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Kirje Acoustic analysis of cement composites with lignocellulosic residues(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021) Ferraz, P.F.P.; Abreu, D.H.S.; Huallpa, B.N.; Santana, L.S.; Cecchin, D.; Rabelo, G.F.; Rossi, G.; Barbari, M.The concept of environmental sustainability has been seeking a way to develop projects that reduce the impacts provided by agricultural development and the excessive consumption of natural resources. However, there is still little knowledge about the acoustic insulation/absorption behaviour of lignocellulosic materials. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the acoustic properties of five cement panels reinforced with the following lignocellulosic materials: eucalyptus, sugarcane bagasse, coconut shell, coffee husk, and banana pseudostem, which ones have as a reference a commercial plaster used as sealing in civil constructions. The proposed panels were produced with each lignocellulosic material residue. It was produced three replicates for each type including plaster (being 18 panels in total). The sound insertion loss (SIL) measurement of the above-mentioned panels have been performed using an acoustical treated inexpensive facility developed based on the literature. The characterization of the acoustic behaviour of the studied materials were analysed according to the IEC (61260-1). The acoustic measurements have been done in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz and the analysis in octave bands have been performed. To make the analysis easier, the overall range of frequencies mentioned above was divided as ‘low’, ‘middle’ and ‘high’ ranges. Additionally, the measurement of thickness, density and porosity structure parameters of the lignocellulosic samples have been performed. According to the results and doing a trade-off analysis, the eucalyptus presented the overall best performance considering the overall range of analysis, being the banana pseudostem and sugarcane bagasse materials as good competitors.Kirje Activation effect of β-alanine and chitosan derivative on A. glycyphyllos and A. membranaceus seed germination and seedling growth and development(2021) Khamidullina, L.A.; Cherepanova, O.E.; Tobysheva, P.D.; Rybina, E.A.; Pestov, A.V.Agricultural cultivation of astragalus is fraught with a number of difficulties caused by both certain requirements for climatic conditions and individual characteristics of plants of this genus. In this study, carboxyalkylated derivative of chitosan was first proposed to use for improvement of astragalus propagation. Effects of N-(2-carboxyethyl)chitosan on in vitro A. glycyphyllos and A. membranaceus seed germination and seedling growth and development in comparing with β-alanine and chitosan acetate were detected. Carboxyethylation of chitosan leads to an increase in hydrophilic properties of the molecule, which enhances a penetration of nutrients inside the plant owing to improved solvating effect and bioadhesive activity. Seed germination assay were performed on Murashige-Skoog growth medium with or without tested compounds. N-2-Carboxyethylated derivative of chitosan was found to demonstrate active stimulating effect on the plant growth and development, contrary to the effect of acetate chitosan, but not to cause an activating effect on seed germination, while β-alanine does.Kirje Airflow resistance of two hop varieties(2021) Ziegler, T.; Teodorov, T.The quality of hops used in brewing is substantially reliant upon the processing step of drying. To ensure effective drying in kiln as well conveyor-belt dryers, homogeneous distribution of air is of particular importance. Uneven air distribution often results in inefficient drying and nonuniform moisture content of the hop cones. The air distribution naturally is governed by the airflow resistances in the individual floors or belts of a dryer. Hence, in order to quantify the airflow resistance of hop cones at different air velocities and bed heights, systematic measurements were carried out. In addition to determining the bulk densities of hops, the investigations included trials with fresh and dried hop samples. Clear differences were observed between hop varieties both in measured pressure drops and in bulk densities. Moreover, in the case of fresh hops, a non-linear increase in pressure drop with bed height was ascertained. Semiempirical equations were developed to describe pressure drop as a function of air velocity. This work will contribute to the design of dryers with optimum airflow distribution and thus enhance the efficiency of drying as well as the product quality.Kirje Algae processing for energy production: development of waste pyrolysis technology : [Retracted](Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021) Bisters, V.; Kalviss, J.; Burlakovs, J.; Klavins, M.Kirje