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Kirje 3D image analysis of the shapes and dimensions of several tropical fruits(2018) Herak, D.; Mizera, C.; Hrabe, P.; Kabutey, A.T hree dimension virtual models of Avocado ( Persea americana ) , Salak ( Salacca zalacca ) , Dragon fruit ( Hylocereus undatus ) , Mango ( Mangifera indica ) , Coconut ( Cocos nucifera ) using 3D scanner Intel RealSense were determined. C alculated models based on arithmetic and geometric diameter were also determined. From statistically analysis implies that virtual models on significance level 0 .05 are significantly different with calculated values based on arithmetic or geometric diameter.Kirje Accelerated technology of rye bread with improved quality and increased nutritional value(2019) Dubrovskaya, N.; Savkina, O.; Kuznetsova, L.; Parakhina, O.; Usova, L.Accelerated bakery technologies do not always ensure high bread quality. The taste and smell of bread is less pronounced when compared with the traditionally prepared bread and it is quickly subjected to microbial spoilage. The aim of the research was to develop an improved composite mixture for the accelerated technology of rye bread, which would improve its quality, nutritional value, extend shelf life and microbiological stability. Rowan powder (botanical species Sorbus aucuparia) as unconventional raw ingredients of high nutritional and biological value was used. Rowan powder has high acidity (40 degrees or 5.7% in terms of malic acid) and contains a wide range of organic acids, including volatile acids (2–3%) and preservative acids (such as sorbic acid), as well as other micro- and macronutrients. New acidifying additive with rowan powder was created. The optimal dosage of rowan powder in the new acidifying additive by 13% per 100 kg of flour allows bread making with higher specific volume, acidity and porosity of the crumb compared with the control sample. The research proves that rowan powder usage in the accelerated bread technology improves its organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators and also increases the content of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The content of fibers in custard bread with rowan powder was 1.85 times higher than in the control sample. The rowan powder usage has a positive effect on the preservation of bread freshness during its storage. The rowan powder usage slows down the custard bread mould disease.Kirje Acceptance of low-sugar yoghurt among Latvian teenagers(2020) Zagorska, J.; Ciprovica, I.; Straumite, E.; Majore, K.Over a thousand year history, yoghurt has become one of a widely consumed product in the world. Its reputation as a healthy food has been undermined recently by concerns over the high sugar content. The majority of consumers expects and prefers yoghurts to be sweet. However, governments across Europe are calling for significant cuts in the amount of added sugar used in yoghurt production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the acceptance of low-sugar yoghurt produced by different commercial β-galactosidases by teenagers. Standardised milk with fat content 2.0% (SC Tukuma piens) was pasteurized at 95 ± 1 °C 5 min, cooled down till 43 ± 1 °C and fermented with β-galactosidase and starter YC-X11 (Chr. Hansen, Denmark) and fermented till pH 4.50 ± 0.20. Different commercial β-galactosidases: Nola™ Fit 5500, Ha-Lactase 5200 (Chr. Hansen, Denmark), GODO-YNL2 (Danisco, Denmark) and BrennZyme (Brenntag PolskaSp, Poland) were used. Fermented samples were gently mixed and cooled down till 6 ± 1 °C and 5% (w/w) of sugar was added to each sample. Sensory evaluation of the yoghurt’s samples was performed by teenagers (14–18 years, n = 50) at Aizputes Secondary School (Latvia). Lactose and monosaccharides concentration prior to sugar addition was detected by HPLC (Shimadzu LC 20 Prominence, Japan). The lactose hydrolysis into glucose and galactose by the use of β-galactosidase helps to increase sweetness through an occurrence of natural sugars in milk. During sensory evaluation, teenagers admitted the yoghurt with reduced sugar as sweet, significantly sweeter (P < 0.05) was yoghurt sample with Nola™ Fit 5500. The results demonstrated that it is possible to reduce sugar in yoghurt production and to gain consumer acceptance through the occurrence of glucose and galactose, but it is problematic to offer lactose-free or reduced lactose products to consumers without lactose intolerance.Kirje Accuracy of waste stockpile volume calculations based on UAV Photogrammetry(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Künnapuu, Rauno; Kokamägi, Kaupo; Liba, Natalja; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering. Chair