2019, Vol. 17, No. 1
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/5383
Sirvi 2019, Vol. 17, No. 1 Pealkiri järgi
Nüüd näidatakse 1 - 20 26
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Kirje Assessment of a low-cost solar water heating systems in farrowing facilities(2019) Damasceno, F.A.; Osorio, J.A.; Alves Oliveira, C.E.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Brandão, L.F.The objective of this study was to develop a prototype solar heater using alternative materials and then to compare its thermal efficiency against that of two other commercial solar heating systems when heating the floor of piglet housing. To evaluate the thermal heaters, temperature sensors were installed in the inlet and outlet of each floor and the thermal reservoir. The results showed good performance, however the thermal efficiency of the alternative heater was lower than the conventional systems. However, due to the construction of this solar collector with alternative materials its cost was relatively low and its operation is easier than the other conventional heater, therefore this heater is a good alternative to use for small livestock producer.Kirje Assessment of wild plants for phytoremediation of heavy metals in soils surrounding the thermal power station(2019) Murtic, S.; Jurkovic, J.; Basic, E.; Hekic, E.The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the phytoextraction potential of three main wild plant species: annual nettle (Urtica urens L.), daisy fleabane (Stenactis annua (L.) Ness.) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) that grow spontaneously in heavy metal contaminated areas near the thermal power station in Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Analyses of the heavy metal content (Ni, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Mn) in soil and plant samples taken from the examined area were performed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results obtained revealed that the examined soils are polluted by Ni and Pb and contain relatively high value of Cr and Fe. Annual nettle, daisy fleabane and yarrow have not shown high efficiency in the absorption and accumulation of heavy metals from polluted soils, and therefore these plants are not be considered as potential phytoremediators of soils on the examined area. Furthermore, the results of the study undoubtedly confirm the fact that the total content of heavy metals in soils is not a sufficient parameter for estimating the toxicity of heavy metals in soils and consequently for their transfer and accumulation in plants.Kirje Combined application of mulches and organic fertilizers enhance shallot production in dryland(2019) Lasmini, S.A.; Wahyudi, I.; Rosmini, R.; Nasir, B.; Edy, N.The objective of this study was to determine the type of mulch and organic fertilizer that can induce suitable changes in the microclimate and chemical properties of soil for the promotion of growth and yield of shallot on dryland. A factorial randomized block design experiment with two factors and three replications was constructed. The first factor was mulches consisting of rice straw, coconut husk, silver-black plastic mulch, and without mulch. The second factor was the organic fertilizers composed of either composted cow manure, Gliricidia leaf compost (each applied at 5 t ha-1 ), and no organic fertilizer. Among all treatments tested, straw mulch with 5 t ha-1 cow manure (L1P1) decreased the soil temperature from 36 °C to 30 °C and increasing the soil moisture from 7% to 37%. This, in turn, increased the cation exchange capacity by 24.32 meq 100 g -1 , pH by 6.83, C organic from 0.74 to 2.72%, C/N ratio by 13.27%, total N by 0.29%, total P from 20.02 to 28.86 mg 100 g -1 and K2O by 39.16 mg 100 g -1 . In addition, the growth and yield of shallot were positively affected, as assessed by plant height, leaf number, root length, root dry weight, total leaf area, number of bulbs per hill, bulb diameter, weight of fresh bulbs, and bulb yield. The yield of bulbs increased from 4.27 to 10.22 t ha-1 after L1P1 treatment. This study demonstrates the application of straw mulch and 5 t ha-1 cow manure could enhance the yield of shallot cultivation on drylands.Kirje Content of malondialdehyde and activity of enzyme glutathione-S-transferase in the leaves of emmer wheat under the action of herbicide and plant growth regulator(2019) Karpenko, V.; Pavlyshyn, S.; Prytulіak, R.; Naherniuk, D.The article presents the results of vegetation experiment on the influence of different rates of herbicide Prima Forte 195 – 2-ethylhexyl ether 2.4-D + aminopyralid + florasulam (0.5; 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 ) under different application methods of plant growth regulator of a natural origin Wuxal BIO Vita (Ascophyllum nodosum extract + microelements) on the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) as an important indicator of the intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids in plants and on the activity of enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the leaves of emmer wheat. Experimental scheme included 16 experimental variants: 1 – without application of preparations and pre-sowing treatment of seeds (control); 2, 3, 4 – Prima Forte 195, applied to vegetative plants at the rates 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 ; 5 – Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1 , applied to vegetative plants; 6, 7, 8 – Prima Forte 195 at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 in tank mixtures with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1 , sprayed on vegetative plants; 9 – pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t -1 (background); 10, 11, 12 – Prima forte 195, applied to vegetative plants at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 at the background of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t -1 ; 13 – Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha-1 (applied to vegetative plants, treated before sowing with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 L t -1 ); 14, 15, 16 – Prima Forte 195 at the rates of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 L ha-1 respectively, in tank mixture with Wuxal BІО Vita at the rate of 1.0 L ha -1 – spraying of plants and pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Wuxal BІО Vita 1.0 L t -1 . It has been found that under the application of Prima Forte 195 the redox state in the leaves of emmer wheat increased considerably in the direction of increasing the content of MDA. It has also been proved that herbicide Prima Forte 195 and its mixtures with plant growth regulator (PGR) Wuxal BIO Vita caused the changes in the activity of enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which slightly increased in the initial period in the variants of integrated application of herbicide and plant growth regulator. However, later the GST activity in the variants of integrated application of herbicide and PGR decreased, which indicates stabilization and a positive influence of integrated application of preparations on the detoxification processes in the crops of emmer wheat.Kirje Determination of heavy metals in root crops using bismuth nanoparticles modified graphene paste electrode(2019) Palisoc, S.; Malabuyo, Y.A.; Pereja, R.C.; Natividad, M.Electrochemical detection of lead (Pb2+) and cadmium (Cd2+) was accomplished via anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) using bismuth nanoparticle (BiNP) modified graphene paste electrode (GPE). The electrode was fabricated by mixing bismuth nanoparticles, graphene, and mineral oil and the mixture was packed in a Teflon syringe. The best electrode was determined by varying the amount of BiNP while the amount of graphene and mineral oil were kept constant at 0.21 g and 0.80 μL, respectively. The highest peak currents were obtained using 1.5 mg BiNP modified GPE. The ASV parameters, namely accumulation time, deposition time, and accumulation potential, were optimized. The calibration curve, analytical sensitivity, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the optimized electrode were determined. The correlation values for Pb2+ (R2 = 0.9409) and Cd2+ (R2 = 0.9086) in the calibration curves showed a positive linear relationship between the anodic peak current and heavy metal concentration. The LOD for both Pb2+ and Cd2+ is found to be 100 ppb. The application of the modified electrode on real sample analysis was performed using root crops purchased from local supermarkets. According to ASV and AAS analyses, most of the samples contained Cd2+ while only a few contained Pb2+. Other metals, such as Fe2+ and Cu2+, were also detected via ASV.Kirje Determination of the mass diffusion coefficient of wood by thin-layer drying kinetics(2019) Aboltins, A.; Kic, P.The aim of this paper is to present the method of using thin layer drying under controlled conditions, to obtain variable moisture diffusion coefficient expression of wood drying. The obtained relationship parameters can then be used for a larger sample drying process simulation. This paper includes the theoretical study of changes of moisture content determination in wood in response to high temperature of the drying air (105 °C). A 1-D diffusion model with a variable concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient is considered. This problem is solved, using the differential scheme. Paper described theory and experimental results of wood drying by the high temperature at 105 °C. For studies have selected five types of wood: oak (Quercus robur), beech (Fagus silvatica), spruce (Picea abies), scots pine (Pinus silvestris), and larch (Larix decidua). Experimental measurements and modelling results are given.Kirje Developing functional sterilised products technology using microwave-cooked