Selle valdkonna püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/7188
Sirvi 2022 Märksõna "agronomical component" järgi
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Kirje Growth-yield performances of two chilli varieties under different agronomical components applied and their partial economic analysis(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Kusumasari, A.C.; Sutoyo; Jauhari, S.; Hariyanto, W.; Sarjana; Sihombing, D.; Handayati, W.; Winarto, B.The present study had main objective to improve growth-yield performances of two curly red chilli varieties under different agronomical components (ACs) and their partial economic analysis. The research was conducted at Tampirkulon Village, Candimulyo Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, Central Java-Indonesia. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with six combination treatments and four replications. Two curly red chilli varieties tested were Capsicum annum L. ’Kencana’ and ‘OR Twist 42’. Three different ACs investigated were (1) Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVegRI) ACs, (2) farmer ACs, and (3) low-agro input and environmental-friendly (Lai-ef) ACs. Results of the study reveal that growth-yield of chilli were significantly improved due to utilization of healthy seedlings, ‘OR Twist 42’ variety and IVegRI ACs. The seedlings increased number of flowers and fruit plant-1 up to 24.9% and 14.2%; 23.6% and 19.5% induced by ‘OR Twist 42’; and 54.5% and 25.5% stimulated by IVegRI ACs. Combination of ‘OR Twist 42’ and IVegRI ACs was the optimal combination treatment in improving growth-yield performances of the curly red chilli with as high as 279.2 fruits per plant, 1,111.4 g chilli productivity fruit plant-1 , 167 kg chilli productivity plant-1 with 40.6, 39.9, and 33.3% improvement compared to farmer ACs. The combination had Return Cost (R/C) ratio with as high as 2.04. Lai-ef ACs was another interesting result with 1.90 R/C ratio due to low agro-input cost compared to the farmer ACs with as low as 1.64. These results clearly contributed to a better understanding the effect of utilizing healthy seedlings, high adaptive-productive variety and optimal ACs individually or in combination on improving growth-yield of chilli.