of Forest and Land Management and Forest IndustryIn environmental supervision, it is necessary to measure waste piles volume to determine whether the activities of the waste manager comply with the established requirements. The aim of this research is to determine whether the model, formed from images collected with low-priced unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) - not with Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK GNSS) capability - is sufficiently accurate to carry out waste-related surveying. Data collection took place in spring 2021 at the Aardlapalu transhipment station in Tartu County. The objects of the research were an unscreened composting pile and a covered composting pile. In the fieldwork, terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric flight were carried out. The reference value was the volume of the model formed from the data of laser scan. The volumes of all models formed by the photogrammetric method were within the permissible difference of 10% provided by law. The most accurate results were obtained from the covered composting pile with an overlap of 70% × 70% and 21 ground control points (GCPs). Using these parameters, the absolute error of the model was 1.48 m³ and the relative error was 0.65%. The most inaccurate results were obtained from the unscreened composting pile with an overlap of 80% × 80% and 21 GCP-s. The research confirmed the hypothesis that sufficient accuracy to calculate waste piles volumes can also be achieved by using a cheaper UAV and camera and with software not specially designed for photogrammetry, design, and drawing.Kirje Acoustic analysis of cement composites with lignocellulosic residues(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021) Ferraz, P.F.P.; Abreu, D.H.S.; Huallpa, B.N.; Santana, L.S.; Cecchin, D.; Rabelo, G.F.; Rossi, G.; Barbari, M.The concept of environmental sustainability has been seeking a way to develop projects that reduce the impacts provided by agricultural development and the excessive consumption of natural resources. However, there is still little knowledge about the acoustic insulation/absorption behaviour of lignocellulosic materials. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the acoustic properties of five cement panels reinforced with the following lignocellulosic materials: eucalyptus, sugarcane bagasse, coconut shell, coffee husk, and banana pseudostem, which ones have as a reference a commercial plaster used as sealing in civil constructions. The proposed panels were produced with each lignocellulosic material residue. It was produced three replicates for each type including plaster (being 18 panels in total). The sound insertion loss (SIL) measurement of the above-mentioned panels have been performed using an acoustical treated inexpensive facility developed based on the literature. The characterization of the acoustic behaviour of the studied materials were analysed according to the IEC (61260-1). The acoustic measurements have been done in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz and the analysis in octave bands have been performed. To make the analysis easier, the overall range of frequencies mentioned above was divided as ‘low’, ‘middle’ and ‘high’ ranges. Additionally, the measurement of thickness, density and porosity structure parameters of the lignocellulosic samples have been performed. According to the results and doing a trade-off analysis, the eucalyptus presented the overall best performance considering the overall range of analysis, being the banana pseudostem and sugarcane bagasse materials as good competitors.Kirje Activation effect of β-alanine and chitosan derivative on A. glycyphyllos and A. membranaceus seed germination and seedling growth and development(2021) Khamidullina, L.A.; Cherepanova, O.E.; Tobysheva, P.D.; Rybina, E.A.; Pestov, A.V.Agricultural cultivation of astragalus is fraught with a number of difficulties caused by both certain requirements for climatic conditions and individual characteristics of plants of this genus. In this study, carboxyalkylated derivative of chitosan was first proposed to use for improvement of astragalus propagation. Effects of N-(2-carboxyethyl)chitosan on in vitro A. glycyphyllos and A. membranaceus seed germination and seedling growth and development in comparing with β-alanine and chitosan acetate were detected. Carboxyethylation of chitosan leads to an increase in hydrophilic properties of the molecule, which enhances a penetration of nutrients inside the plant owing to improved solvating effect and bioadhesive activity. Seed germination assay were performed on Murashige-Skoog growth medium with or without tested