semi-finished cod liver products(2019) Grokhovsky, V.A.; Volchenko, V.; Kuranova, L.K.; Krasulya, O.N.Cod liver which is extracted in significant amounts from fish during the process of gutting and harvesting by fishing vessels in the North Atlantic and Barents Sea is a very valuable raw material for producing ‘natural’ tinned foods that have not undergone any additional treatment and which do not have any additional ingredients, but its use is limited due to lipid instability in long-term storage in a frozen state. The authors advise that the production and use of pre-treated semi-finished products which are based on the use of cod liver is managed by means of a microwave-cooking process which results in a product that is more stable for frozen storage. Any semi-finished fish oil product that is extracted during microwave processing can also be used in food production. The variants that can be included in using these semi-finished products are discussed here when it comes to the technology that is involved in functional multicomponent products (such as natural and paste tinned foods with the addition of sauces, vegetables, mushrooms, meat, and fish protein isolate).Kirje Digitalization as an essential growth factor contributing in SME development (experience of Latvia and Romania)(2019) Rivza, B.; Kruzmetra, M.; Gudele, I.; Foris, D.In today’s global economy, entrepreneurship is an important economic growth engine for the European Union. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Europe’s economy, providing 85 % of all new jobs. The European Commission aims to promote entrepreneurship and improve the business environment for SMEs, to allow them to realise their full potential in today’s global economy (EC.2015. COSME). The expansion of SMEs in today's environment is increasingly influenced by the use of digital networks. The present research focuses on the characteristics of digital environment use by SMEs in two EU Member States – Romania and Latvia. Groups of entrepreneurs that produced both goods and services and differed in number of the employed and geographical location were surveyed in each country. The information acquired revealed the technological and economic characteristics of the digitalization process in each country, highlighting both similarities and differences. An analysis of the data gives an opportunity to identify main priorities to enhance SME digitalization processes in the future. The first of them is the accessibility of competent workers in digitization and digitalization.Kirje Eduard Stiefel’s linear programming method as tool in agro metrics(2019) Jaunzems, A.; Balode, I.In this paper, we consider the linear optimization models’ application problems in the research processes and in the didactics processes. Our target is to convince the colleagues about preferences of Eduard Stiefel’s method comparing with widespread George Bernard Dantzig’s simplex method. Indeed, the Stiefel’s method provides researchers and teachers with clear and pithy interpretations of linear model. Our pedagogical praxis during long time period conclusively confirms that Stiefel’s method makes the theory of linear optimization match easier for understanding and for active employing to students especially in the specialities with limited mathematical education. We offer in this paper also some new theoretical concepts and methods adapted for the linear model information analysis (the concept of general optimal plan, the methods of the profounder sensitivity analysis), and we appeal economists to interpret simplex predicates as productions functions in a broad sense.Kirje Effect of feed restriction on muscle fibre characteristics and meat quality traits in pigs(2019) Lebedová, N.; Stupka, R.; Čítek, J.; Okrouhlá, M.; Zadinová, K.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of feed restriction on muscle fibre composition and meat quality traits in pigs. Forty crossbred pigs (Pietrain × Large WhiteSire) × (Landrace × Large WhiteDam) were divided into two feeding groups: ad libitum (AL) and restricted (R1). The effects of feed restriction on muscle fibre characteristics of the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) and meat quality traits were evaluated. Muscle fibres were stained and classified as fibre types I, IIA, and IIB. For each muscle fibre type, the fibre density, fibre cross-section area (CSA), and fibre proportion were determined. Fibres IIB were divided into small- (diameter < 46 μm), medium- (diameter 46–86 μm) and large-sized (diameter > 86 μm) fibres. The AL group had significantly lower (P < 0.05) percentage area of IIB fibres and lower (P < 0.01) CSA of IIB fibres than did the R1 group. The R1 group had significantly greater content of large-sized IIB fibres and smaller content of medium-sized IIB fibres than did the AL group (P < 0.05). The group fed ad libitum had greater backfat thickness and