Alleviation of technological stresses by a feed supplement(2021) Miftakhutdinov, A.V.; Saifulmulyukov, E.R.; Nogovitsina, E.A.Technological stresses affect the productivity of broiler-type chicken and are related directly to poultry farming intensification. Heat stress occurring in conditions of high density keeping, especially at high summer ambient temperatures, is very important. Stress factors influence the metabolic processes in poultry, while reducing the production parameters of operation and, by extension, the efficiency of broiler farming. The objective of this research was to identify the efficiency of a feed supplement in alleviating technological stresses in poultry industry. Use of supplement (the preparation contains succinic acid, L-carnitine, betaine, inorganic salts of zinc, manganese, copper and lithium) preserved the production performance of broiler-type chickens in the pre-slaughter period, by reducing the technological load on the poultry body, as it was indicated by an increase in the efficiency of fattening by 16.2 conditional units, meat yield by 1.4%, gross income by 49.2% and a decline in mortality rate by 1.5%. The data on production efficiency indicators of broiler feeding were obtained on a large sample - 6136 heads.Kirje Analysis of environmental conditions and management in a compost-bedded pack barn with tunnel ventilation(2021) Yameogo, B.; Andrade, R.R.; Teles Júnior, C.G.S.; Laud, G.S.; Becciolini, V.; Leso, L.; Rossi, G.; Barbari, M.The housing system based on compost-bedded pack for dairy cows is spreading rapidly in Brazil. Completely open buildings without curtains and simple roofs are usually provided. However, in the last years some new completely closed barns have been realized. This study aims to analyse one of these closed barns, located in the State of Minas Gerais. The two main sides of the facility are provided with polyethylene curtains of blue colour and five deflectors. The barn is equipped with an evaporative adiabatic cooling system, associated with the tunnel-style ventilation, realized with exhaust fans, continuously operating 24 hours a day. 85 lactating Holstein cows were housed in the barn during the trials carried out in the winter season 2019. Microclimatic data were collected continuously. Air speed, illuminance and bedding temperature were measured during the farm visits. Pack moisture was calculated. The results state the importance of bedding management and climatic conditions inside the barn. It emerges that the cows housed in this kind of closed barn, with forced ventilation, are in good thermal conditions, which are fairly constant. The average illumination of the barn can be considered acceptable (55.06 lx), even if some areas of the barn present values below the minimum ones reported in literature. The bedding temperature varies between a maximum of 36.33 °C and a minimum of 25.44 °C with an average of 31.26 °C. The values of bedding moisture are between a maximum of 64.36% and a minimum of 60.81% with an average of 62.48%.Kirje Analysis of the Foeniculum vulgare Mill. collection by the complex of features in the conditions of the Crimea foothills(2021) Zolotilova, O.M.; Nevkrytaya, N.V.; Zolotilov, W.A.; Ametova, E.D.; Scipor, O.B.; Kravchenko, G.D.Foeniculum vulgare Mill. is a valuable essential oil plant, which raw materials and derived products, and, above all, essential oil, are widely used in the perfume and cosmetics, liquor, paint and varnish industries, in the food industry and medicine. The source material for cultivated plants selection, including F. vulgare, is the collections of the gene pool. The objective of this study was a comparative study of F. vulgare samples collection by the complex of features to clarify the possibility of identifying sources of economically valuable characteristics for creating promising breeding material. The study of the F. vulgare collection supported by the Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea, which includes 75 samples rom 28 countries, was conducted in 2017–2019 at an experimental base located in the Crimea Foothills (Krymskaya Roza village, Belogorsky district). The collection samples were analyzed according to morphobiological parameters and productivity indicators. The work was guided by generally accepted methods, including those developed for essential oil plants. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out. The wide variability of the collection is shown, according to individual indicators (variation coefficients - from 8.3 to 54.4%). In this way, the mass fraction of essential oil (one of the most important indicators) varies within a wide range in the collection - from 1.09 to 3.86% (of absolutely dry mass) in whole plants and from 4.16 to 8.53% in fruits. The composition of the essential oil depends on the raw material. The anethole content reaches 80% in fruit oil, and the content of fenchone and terpene compounds is increased during the plant processing. The results of the collection analysis are basic, allowing preliminary sampling with high productivity indicators for inclusion in breeding studies.Kirje Anatomical changes in the epidermis of winter pea stipules and their area under usage of herbicide, stimulator of plant growth and microbial preparation(2021) Karpenko, V.; Boiko, Y.; Prytulіak, R.; Datsenko, A.; Shutko, S.; Novikova, T.The use and search for new methods and ways to reduce negative herbicidal effect on crops is a key factor in increasing the level of yield and quality in modern agricultural conditions, including cultivation of crops such as winter peas. One of the factors that reflects the depth of the effect of herbicides on the plant organism may be the anatomical structure of the leaf, thus, the aim of the research was to study the characteristics of epidermis and size of stipules of winter peas with the complex use of stimulator of plant growth and microbial preparation in herbicide cultivation technology. To determine the optimal combination of preparations and rates of their introduction, a field experiment was established in the Department of Biology of Uman National University of Horticulture (2018–2019), which included options: without herbicide, stimulator of plant growth and pre-sowing seed treatment with microbial preparation (control); treatment of plants with MaxiMox herbicide during the growing season in the rates of 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 and 1.1 L ha-1 separately and in mixtures with stimulator of plant growth Agriflex Amino in the rate of 1.0 kg ha-1 without and against the background of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with microbial preparation Optimize Pulse in the rate of 3.28 L t -1 (background). The experiment was repeated 3 times. Treatment of winter pea plants with preparations was carried out in the phase of 3–4 developed tendrils (BBCH 13–14). During the experiment it was found that treatment of winter pea plants with MaxiMox herbicide, especially with increasing level of the preparation to 1.1 L ha-1 led to anatomical and morphological changes in plant stipules and affected the stipule size of winter pea crops. The number of epidermal cells on average decreased by 14–53 pcs (6–22%) at LSD05 9.8 pcs, but their size increased by 28.42–394.52 μm2 (2–35%) at LSD05 71.7 μm2 , while the size of the stipulate apparatus of crops increased on average by 2.7–4.6 thousand m2 ha-1 (13–22%) at LSD05 1.3 thousand m2 ha-1 . The complex application of the herbicide with stimulator of plant growth, especially against the background of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with the microbial preparation Optimize Pulse in the rate of 3.28 L t -1 , caused a decrease in the number of epidermal cells per unit of stipules surface on average by 50–84 pcs (21–35%) at LSD05 9.8 pcs and with an increase in the stipule size by 9–12 thousand m2 ha-1 (44–59%) at LSD05 1.3 thousand m2 ha-1 , this may indicate the optimal effect of these mixtures of preparations on metabolic processes in plants against the background of reducing negative impact of the herbicide.Kirje Anatomical traits and structural components of peduncle associated with lodging in Avena sativa L.(2021) Silveira, D.C.; Pelissoni, M.; Buzatto, C.R.; Scheffer-Basso, S.M.; Ebone, L.A.; Machado, J.M.; Lângaro, N.C.Lodging dramatically reduces the yield of cereals and increases the difficulty of mechanical harvesting. Because it is a complex phenomenon, new cultivars with genetic resistance to lodging is a sustainable alternative in agricultural production systems. This resistance is associated with a combination of factors, such as stem thickness and stiffness, being closely linked to anatomical traits and structural carbohydrates present in the stem. In the present study we compared, under field conditions, eight contrasting oat cultivars in terms of lodging resistance. Our aim in this study was to investigate the association of anatomical traits and structural components of the peduncle with resistance to lodging, aiming to assist in the plant selection process. In addition, a second objective was to understand the genetic dissimilarity among oat cultivars according to the characters studied. Some characteristics for potential indirect selection were studied in this work and if correlated with lodging can be used to identify superior genotypes. From the anatomical point of view, the correlation obtained between the internal vascular bundle and the lodging resistance factor allowed us to confirm that this trait can be used in indirect selection to lodging resistance. The structural