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Kirje Advocating for Sustainable Energy in Central and Eastern Europe(CEESEN, 2017) Davidovi, Giorgi (koostaja); Buchmayr, Astrid (koostaja); Muiste, Marek (koostaja); Antal, Alexa (koostaja); Karner, Andreas (koostaja); Vaszko, Csaba (koostaja); Vollmer, Elis (toimetaja); Pagan, Hector C. (toimetaja)The movement towards sustainable energy has been on the European Union’s agenda for a very long time and after the ratification of the Paris Agreement in November 2016 the transition to low-carbon economy became even more essential goal throughout all sectors not just energy. Cross-sector co-operation is needed for achieving the aim of reducing the CO2 emissions to keep the global temperatures from rising. It is crucial to put more effort into moving towards sustainable growth and limit climate change. Innovation and the accelerated deployment of low cost renewable energy, energy efficiency, widespread electrification and the smart use of information and communications technologies are seen as essential to accelerating energy transition. The energy transition towards a decarbonized economy has benefits that reach beyond climate change mitigation. However, a broad and coherent mix of policies is needed to reap the positive economic, social and environmental impacts of the energy transition. Energy sector transition could bring about important co-benefits, such as less air pollution, lower dependence on imported (fossil) fuels and lower household energy expenditures, the latter helping to solve the energy poverty issue, relevant especially in Eastern Europe, which is often left aside. This energy transition will not happen by itself. There is a critical role for governments to create policy frameworks that enable long-term development of the sustainable energy sector and ensure a favourable environment for the transition to reduce carbon intensity. However, lack of public support could hinder this process by driving costs up and delaying necessary actions needed for switching to low carbon economy. Public opposition is considered to be a major impediment in the EU policies. Therefore, improving stakeholder engagement, strengthening public participation processes and bottom-up movement in policy development could be seen as one of the key solutions. The PANEL2050 project „Partnership for New Energy Leadership“ aims to strengthen stakeholders acting in the renewable energy field to speed up the generation of sustainable energy policies and lead the regional movement towards low-carbon economy. Trained professionals leading the efficient stakeholder engagement in energy advocacy and policy development process will ensure the development, implementation and continuity of the sustainable energy policies. The aim of current guidebook is to provide guidance on how organisations can develop efficient energy advocacy activities, including stakeholder engagement, roadmapping, marketing and communications, fundraising and policy analysis. These skills will empower and enhance the co-operation in the sustainable energy sector. Finding a path towards sustainable development will require the pooling of diverse perspectives, knowledge and resources. The purpose of this handbook is to be a practical guide targeted for Central and Eastern European countries. The hope is that a wide spectrum of users can take it up and adapt the content to their own circumstances. This handbook is intended to be used by a whole organisation or for individual projects or processes. Organisations who are just beginning to engage will find guidance on how to start approaching stakeholder engagement, whilst those who are already engaging with their stakeholders will also find it useful for identifying possibilities for improvement and/or further systematisation. You can adapt it to your individual, project specific or organisational needs, by following the whole methodology or by selecting specific topics from the guidebook. The structure of the handbook provides guidance for most major activities that you will have to make when considering and undertaking energy advocacy.Kirje Advocating for Sustainable Energy in Central and Eastern Europe : updated version 2018(CEESEN, 2018) Davidovi, Giorgi (koostaja); Buchmayr, Astrid (koostaja); Muiste, Marek (koostaja); Antal, Alexa (koostaja); Karner, Andreas (koostaja); Vaszko, Csaba (koostaja); Pagan, Hector C. (toimetaja); Vollmer, Elis (toimetaja)The movement towards sustainable energy has been on the European Union’s agenda for a very long time and after the ratification of the Paris Agreement in November 2016 the transition to low-carbon economy became even more essential goal throughout all sectors not just energy. Cross-sector co-operation is needed for achieving the aim of reducing the CO2 emissions to keep the global temperatures from rising. It is crucial to put more effort into moving towards sustainable growth and limit climate change. Innovation and the accelerated deployment of low cost renewable energy, energy efficiency, widespread electrification and the smart use of information and communications technologies are seen as essential to accelerating