smaller lean meat content and tended to have better meat quality traits compared to the restricted group. The results of this study show that strong feed restriction had a negative effect on muscle fibre composition, especially on the amount of large-sized fibres IIB, which are associated with poor meat quality.Kirje Effect of foliar fertilization of microelements on highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corumbosum L.) nutrient status and yield components in cutover peatlands(2019) Karlsons, A.; Osvalde, A.The commercial cultivation of highbush blueberry in Latvia was successfully started during the last 20 years. In 2018, there was an estimated 280 ha of highbush blueberries planted in Latvia with increasing annual hectarage. In general, blueberry is a highly specialized crop that has definite soil agrochemical and climatic requirements: it has low nutrient needs and is sensitive to excessive nutrient levels in the soil. However, balanced and precise mineral nutrition is essential for producing high and quality yield. The study was conducted in the producing planting of highbush blueberry, cultivar ‘Patriot’, during the vegetation season of 2018. The research was carried out to determine the effect of foliar fertilization with micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, B) on the productivity, the content of mineral elements in leaves and photosynthesis of blueberries. Field experiment design included foliar fertilizer treatments 0 to 3 times per season. In general, our results revealed that foliar sprays with micronutrients had a positive effect on the berry yield, parameters of photosynthesis and microelement content in leaves of highbush blueberry. It was determined that the application of the foliar fertilizer 4 times per season provided the highest berry yield (134% compared to control) and the highest photosynthetic activity of plants. Our study suggests that correct foliar fertilization can optimize the content of Fe, Zn and B in blueberry leaves.Kirje The effect of the 1,2,3-triazolo[5,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazines on Solanum lycopersicum L. seed germination(2019) Vysokova, O.A.; Kalinina, T.A.; Glukhareva, T.V.; Kochubei, A.A.; Cherepanova, O.A.In recent years chemical pesticides are being replaced by environmentally friendly and universal means of plant protection that are able to exert a complex effect on the plant (stimulate growth and development, improve metabolic processes, develop resistance to pathogens, etc.). The effect of new synthetic growth regulators of the 1,2,3-triazolo[5,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazine class and trade phytohormones (6-BAP, GA and TDZ) on the growth processes, growth energy and vitality of tomato seeds, as well as morphological parameters of seedlings was researched in this article. It was revealed that the effect of synthesized compounds on seed vigor and viability of seedlings are superior to commercial phytohormones. In the early stages of germination the seed vigor of tomato seeds treated with the compounds TT1-TT5 were superior to one in treatments with phytohormones and in control experiment. As a result of the experiment, the most viable seedlings were formed into the treatments TT1, TT2 and TT3 (in all studied concentrations). Tomato seedlings treated with 6-BAP and GA at a concentration of 5 mg L -1 produced the worst results.Kirje Effects of experimental warming on peroxidase, nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activities in wheat(2019) Argentel-Martínez, L.; Garatuza-Payán, J.; Arredondo, T.; Yépez, E.A.Given the effects of climate change and its significant consequences on plant productivity, it is necessary to evaluate the enzymatic responses of the most important crops such as wheat (Triticum durum L.). We examined the response of foliar peroxidase activity, nitrate reductase, and glutamine synthetase to experimental increments of temperature (+2 °C) under field conditions following conventional agricultural practices. Foliar samples, in both control and warming treatments were taken during growth, tillering and flowering phenophases to test the peroxidase activity. Similarly, nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase activities, and glutamine content were measured during the heading phenophase. Due to the effects of experimental warming, peroxidase activity significantly increased. The nitrate reductase activity was also higher in the warming treatment, suggesting a high nitrogen metabolism efficiency. Whereas, the increase observed in the glutamine synthetase activity, and consequently the glutamine content, evidenced a biochemical signal of an early senescence due to the effect of warming.Kirje Effects of selected process parameters on the compaction of carob powder(2019) Akangbe, O.L.; Blahovec, J.; Adamovský, R.; Linda, M.; Hromasova, M.The effects of important process