components of peduncle, in the two ways explored in the present study, comparison of mean and correlation, did not demonstrate the potential to be used exclusively as plant selection characters traits for lodging resistance. There is noticeable variability in oat cultivars for most stem traits.Kirje Apple scab detection using CNN and Transfer Learning(2021) Kodors, S.; Lacis, G.; Sokolova, O.; Zhukovs, V.; Apeinans, I.; Bartulsons, T.The goal of smart and precise horticulture is to increase yield and product quality by simultaneous reduction of pesticide application, thereby promoting the improvement of food security. The scope of this research is apple scab detection in the early stage of development using mobile phones and artificial intelligence based on convolutional neural network (CNN) applications. The research considers data acquisition and CNN training. Two datasets were collected - with images of scab infected fruits and leaves of an apple tree. However, data acquisition is a time-consuming process and scab appearance has a probability factor. Therefore, transfer learning is an appropriate training methodology. The goal of this research was to select the most suitable dataset for transfer learning for the apple scab detection domain and to evaluate the transfer learning impact comparing it with learning from scratch. The statistical analysis confirmed the positive effect of transfer learning on CNN performance with significance level 0.05.Kirje Application of pineapple fiber in the development of sustainable mortars(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021) De Azevedo, A.R.G.; Rocha, H.A.; Marvila, M.T.; Cecchin, D.; Xavier, G.C.; Da Silva, R.C.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Conti, L.; Rossi, G.Due to the great worldwide increase in pineapple production, countries like Brazil and India have problems regarding the correct disposal of residues from the production of this fruit. One of the possibilities is the reuse of these residues in the form of fibers in cementitious materials, as is the case with mortars. As a result, the objective of this work is to evaluate the application of pineapple fibers in mortars in the proportion of 1: 4 (cement: sand) with addition of fiber treated in NaOH in the proportion of 3 and 6%. The properties of mechanical resistance, water absorption, mass density and adhesion were evaluated, aiming to apply the mortar in coatings of rural environments. The results indicate that the fibers reduced the mortar density and increased the mechanical strength. However, there was a reduction in adherence, especially with the use of 6% fiber, in addition to an increase in water absorption. Based on the results, it is concluded that it is feasible to use 3% of pineapple fiber for the production of coating mortars in rural environments because the results obtained in the investigation are compatible with this application and with the established normative limits.Kirje Approach to a classification of construction typologies of pig facilities: case study Antioquia – Colombia(2021) Castrillón, N.; Gonzalez, V.; Osorio, J.A.Pig facilities foro confined production in tropical countries such as Colombia does not specify, in the present moment a typological classification that allows researchers to carry out evaluations related to animal comfort and environmental impacts according to the type of accommodation. To achieve the objective of this research were developed a survey to a panel of experts, a decision sensitivity analysis and the hierarchical analytical method AHP. Parameters that allowed to describe the concept of a technified pig farm were obteined, where the most relevant were: biosecurity measures, measurement of zootechnical parameters, training for workers and legal fulfilment. Additionally, ranges were defined to establish the production size in small, medium and large according to the number of animals. The results obtained per group were: 1) breeding small (50–200), medium (201–1,000) and large (1,001–5,000); 2) growth small (60–200), medium (201–800) and large (801–5000); and 3) finishing stage small (50–500), medium (501–1,000) and large (2,001–5,000). A total of 948 typological combinations were initially determined. Finally, the construction characteristics with the greatest technical and operational feasibility were prioritized for each group achieving 36 typologies that can represent the typological pig facilities not only in the state of Antioquia but also in many others states in Colombia.Kirje Assessment of essential oil yield in three mint species in the climatic conditions of Central Russia(2021) Shelepova, O.V.; Olekhnovich, L.S.; Konovalova, L.N.; Khusnetdinova, T.I.; Gulevich, A.A.; Baranova, E.N.The aim of the study was to study the harvest time for the essential oil yield and its