energy transition. The energy transition towards a decarbonized economy has benefits that reach beyond climate change mitigation. However, a broad and coherent mix of policies is needed to reap the positive economic, social and environmental impacts of the energy transition. Energy sector transition could bring about important co-benefits, such as less air pollution, lower dependence on imported (fossil) fuels and lower household energy expenditures, the latter helping to solve the energy poverty issue, relevant especially in Eastern Europe, which is often left aside. This energy transition will not happen by itself. There is a critical role for governments to create policy frameworks that enable long-term development of the sustainable energy sector and ensure a favourable environment for the transition to reduce carbon intensity. However, lack of public support could hinder this process by driving costs up and delaying necessary actions needed for switching to low carbon economy. Public opposition is considered to be a major impediment in the EU policies. Therefore, improving stakeholder engagement, strengthening public participation processes and bottom-up movement in policy development could be seen as one of the key solutions. The PANEL2050 project „Partnership for New Energy Leadership“ aims to strengthen stakeholders acting in the renewable energy field to speed up the generation of sustainable energy policies and lead the regional movement towards low-carbon economy. Trained professionals leading the efficient stakeholder engagement in energy advocacy and policy development process will ensure the development, implementation and continuity of the sustainable energy policies. The aim of current guidebook is to provide guidance on how organisations can develop efficient energy advocacy activities, including stakeholder engagement, roadmapping, marketing and communications, fundraising and policy analysis. These skills will empower and enhance the co-operation in the sustainable energy sector. Finding a path towards sustainable development will require the pooling of diverse perspectives, knowledge and resources. The purpose of this handbook is to be a practical guide targeted for Central and Eastern European countries. The hope is that a wide spectrum of users can take it up and adapt the content to their own circumstances. This handbook is intended to be used by a whole organisation or for individual projects or processes. Organisations who are just beginning to engage will find guidance on how to start approaching stakeholder engagement, whilst those who are already engaging with their stakeholders will also find it useful for identifying possibilities for improvement and/or further systematisation. You can adapt it to your individual, project specific or organisational needs, by following the whole methodology or by selecting specific topics from the guidebook. The structure of the handbook provides guidance for most major activities that you will have to make when considering and undertaking energy advocacy.Kirje Biogaasi tootmine ja kasutamine : käsiraamat(Eesti Põllumeeste Keskliit, 2009) Eesti Põllumeeste Keskliit; Normak, Argo (toimetaja); Vollmer, Elis (toimetaja); Orupõld, Kaja (toimetaja); Kaasik, Allan (toimetaja); Kask, Ülo (toimetaja)Kirje Biogaasijaamade ohutus(Eesti Põllumeeste Keskliit, 2012) Eesti Põllumeeste Keskliit; Normak, Argo (toimetaja); Bachmann, Jaan (toimetaja); Jõgi, Erkki (toimetaja); Vollmer, Elis (toimetaja)Käesolev eestikeelne trükis on välja antud biogaasijaamade ohutuseeskirjade tutvustamiseks Saksamaal, millele toimetajad on lisanud infot Eesti õigusaktide kohta. Selle aluseks on põllumajandustootjate ametiühingute poolt Saksamaal välja antud ohutuseeskirjad “Technische Information 4, Sicherheitsregeln für Biogasanlagen”, milles selgitatakse ja täpsustatakse nõudeid biogaasijaamade rajamisele ja käitamisele. Juhendis antakse näpunäiteid projekteerimisbüroole, ehitusfirmale, operaatorile ja omanikule 0,1 baarist väiksema töörõhuga põllumajanduslike biogaasijaamade kohta. Kokkuvõtlikult on esitatud kõige olulisemad eeskirjad ja viidatakse standarditele, mida tuleb järgida. Nende ülevaate leiate lisast 11. Biogaasijaamade ohutuseeskirjad kiideti heaks 30. septembril 2008 töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse nõukogus Saksamaal. Eestikeelse väljaande näol ei ole tegemist tehnilise standardi ega ametkondliku juhendiga ning see ei asenda saksakeelset originaali!Kirje Energiavõsa : käsiraamat tõhusast biomassi tootmisest kasutades keskkonnaohutult reovett ja selle jääkmuda(Eestimaa Talupidajate Keskliit, 2008) Eestimaa Talupidajate Keskliit; Heinsoo, Katrin (toimetaja); Dimitriou, Ioannis (toimetaja); Foellner, Steffen (toimetaja); Buergow, Grit (toimetaja)Käesolev käsiraamat on koostatud ja avaldatud Euroopa Liidu rahastatud projekti „BIOPROS“ raames. 