parameters on mechanical response during the densification of an industrial food powder were investigated and important phenomena described using the power rule. The factors studied had highly significant effects on mechanical response. The effects of the models in predicting the behaviour of the system were also highly significant. The findings are of relevance to processing and handling of food powders.Kirje The efficiency of humic growth stimulators in pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar additional fertilizing of sown areas of grain and industrial crops(2019) Marenych, M.M.; Hanhur, V.V.; Len, O.I.; Hangur, Yu.M.; Zhornyk, I.I.; Kalinichenko, A.V.The aim of the research was to establish the effectiveness of preparations, made on the basis of humic and fulvic acids on the yields of crops in case of different methods and amounts used. The experiments were held with varieties and hybrids of winter wheat, soya, corn, and sunflower. Based on the obtained results of investigation during the period of 2015–2017, the positive impact of foliar additional fertilizing with 4R Foliar Concentrate growth stimulator on the basis of humic and fulvic acids on the formation of productivity of the main crops sown areas was established. Proceeding from the results of the research, the using of growth stimulators based on humic and fulvic acids, which contain high concentrations of these substances, can be recommended as an expedient and efficient measure of raising the productivity and improving qualitative indicators of corn, sunflower, soya, and winter wheat yields.Kirje The energy intensity of the briquetting process in terms of profitability of waste treatment(2019) Liška, V.Modern agricultural industry is a source of a considerable amount of waste, which can come in various forms and states. Such waste, and not just agricultural waste in the form biomass, is highly desirable for further processing, depositing or utilising its energy potential. Briquetting technology is suitable for all these purposes. The briquetting press for industrial use is complex technical equipment. The economy of its operation has a major impact on the profitability of the produced briquettes and hence on the efficiency of waste and biomass processing as such. The paper deals with the energy demands of briquetting in terms of waste treatment and economic profitability of production in the whole context of waste processing as a whole.Kirje Environmental and economic assessment of sustainability in Mediterranean wheat production(2019) Falcone, G.; Stillitano, T.; Montemurro, F.; De Luca, A.I.; Gulisano, G.; Strano, A.This study proposes the application of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and economic evaluations conducted on different cereal production systems in semi-arid environments. Two different crop management systems of durum wheat were analysed by distinguishing Continuous Cropping (CC) and Crop Rotation (CR) with vetch, that are conducted through two different levels of crop intensification (in terms of tillage and fertilization strategies): Conventional (Conv) and Conservative (Cons). The resulting four scenarios were examined using LCA methodology to assess the environmental impacts, and the Production Cost (PC) analysis to estimate the economic results. Overall, the findings of this research provide an opportunity to identify sustainable crops management strategies.Kirje Impact of rootstock on heavy metal bioaccumulation in apple plant grown near an industrial source in Obiliq, Kosovo(2019) Imeri, R.; Kullaj, E.; Duhani, E.; Millaku, L.Food exposure to heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, As, Zn, Cu and Fe is considered a risk to human health. This study analyzes the level of heavy metals in soil and delicious apple tissues (fruit, leaf, shoot) in three different rootstocks: mm106, m26 and m9 grown in the Obiliq region (considered as a polluted region). The data obtained from the Obiliq areas are compared with those grown in reference clear area. Individual soil samples were collected from each plant to assess metal content in the immediate plant environment. Samples of soil, fruit, leaf and shoot have been analyzed for heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, As, Zn, Cu, Cr and Fe) using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The results indicated that the average concentrations of Pb, Cd, Ni, As, Zn, Cu, Cr and Fe in soil of Obiliq areas were 2.03, 0.15, 6.99, 12.4, nd, 12.3, 4.68, 5.32 mg kg-1 d.w. respectively. The concentration of metals in the apple tissue increased with the increase of heavy metals in soil from polluted area. The accumulation ratios of heavy metals were calculated to assess the potential health risks. The mean concentrations of the heavy metals in the soil were in order of magnitude Ni > Zn > Cr > Cu > Fe > Pb > Cd > As while that in the fruits of apple were in