compounds. N-2-Carboxyethylated derivative of chitosan was found to demonstrate active stimulating effect on the plant growth and development, contrary to the effect of acetate chitosan, but not to cause an activating effect on seed germination, while β-alanine does.Kirje Adaptability of apricot varieties in the Right-Bank Subzone of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Ignatenko, O.; Moiseichenko, N.; Makarova, D.; Trokhymchuk, H.; Vasylenko, V.; Havryliuk, O.; Kishchak, O.; Honcharuk, Y.; Hrusha, V.The research reveals the main reasons that prevent the extension of commercial apricot plantations in Ukraine and worldwide. This brief description includes eight cultivars from Ukrainian and foreign breeding programmes. The trials conducted in the Right-Bank subzone of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The plants from Ukrainian breeding programme ‘Melitopolskyi Ranniі’, ‘Botsadivskyi’, ‘Siaivo’, ‘Kumir’, ‘Osoblyvyi Denysiuka’, as well as the foreign one – ‘Robada’, ‘Harogem’, ‘HJA-19’, were distinguished by high adaptability to the complex of adverse overwintering factors in the above-mentioned region. These samples did not lose the acquired level of frost resistance under the influence of provoking thaws. A comprehensive assessment of drought resistance, based on water-holding capacity, turgor recovery degree, water deficiency, and leaves' hydration of the presented varieties, established that all variants of the experiment were not inferior to the best popular cultivars. According to the the biological feature of buds' formation at an early age, the cultivars ‘Robada’ and ‘HJA-19’ were characterized as early-fruiting. The yield and quality indicators for the 2021–2022 years of research were evaluated. Average fruit weight was noted in all samples, with the cultivar ‘Siaivo’ exceeding the average. To improve the assortment and enrich the apricot gene pool collections with the best samples suitable for cultivation in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine, according to the results of the study, the following researched cultivars were included in the collection of valuable samples of the common apricot gene pool of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: ‘Melitopolskyi Ranniі,’ ‘Botsadivskyi,’ ‘Siaivo,’ and ‘Osoblyvyi Denysiuka’. These cultivars are sources of productivity and adaptability to abiotic factors of cultivation (winter and frost resistance, drought resistance). They are certified by the National Center of Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine.Kirje Adaptation of Syrah wine grape cultivar to changing climatic conditions of the Bekaa valley, Lebanon(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023) Ghantous, G.; Popov, K.; El Sebaaly, Z.; Sassine, Y.N.Climatic factors play a key role in determining the suitability of a given region for specific cultivars and wine types and the responses of individual grapevine cultivars to climate are of utmost importance for activity planning and decision making in viticulture. The study investigated the effect of climate conditions from 2006 till 2018 on the performance of cv. Syrah cultivated in two vineyards in Lebanon; Kanafar (at 1,020 m.a.s.l) and Mansoura (at 850 m.a.s.l). Cluster analysis based on climate indicators divided years into two clusters; in Kanafar (cluster 1: 2006–2015, cluster 2: 2016–2018) and in Mansoura (cluster 1: 2006 to 2008, cluster 2: 2009 to 2018). Solar radiation (May-June) and average wind speed (July-August-September) were the most influential predictors in Kanafar and Mansoura, respectively. In Kanafar, average yield and weight of 200 berries decreased by 21% and 22.7 g respectively in cluster 2, but in Mansoura only average yield increased by 3.7% in cluster 2. Total soluble solids and titratable acidity were not significantly affected by the shift in climate conditions at both vineyards, however total anthocyanin potential was significantly lower in Kanafar (by 114.2 mg kg-1 ) and higher in Mansoura (by 353.4 mg kg-1 ) in cluster 2. Total polyphenolic richness was only affected in Kanafar (reduction by 42 mg GAE g-1 in cluster 2). Syrah performance was more negatively affected by the changing climate conditions at Kanafar rather than Mansoura vineyards and it seems to better adapt to climate conditions of Mansoura overcoming the shift in climate that occurred after 2008 there.Kirje Adaptation of various maize hybrids when grown for biomass(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Radchenko, M.V.; Trotsenko, V.I.; Butenko, A.O.; Masyk, І.M.; Hlupak, Z.I.; Pshychenko, O.I.; Terokhina, N.O.; Rozhko, V.M.; Karpenko, O.Y.The aim of this research is to optimize growth and