25 partnerit 11 Euroopa riigist töötasid enam kui kolm aastat mitmesuguste lahenduste kallal, mis võimaldaksid reovee ja selle jääkmuda kasutamise lühikese raieringiga kultuuride kasvatamisel1 ohutumaks ja tõhusamaks muuta. Projekti käivitamise peamiseks ajendiks olid Rootsi, Suurbritannia, Eesti ja Poola kogemused selles vallas. Nendes riikides on tekkinud võimalused kasutada pajuistandike potentsiaali nii, et oleks korraga saavutatud kõrge saagikusega puitbiomassi tootmine ja sellega seonduv reovee puhastamine. „BIOPROS-i“ raames keskenduti paju ja papli ( Salix spp. ja Populus spp.) energiavõsa istandike rajamisele, sest need on kaks kõige tavalisemat liiki Euroopas, mida kasutatakse lühikeste raieringiga kultuuridest puitbiomassi tootmiseks. Samas ei maksa energiavõsa piirata ainult nende kahe liigiga. Ka eukalüpt, lepp (Alnus spp.) ja teisedki puud võivad mõnes piirkonnas suure potentsiaaliga energiavõsa liigid olla. Nad on kiire kasvuga ning omastavad hästi vett ja toitaineid, olles seetõttu head reovee ja selle jääkmuda kasutajad. Puitbiomassi tootmine paju- ja papliistandikes ilma reovett ja selle jääkmuda kasutamata on Euroopas üsna levinud. Sellise tootmise kohta (nt lühikese raieringiga madalmetsa kasvatamise kohta) on avaldatud päris palju juhiseid (vt lisa). „BIOPROS“ aga on keskendunud inimtegevuse jääkproduktide ohutule taaskasutamisele energiavõsa kasvatamisel ja sellisena sisaldab see käsiraamat hulga spetsiifilist lisainfot just niisuguse praktika kohta.Kirje Noorteadlased taastuvenergiast(Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia, 2007) Eesti Maaülikool. Taastuvenergia keskus; Eesti Maaülikool. Taastuvenergia keskus; Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia; Leuhin, Illar (toimetaja); Teperik, Dimitri (toimetaja)Juba teist aastat on Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia ja Eesti Maaülikooli taastuvenergia keskus ühendanud oma jõud, et esitleda ühisprojekti tulemusena valminud kogumikku. Noorteadlased taastuvenergiast koondab endas eelkõige samanimelisele konkursile laekunud paremaid artikleid Eesti Maaülikooli, Tallinna Ülikooli ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli noorteadlaselt. Ehkki käesolev kogumik keskendub peamiselt taastuvenergia valdkonna mitmekülgsele tutvustamisele ja teaduslikule analüüsile, usun, et tegemist on laiemalegi lugejaskonnale huvipakkuva materjaliga, sest sisaldab ka teiste asjatundjate populaarteaduslikke mõtisklusi, mis kajastavad teemat erinevatest vaatenurkadest. On rõõmustav tõdeda, et taastuvenergia on uurimisteemana noorteadlaste seas üsna populaarne, mis on lootustandvaks märgiks selle olulise valdkonna arengus. Käesoleva kogumiku teiseks oluliseks rolliks on võimaldada noorteadlastel oma esimesi teadustöid eesti keeles avaldada, et seeläbi valdkonna problemaatika kohalikule lugejaskonnale adresseerida. Eesti teaduskeele säilimise seisukohast ei tohiks sedagi tegurit alahinnata. Taastuvenergeetika on valdkond, mille innovatiivne rakendamine kohalikes oludes on strateegilise tähtsusega nii keskkonna aspektist kui ka regionaalmajanduslikult. Noorteadlaste akadeemiliste ja sotsiaalmajanduslike muredega rohkem kui kolm aastat kokku puutununa tervitan SEB Eesti Ühispanga algatust teadustööde konkursi ja konverentsi toetamisel. Erasektori huvi teaduses toimuva vastu on arenevale ühiskonnale pandiks edukate riikide sekka jõudmisel. Dmitri Teperik, M.Sc., Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia juhatuse esimees, Euroopa doktorantide ja noorteadlaste nõukogu juhatuse liigeKirje Short rotation plantations : guidelines for efficient biomass production with the safe application of wastewater and sewage sludge(International Ecological Engineering Society, 2008) International Ecological Engineering Society; Heinsoo, Katrin (editor); Dimitriou, Ioannis (editor); Foellne, Steffen (editor); Buergow, Grit (editor)These guidelines were elaborated and published under the EU-funded BIOPROS project, where 25 partners from 11 European countries worked together for more than 3 years on approaches that can make wastewater and sewage sludge application in “Short Rotation Plantations (SRP)1” safer and more efficient. The main driving factor for starting the project were previous experiences from Sweden, the UK, Estonia and Poland that highlighted the potential to use willow plantations for a combination of high-yielding woody biomass production and associated wastewater purification. Within BIOPROS there was a particular focus on SRP with willows and poplars (Salix spp. and Populus spp.), because these are the two most common tree genera in Europe for woody biomass production with short rotation cycles. However, SRP should not be limited to only these two species, because eucalyptus, alders (Alnus spp.) and other species might also have a significant regional potential and therefore should be considered for SRP, as long as they guarantee fast growth and high uptake rates for water and nutrients to achieve the aimed wastewater and sewage sludge treatment performance. The production of woody biomass from willow and poplars without application of wastewater or sewage sludge is very common in Europe and the reader should keep in mind that several guidelines for such plantations (e.g. Short Rotation Coppice–SRC) have been published elsewhere (see Annex). As the focus in BIOPROS was specifically on the safe reuse of human residues in SRPs, these guidelines contain a lot of specialized additional information about such practices.