Veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituut
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Sirvi Veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituut Märksõna "adaptation" järgi
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Kirje Farming & Adaptation. Sustainable adaptation of typical EU farming systems to climate change(AgriAdapt, 2019) Trötschler, Patrick; Leming, Ragnar; Métayer, Nicolas; De Miguel, EduardoIt is the late spring of 2016 in Europe, wheat and rapeseed have had a good growing season so far. The ears of wheat are in place and pollinators are rejoicing on the rapeseed flowers. However, it is getting very cloudy ... the wind picks up and it starts to rain. Although rain is normally welcome, it is not at this time of year, and certainly not in this way. This intense rainfall batters the crops with incredible strength, damaging them, causing lodging in cereals and affecting pollination. Yields will not be the same this season.