development of maize for biomass by selecting maize hybrids to fulfill their productivity potential. The following maize hybrids were the subject of research: Forteza, DM Native, DM Skarb. The greatest height of plants was formed in the interphase period of milk-wax maturity of grain in hybrid Forteza - 286.4 cm. In hybrid DM Native the height of plants was - 271.2 cm, hybrid DM Skarb - 263.6 cm. Weight of one plant of hybrids studied during the maize growing season ranged from 442 g to 760 g. Thus, the largest mass of maize plants was recorded in the milk-wax maturity stage. It was the largest at the hybrid Forteza and amounted to 760 g, that is more than at the hybrid DM Native for 3.4% (26 g) and at the hybrid DM Skarb for 6.6% (50 g). The average crop yield of the hybrid Forteza for the period of research was 55.1 t ha-1 . Hybrids DM Native and DM Skarb provided this indicator at the level of 50.6 and 45.7 t ha-1 respectively. Hybrid Forteza provided a maximum crop yield 55.1 t ha-1 with plant height 286.4 cm, assimilation surface of one plant and a crop 0.59 m2 ; 42.8 thousand m2 ha-1 and plant weight 760 g.Kirje Adapting agriculture to climate shifts: managing crop water needs for environmental resilience in Sindh, Pakistan(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Qureshi, H.U.; Abbas, I.; Shah, S.M.H.; Qureshi, Z.U.; Al-Qadami, E.H.H.; Mustaffa, Z.; Teo, F.Y.Sindh is an important hub for the agricultural production in Pakistan. Therefore, this study was aimed to model the air temperature trend in Sindh and its impacts on the seasonal water requirement for Rice, Wheat, and Sugarcane under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios. In this study, RegCM4 with GFDL-ESM2M was used and the bias correction of RegCM4 simulations was done using Quantile Mapping. As per the analysis, the average annual temperature over the study area may rise by about 1.2 to 1.8 °C and 2.8 to 3.3 °C under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios respectively. Seasonally, warming is expected to be higher in spring and winter seasons, whereas, diurnally, the daytime temperature may increase by about 1.2 to 1.7 °C and 2.6 to 3.2 °C, while the nighttime temperature may rise by about 1.4 to 2.7 °C and 3.0 to 3.5 °C under the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios respectively. Consequentially, the seasonal water requirement for Rice in Sindh may increase by about 50–100 mm and 100–200 mm under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios respectively. For Wheat, the water requirement may rise by about 60 mm and 100 mm, whereas for Sugarcane, it may soar by about 100–150 mm and 150–200 mm under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios respectively. Conclusively, the rising crop water consumption may cause increased irrigation requirements, low crop water productivity and yield, and rising local water disputes thereby endangering the crop production and water security in the province.Kirje Additional concentrates do not affect feeding times of cows, but social positions of cows do(2018) Soonberg, Maria; Kass, Marko; Kaart, Tanel; Leming, Ragnar; Arney, David R.; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Department of Animal Nutrition; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Department of Animal Breeding and BiotechnologyIn robotic milking dairy systems lack of control over intakes can be problematic for balancing the forage and concentrate portions of diets. This can lead to proble ms associated with high concentrate intakes and concomitant low forage intakes. To check this as a problem, the feeding behaviour of cows was observed: the number of daily visits to the feed barrier, the duration of these visits and actual feeding, of high and low yielding cows. The cows were robot - milked and fed a ration comprising, separately, concentrate feed from a robot and a feeder, and a grass/clover silage mix forage at the feed barrier. Individual variation in visiting times and times spent at the feed barrier were greater than the effect of level of production. There was no evidence that cows with higher milk yields are differentially motivated to feed from forage. But more dominant cows spent more time feeding than submissive cows.Kirje Adoption and advantages of eco-friendly technology application at the Shallot farming system in Indonesia(2019) Mahfudz, M.; Saleh, S.; Antara, M.; Anshary, A.; Bachri, S.; Made, U.; Hasanah, U.; Rauf, R.A.This study aimed to evaluate the benefits farmers obtained by adopting eco-friendly technologies on local shallot cultivation in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The technology applied includes; trap crops, biofertilizers (bokashi and mycorrhiza arbuscular) biopesticides (Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma sp.) and plastic mulch. Ninety-nine shallot farmers were selected, consisting of 35 farmers who applied the technology (adopters) and 64 farmers who did not (non adopters). Characteristics, rates of adoption, and benefits of both groups of farmers were measured and analyzed. The results showed that the level of technology adopted by the farmers was high and supported by farmer characteristics, particularly their age and education. The application of technology increases the production of shallots and the total profits of farmers by 29.5% and 79.1% respectively. In addition, adopters can reduce the costs of chemical inputs by around 69.5%. Therefore, the technology introduced provides multiple benefits for farmers; economically and environmentally.Kirje Adsorbent potential of cocoa pod husk activated charcoal to remove metals from the Ucayali River(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Lozano-Reátegui, R.M.; Asencios-Tarazona, V.; Ruiz-Yance, I.O.; Guerrero-Ochoa, M.R.; Pinedo-Chambi, W.; Mendoza-Carlos, M.M.The problem of river water contamination due to the presence of dangerous metals for ichthyological flora and fauna and human health has motivated the search for innovative and feasible solutions. Therefore, the production of activated carbon from cocoa pod husks was investigated to eliminate metals present in the Ucayali River. Response surface methodology was used to optimize the manufacturing of the adsorbent and test its effectiveness in removing metals from water using a factorial design of 33 and 32, with three replicates each. The optimal amount of activated carbon (18.41 g) was obtained from 200 g of fresh cocoa pod husks. It was converted into activated carbon under the following conditions: thermal modification at 100, 150, and 200 °C; activation time of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 h; and pyrolysis and activation at 400, 500, and 600 °C. This allowed the elimination by efficient adsorption of 56.8% Fe2+, 68.4% Al3+, 65.9% Cu2+, and 55.5% Zn2+ from Ucayali River, thus demonstrating its adsorbent power. The results will make it possible to manufacture filters to decontaminate water containing heavy metals, thus guaranteeing its consumption.Kirje The advanced application of the wood-originated wastewater sludge(2020) Brovkina, J.; Shulga, G.; Ozolins, J.; Neiberte, B.; Verovkins, A.; Lakevics, V.The wood hydrothermal treatment is one of the plywood production’s stages, which resulting in the production of wastewater containing such components as hemicelluloses, lignin and wood extractive substances (HLES). It is necessary to improve the wastewater treatment technology with the aim to enhance the yield of sludge from plywood wastewater for its effective and rational recycling. In the present study, the optimal coagulation conditions for the HLES removal have been found using the developed aluminium salt-based coagulant. The developed composite coagulant is characterized by lower doses, a wide range of the work pH values, the insensitivity against temperature changes and a higher coagulation efficacy compared with traditional aluminium salts. The proposed treatment technology generates many tons of woodoriginated sludge – a biomass coagulate. It was found that the formed coagulate produced in the process of wastewater treatment can increase the sorption ability of clay. The optimal content of the dry coagulate in a clay sorbent does not exceed 0.11%. The sorption capacity of the developed sorbent for water, rapeseed and silicone oil increases by 35%, 31% and 21%, respectively, relative to the unmodified clay sorbent. The sorption efficiency of heavy metals from water solutions is also increased by 10–12%. The thermal treatment of the modified clay sorbent at the high temperature leads to an increase in its sorption capacity for oil products.Kirje Advancing circular bioeconomy: trends, clusters, and roadmaps in biofuel production and waste valorisation(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Chernysh, Y.; Chubur, V.; Roubik, H.Today, one of the important tasks of bioeconomy development is waste management based on the principles of environmental management and bioenergy production. In the context of this issue, this review focusses on the analysis of current trends in biofuel production that involve sustainable feedstocks and the valorisation of waste into useful bioproducts in agriculture. The scientometric method included the use of Scopus and Web of Science databases to compare the coverage of the research topic with keyword chain optimization. In addition, bioinformational