolerate acidity/alkalinity gradient of model media well and to decrease their count slower. In vitro studies showed, what 1% extract provides more favorable conditions for microorganisms that 10% one.Kirje Production of Aspergillus oryzae RCAM 01133 biomass with increased protein and polysaccharides content using by-products of food industry(2020) Serba, E.; Pimenov, N.; Mochalina, P.; Overchenko, M.; Borscheva, Yu.; Sharikov, A.; Rimareva, L.The biomass of filamentous fungi is a promising source of protein and carbohydrate. It can be used as an unconventional substrate in technologies for obtaining food and feed ingredients. The studies show that the fungus Aspergillus oryzae synthesizes an insufficient level of protein in the process of solid-state fermentation. The aim of the research was to develop conditions for the production of fungal biomass with a high content of protein and polysaccharides on the basis of solid-state fermentation using by-products of food industry as inexpensive substrate for biomass production. Wheat bran, soybean meal, distilled dry grains with solubles, and brewer’s spent grain were used as raw material. Results of fermentation show that the protein content was 73.4% and 82.0%, which is more than 3 times higher than in fungus grown by submerged fermentation. The studies of the biosynthesis properties of the selected strain A. oryzae RCAM 01133 confirmed the high biological value of microbial biomass cultivated using food by-products. Fermentation of micromycete on culture media containing soybean meal and DDGS provided an increase of protein content by 1.45 times. Maximum increase of amino acids was observed for isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, and glutamic acid. The increased content of synthesized polysaccharides related to media containing wheat bran and DDGS. The highest concentrations of polysaccharides were 27.9% and 32.9%, respectively.Kirje Sorbitol and lithovit-guano25 mitigates the adverse effects of salinity on eggplant grown in pot experiment(2020) Issa, D.B.; Alturki, S.M.; Sajyan, T.K.; Sassine, Y.N.This trial aimed to study the separate effects of nano-fertilizers and sugar alcohols in mitigating salt-stress on eggplant (Solanum melongena L) crop. For this purpose, two different concentrations of lithovit®-guano25 (A1:0.5 g L -1 and A2:1 g L -1 ) and sorbitol (B1:5 g L -1 and B2:10 g L -1 ) were sprayed on eggplant irrigated by three NaCl solutions (EC1:1.5 dS m-1 , EC2:3 dS m-1 and EC3 6 dS m-1 ). Control plants were salt-stressed without any product. Results revealed an inhibitory effect of increasing in salt-stress on vegetative traits (plant height, leaf number, weights of plant parts and root mass fraction), reproductive traits (fruit number, fruit weight, yield plant-1 , fruit diameter) and photosynthetic pigments. Control plants at EC6 had the highest cell electrolyte leakage (51.26%). Plant height and fruit number were maximized by A1 at all salinity levels. Additionally, A2 increased fruit weight by 89.98g, 85g and 92.3g compared to control respectively at 1.5, 3 and 6 dS m-1 . Yield plant-1 increased by this treatment at all EC levels. At 3 and 6 dS m-1 , A2-treated plants had the highest chlorophyll a (respectively 1.67 and 1.4mg g-1 fresh weight), total chlorophyll (respectively 2.38 and 1.9mg g-1 fresh weight) and carotenoids (respectively 193 and 172µg g-1 fresh weight) contents. A2-treated plants had the lowest cell electrolyte leakage at 1.5 dS m-1 (14.27%), 3 dS m-1 (25.31%) and 6 dS m-1 (37.78%). Treating plants with B1 and B2 maximized respectively fruit diameter at 1.5 dS m -1 and water content in all plant parts at 3 dS m-1 . Both products helped plants reducing the adverse effects caused by salinity.