qualitative composition in three species of mint Mentha piperita L. (Peppermint), M. spicata L. (Spearmint) and M. arvensis var. piperascens Malinv. ex. Holmes (Sakhalinmint). In 2018, the research was performed with plants of second year of vegetation in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Immunity of the NV Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of the RAS. As a result, it was found that the optimal harvest period for Sakhalinmint and Peppermint should be recommended in a phase of mass flowering: the yield of fresh raw materials was 509–479 g m-2 , air-dry raw materials - 110–107 g m-2 ; the content of essential oil in the aboveground part (a mixture of leaves and inflorescences) of plants - 3.24–4.01%; the proportion of the main component of essential oil (menthol) - 57.3–50.2%. In Spearmint, the optimum time for harvesting is the phase of budding. The content of the main component of essential oil (carvon) was maximum - 67.9%, and the yield of essential oil was 2.6%, while the yield was 381 g m-2 of fresh raw materials (81.9 g m-2 of air-dry raw materials) at harvesting in this ontogenesis stage. Analysis of the secretory apparatus parameters on a surface of some green tissues in three mint species showed that the maximum density of secretory glands on both sides of the leaf is characteristic of peppermint, which provides a higher yield of essential oil in this type of mint. The study allowed determining the optimal harvesting time for highly productive mint species when they are grown in the conditions of Central Russia. The raw materials of these mint species can be used for the production of essential oils and are of interest for pharmacology and the perfume and cosmetics industry.Kirje Attitudes of a group of young Polish consumers towards selected features of dairy products(2021) Gaworski, M.; Borowski, P.F.; Zajkowska, M.Consumer opinion surveys include key elements of improving the food market and assessing consumers’ approaches to current issues related to access to high-quality food. In the survey, which aimed to find out the opinions of young Polish consumers about dairy products, the focus was on issues related to the assessment of selected features of dairy products and their packaging, evaluation of regional products and innovations in dairy production. The methodology for assessing the significance of the features of dairy products and their packaging was based on the proposed feature significance index (FSI). In the carried out research, young respondents pointed to the importance of taste and quality of dairy products, and indicated the small role of packaging, determining the choice of products concerned. The ease of product identification based on packaging has gained the greatest importance among the assessed packaging features. Over two-thirds of respondents indicated that they did not pay attention to the biodegradability of dairy product packaging. When asked about regional dairy products, respondents paid most attention to their value resulting from natural methods of production without preservatives, and least to freshness. In the opinion of young consumers, access to regional products increases the certainty of using raw materials from a given region and facilitates the development of local agricultural business. A small percentage of young respondents showed knowledge of the idea of dairy production ‘from grass to glass’, which would indicate insufficient interest in innovative solutions in the dairy sector.Kirje Autoencoders for semantic segmentation of rice fungal diseases(2021) Polyanskikh, S.; Arinicheva, I.; Arinichev, I.; Volkova, G.In the article, the authors examine the possibility of automatic localization of rice fungal infections using modern methods of computer vision. The authors consider a new approach based on the use of autoencoders - special neural network architectures. This approach makes it possible to detect areas on rice leaves affected by a particular disease. The authors demonstrate that the autoencoder can be trained to remove affected areas from the image. In some cases, this allows one to clearly highlight the affected area by comparing the resulting image with the original one. Therefore, modern architectures of convolutional autoencoders provide quite acceptable visual quality of detection.Kirje Behavioural patterns of cows housed in two different typologies of compost-bedded pack barns(2021) Yameogo, B.; Andrade, R.R.; Teles Júnior, C.G.S.; Laud, G.S.; Becciolini, V.; Leso, L.; Rossi, G.; Barbari, M.The compost-bedded pack barn (CBP) is an innovative housing technique which has the improvement of animal welfare as main objective. A comparative study of the behaviour of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows housed in two different compost-bedded pack barns located