databases was used to support the involvement of secondary raw materials in the bioprocessing cycle. The implementation of the research objectives resulted in the identification of bioeconomy clusters that emphasize the importance of developing specific regional circular bioeconomy strategies while avoiding ‘one-size-fits-all’ solutions for individual sectoral technologies. An example of bioeconomy development in the world is bioenergy. The structure of bioenergy has been analysed. A roadmap for biotechnology modernisation was proposed using the example of anaerobic waste conversion process as part of the implementation of a circular bioeconomy. The stages of the roadmap for the modernisation of bioenergy technologies were analysed within the framework of the sectoral implementation of the circular bioeconomy. The efficiency indicators for the implementation of bioeconomy in agricultural production have been determined. In addition, an important direction unifying anaerobic technologies with the agricultural sector is the enrichment of digestates with macro and microelements, which is possible due to mineral additives, for example, phosphogypsum. This direction was also considered from the point of view of environmental safety.Kirje Advancing patient safety competencies in nursing education: an examination of student attitudes(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2024) Sepp, JaanaIn nursing, patient safety is of paramount concern, requiring the development of well-defined competencies among nursing students and the early integration of safety principles into curricula. This study aimed to explore nursing students' perceptions regarding patient safety, offering valuable insights for curriculum developers. The main research questions were: What are the perceptions of nursing students regarding patient safety, and how can this information be useful for curriculum developers in improving students' safety knowledge and developing the curriculum in this direction? The Attitudes to Patient Safety Questionnaire (APSQ III) was employed to gather data due to its established reputation as a comprehensive and reliable instrument for assessing student attitudes in patient safety. The questionnaire was thoughtfully distributed to first-year nursing students with work experience in the healthcare field. The study revealed that students consider patient safety important and perceive its implementation as dependent on multidisciplinary teamwork and error reporting. Based on students' perceptions, nursing educators should increase the presence of patient safety courses in the nursing curriculum, emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach and enhancing competencies related to critical thinking. This includes improving skills in error reporting, organizing practical training, and mastering the use of standardized terminology. In conclusion, the study underscores the necessity of redefining nursing competencies, early integration of patient safety principles, the significance of research, and the role of assessment tools in shaping attitudes toward patient safety in nursing education.Kirje The advantage of Decision Support System for managing spring barley disease in Estonia(2017) Sooväli, Pille; Koppel, Mati; Lauringson, Enn; Talgre, LiinaA Decision Support System (DSS) I - Taimekaitse focusing on use of timely applied and reduced fungicide rates in control of cereal diseases has been tested in field trials since 2003 . We compared the conventional treatment and the DSS - based spray practices in 18 field trials in five agricultural locations over 7 - year period. Efficacy of the control of net blotch caused by Pyrenophora teres (Drechsler, am Drechlera teres Sacc. Shoem), the main fungal disease in spring barley has been tested to determine the economic advantage of DSS use. Compared with the conventional spray practices, the advantage I - Taimekaitse resulted in reduction of application doses by 30 to 60% of the registered rate. According to I - Taimekaitse , the fungicides were applied mainly between heading and flowering growth stages (GS 55 – 65), whereas traditional routine spraying is commonly made at booting (GS 37 – 49) . The experiment clarifies the cost - benefit of using DSS - based approach in barley disease management with average yield increase above the control in 12.8% and above the conventional treatment in 14.1%. I - Taimekaitse gave competitive disease control and average yield output reduction compared with conventional practice by 9%. In general the Treatment Frequency Index applied in conventional treatment was 0.65 and in DSS 0.41. Although the cost of treatment expense in DSS was 20% less compared with conv