order of magnitude Cr > Fe > Cu > Ni > Pb > Zn > Cd > As; in the leaves were Fe > Zn > Cu > Cr > Pb > Ni > Cd > As; in shoots were Zn > Fe > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cd > As. Mobility of heavy metals and potentially hazardous in studied lands threatens the quality of apple fruit consumption, with a real risk that these elements (Cd, Pb, Ni and Cr) can enter the food chain.Kirje Influence of the assimilation apparatus and productivity of white lupine plants(2019) Mazur, V.A.; Pantsyreva, H.V.; Mazur, K.V.; Didur, I.M.Artificial regulation of the growth and development of cultivated plants aimed to increase biological productivity and improve the quality of eco-frienfly products is an important goal of modern agricultural production. Application of the natural growth stimulators and bacterial agents is quite relevant and effective. The field research was conducted on the basis of the research farm ‘Agronomichne’ of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, village Agronomichne, Vinnytsa district, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine. Features of the growth and development of white lupine (Lupinus albus L.) plants are examined. There has been established a positive effect of the combination of inoculation with the bacterial agent and growth stimulator on the productivity of white lupine, which is important for the formation of high and stable yields. The papers presents the results of studies on the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar nutrion under conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine on the assimilation apparatus of white lupine plants. It has been established that bacterial agents and growth stimulators increase white lupine productivity due to optimization of the studied technological methods of cultivation. The optimal leaf surface area that provided maximum grain yield has been determined. The research has established a positive effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with the bacterial agent Rhizohumin and the growth stimulator Emistym C and foliar nutrition with Emistym C on the chlorophyll content in the white lupine leaves. The influence of the investigated technological methods on the formation of the assimilation surface area and chlorophyll synthesis in the leaves of white lupine has been proved. The preparations studied induce intensive development of the photosynthetic apparatus, yield increase, improvement of the yield structure and they improve grain quality under conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The issue of seed bacterization and application of growth stimulators requires a more detailed study. Theefore, such researches are relevant and significance in terms of both practical and scientific value.Kirje Mathematics education for sustainable agriculture specialists(2019) Zeidmane, A.; Rubina, T.One of the Sustainable Development objectives is to promote life-long learning opportunities for all, but one of the Lifelong Learning competences is mathematical competence, which can be obtained studying mathematics at schools and universities. The question is how much and whether the course of mathematics should be included in the curriculum of the agronomy specialties at universities. The aim of the article is to highlight the insufficient amount of higher mathematics in the education of agriculture specialist in the context of sustainable development. The objectives of the study: to identify the importance of mathematics for agronomy specialists by analysing the role of the mathematics education for agronomy specialists and to analyse the proportion of mathematics courses in the curriculum of the agronomy programmes in the Baltics States and the Baltic Sea region’s higher education institutions. The mathematics education is important for agronomy specialists in many fields. Agronomy specialists need knowledge and skills in basic mathematics, in statistical analysis and interpretation, mathematical modelling, in scientific methods, in economic analysis. The knowledge and skills in a direct and indirect means is provided by mathematical studies at universities. In order to analyse the proportion of mathematics courses in study programmes of Agriculture, Agronomy and Horticulture, three universities of the Baltic States were compared: the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Aleksandras Stulginskis University (Lithuania) and Estonian University of Life Sciences. For a more comprehensive analysis and comparison several universities from the Baltic Sea region were chosen that provide studies in agricultural sciences. Unfortunately, not all agronomy programmes in the Baltic Sea region contain the higher mathematics course that would help to understand the role of derivatives, integrals, and differential equations in the modelling process, as well as further developing general problem-solving skills.