in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil) was carried out during the winter season. One barn (CBP A) is closed and applies a wind tunnel ventilation (negative pressure). A second barn (CBP B) is open with natural ventilation, without curtains on the sides, and has fans placed in the resting area. Infrared video cameras were installed in the two barns to allow continuous and simultaneous monitoring of cows’ behaviour. Air temperature and relative humidity inside the barns were monitored continuously and Temperature-Humidity Index was consequently calculated. The results show that the cows housed in the closed barn, with forced ventilation (CBP A), were in good thermal conditions, which were fairly constant, while in the open barn (CBP B) the internal microclimatic conditions were more subject to outside climatic conditions. A close relationship was found between the trend of air temperature and relative humidity inside the facilities and the behaviour of the cows. The number of cows at rest, in CBP B, decreased as the THI value rose. In CBP A, the behaviour of the cows in relation to THI was much more constant.Kirje Bibliometric analysis on the use of natural fibers in construction materials(2021) Ferreira, G.M.G.; Cecchin, D.; Azevedo, A.R.G.; Valadão, I.C.R.P.; Costa, K.A.; Silva, T.R.; Ferreira, F.; Amaral, P.I.S.; Huther, C.M.; Sousa, F.A.; Castro, J.O.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Teixeira, M.A.Due to the increasing interest of the population in the sustainability theme, there was a consequent growth in publications related to the theme in the area of civil construction. Agroindustrial waste has become an environmental problem, and with that natural fibers have found space in the reuse of waste due to its characteristics and possibilities of improving the mechanical properties of its products. In order to achieve sustainable construction demand, along with the need to reuse waste, studies have begun to analyze the application of natural fibers in construction materials. The documents provided by the Web of Science (WOS) database through research carried out with the search for the terms ‘Natural Fibers’ and ‘Building materials’ restricted to the period 2010–2020 in the main WOS collection. The institutions involved with the publications, the countries of origin of the documents, the year of publication, the keywords used by the authors and the number of citations for each document were analyzed using bibliometrics in the VOSVIEWER (VOS) software. The result of the analysis shows an increase in documents related to the theme over the years, and that the countries with the most studies in the area are China (16), USA (14) and Brazil (11), respectively. The results presented after analysis of the keywords show that natural fiber (61 occurrences), mechanical properties (44 occurrences) and composites (31 occurrences) are the words with the highest occurrence among the analyzed documents. The present study shows the growth of research related to the theme, in addition to discriminating countries, institutions and authors, which allows monitoring the scientific expansion of the theme and guiding future studies.Kirje Biochemical contents of highbush blueberry fruits grown in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine(2021) Shevchuk, L.M.; Grynyk, I.V.; Levchuk, L.M; Yareshcenko, O.M.; Tereshcenko, Ya.Yu.; Babenko, S.M.The study of the physical and consumption qualitative indices of the highbush blueberries (the cultivars ‘Reca’, ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Bluegold’) in the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine has shown that the biggest fruit mass was accumulated by the berries of two last mentioned vs (1.54–1.50 g respectively). ‘Bluegold’ has this indicator as the least variable (V = 10.6%). The accumulation of fruit mass of all studied cultivars was facilitated by a moderately humid period of their development in 2018 with a hydrothermal coefficient of 1.1–1.2. The favorable year for the intensive synthesis of the dry matter and soluble solids was 2017 when the precipitation amount did not exceed 44 mm. The biggest number of the mentioned substances during the research period was accumulated by fruits of ‘Reca’ - 17.48 and 13.24%, respectively. It was established that the dry matter content had high level of stability (V = 8.2%), and middle was for soluble solids (V = 19.5%). The amount of monosaccharides from which glucose and fructose were investigated in fruits varied from 6.11 (‘Bluegold’) to 7.85 (‘Reca’), it was slightly lower in ‘Elizabeth’ berries - 7.78%. ‘Bluegold’ fruits were characterized by high stability (B = 9.6%) of the biggest content of titrated acids among the studied cultivars (2.42%). The dry weather with low number of precipitation in 2017 (hydrothermal coefficient 0.3–0.4) was favourable for the accumulation of both the mentioned acids and vitamin C in fruits of highbush blueberries in the period of their formation and growth. The amount of ascorbic acid in fruits in the specified year varied from 20.00 mg 100 g -1 WM (‘Reca’) to 27.00 mg 100 g -1 WM (‘Elizabeth’) with an intermediate value of 22.50 mg 100 g -1 WM (‘Bluegold’). The latest of the mentioned varieties had the most constant index (V = 7.0%). The content of polyphenolic substances was slightly dependent on weather conditions during the period of fruit growth, the coefficients of variation were 6.2% (‘Reca’), 7.0% (‘Elizabeth’) and 5.8% (‘Bluegold’). The fruits of the last mentioned cultivars were characterized with the biggest anthocyanins and chalcones content (68 and 13 mg 100 g -1 WM, respectively). The substantial indirect dependence of the content of the nutritive substances and anthocyanins on the berry mass was revealed in the ‘Reca’ fruits.Kirje The biological basis for the use of acrylic hydrogel and protein growth stimulant in the soft wheat and triticale cultivation(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021) Kolesnikov, L.E.; Uspenskaya, M.V.; Kremenevskaya, M.I.; Orlova, A.G.; Razumova, I.E.; Kolesnikova, Yu.R.The development of technologies for the environmentally friendly biopreparations production and use including biopreparations based on acrylic hydrogel and protein growth stimulant, which is obtained by chemical hydrolysis from by-products of slaughtered animals processing is carried out as part of the optimization of the phytosanitary condition of wheat crops and creation of favourable agro-ecological conditions for its cultivation. An important feature of acrylic hydrogel is the ability to retain and release water to plants when needed. At the same time, protein hydrolysate can provide plants with an additional source of nitrogen which is a component of plant proteins, chlorophyll and it is necessary for normal growth and development of plants during the vegetation. The addition of the protein growth stimulant to acrylic hydrogel expands the potential application of Super Moisture Absorbent (SMA) due to the long-term growthstimulating effect on plants. The acrylic hydrogel and protein growth stimulant were added to the soil when wheat sowing in the certain concentrations and proportions. Wheat productivity was studied by the indicators complex, characterized the plants morphological features and the yield structure. Assessment of the degree of plant affection caused by pathogens was carried out both according to the generally accepted phytopathological indicator - conditional intensity of development, and using additional parameters. In the research, it was found that acrylic hydrogel and protein growth stimulant provide an increase in wheat yield and reduce the pathogens harmfulness. In combined application, they can be used in agriculture for wheat cultivation as a low-cost and environmentally friendly soil conditioner.Kirje Biological effectiveness of a new multifunctional biopesticide in the protection of organic potatoes from diseases(2021) Novikova, I.I.; Minin, V.B.; Titova, J.A.; Krasnobaeva, I.L.; Zaharov, A.M.; Perekopsky, A.N.Crop disease control is of particular importance in organic crop production, as the use of chemical pesticides is prohibited there. A new multifunctional biofungicide Kartofin was selected and used to optimize the phytosanitary state of organic potatoes ecosystems. Previously of studies indicated the prospects of using the biofungicide to control numerous fungal and bacterial diseases during the potato growing season and storage of tubers. The crop rotation field experiment was carried out in 2017–2020 at the Experimental Station of the IEEP - BRANCH OF FSAC VIM near Saint-Petersburg (59°65 N and 30°38 E). The soil of experimental plots is sod-podzolic light loamy. In the potatoes (variety Udacha) field, a 2-factor field experiment was established which studied: the action of biofungicide Kartofin; the effect of the compost. The experiment was established on the plots with the size 61.6 m2 each. The experiment had four replications. Three doses of the compost were used which corresponded to different levels of the potato productivity. Potatoes were treated with biofungicide at the time of planting and by foliar spray during the growing season. The combined use of compost at a dose of 4 t ha-1 and biofungcide made it possible to achieve the yield of standard tubers of 27.3–28.2 t ha-1 with their low incidence of fungal diseases. The biological effectiveness of the biofungicide Kartofin in reducing the prevalence and development of a complex of fungal diseases (alternariosis, late blight, stem form of rhizoctoniosis) on potato plants of the Udacha variety reached 82.2–89.9%.