entional practice, the performance of conventional used spray practices was outstanding in economic return.Kirje Advantages of electric resistance method for baking bread and flour confectionery products of functional purpose(2020) Kulishov, B.; Kulishova, K.; Rudometova, N.; Fedorov, A.; Novoselov, A.In this paper we studied the effect of the baking method on the preservation of betacarotene in two types of products: pan wheat bread and sponge cake. Five sources of betacarotene were used in the study, three of which are commercially available samples, and the two others are experimental samples of supramolecular complexes of beta-carotene with alpha- and beta-cyclodextrins in powder form (molecular ratio 1: 1). Bread and sponge cake were baked by convective and electric resistance methods. The values of temperature and current flowing through the dough were monitored during electric resistance baking. The beta-carotene content was measured in the dough after kneading, in the cake batter after mixing and in the finished products after baking and cooling. The beta-carotene content was evaluated by spectrophotometry after extraction. The control samples of bread and sponge cake were baked without adding beta-carotene. Different sources of beta-carotene exhibited varying stability in bread and sponge cake. Bread samples baked by the electric resistance method with addition of supramolecular complexes had minimum losses of beta-carotene. Electric resistance baking ensured lower losses of beta-carotene in bread and sponge cake samples.Kirje Aerobic solid-state fermentation of the solid fraction of pig slurry(2020) Uvarov, R.; Shalavina, E.; Briukhanov, A.; Vasilev, E.Current expansion in the pig number in Russia and their concentration in separate locations contribute to higher environmental risks. One key risk factor is the slurry produced. To utilize it more efficiently, many pig farms introduce its solid-liquid separation. The study objective was to explore the feasibility of accelerated aerobic solid-state fermentation of the solid fraction of pig slurry in closed installations. The stable thermophilic process under the temperature above +55 °C achieves shorter processing time of 3–4 days. To date, however, there is no representative evidence of such an experience. Four options of fermented mixture composition were tested based on two types of the solid fraction of pig slurry: Type 1 fraction coming from a screw separator and Type 2 fraction coming from a decanter centrifuge. The fermenter operating modes were tested in the authors’ previous studies associated with processing of the solid fraction of cattle manure and bedding poultry manure. The intensity measure of fermentation was the temperature reached by the processed material in the fermenter. Under the investigated operation modes, the stable temperature was observed for nine days in the mesophilic process: 20 °С to 55 °С; in some cases, the transition to the thermophilic process – above 55 °С was recorded. Adding the catalytic components to the processed material accelerated the substrate self-heating and a higher temperature up to 59 °С was reached. This suggests that the considered operating modes of the fermenter were suitable for the fermentation of the specified substrate.Kirje AFLP-analysis of genetic diversity in soybean [Glycine max (l.) Merr.] cultivars Russian and foreign selection(2017) Zargar, M.; Romanova, E.; Trifonova, A.; Shmelkova, E.; Kezimana, P.Genetic diversity of 11 cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) from a VIR (N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources) collection was analyzed by the AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique. From 18 tested primer combinations, both of them were selected for further analysis. From these two primer combinations (E32/M60 and E32/M59), 90 DNA fragments were obtained, 39 (43%) of them were polymorphic. Unique DNA fragments were found in accessions SibNIISHoz 6, Soer-4, Determinant. The Jaccard's similarity indices varied from 0.79 (between Sonata and Ugra) to 0.94 (between Ugra and Garmoniya) with an average of 0.775. Cluster analysis placed the cultivars into the several groups but separation in groups was not related to their origin or biological characteristics, even though cultivars Nordik and Soer-4 (cultivars recommended for Central Black Earth region of Russia) clustered together on the dendrogram. The obtained high values of Jaccard genetic similarity index and low level of polymorphism and differentiation illustrated a relatively low genetic diversity in our studied cultivars, which correlated with different other studies on soybean genetic diversity with AFLP-analysis.