Veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituut
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Sirvi Veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituut Märksõna "acute phase protein" järgi
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Kirje Cow colostrum acute phase proteins (SAA, Hp) and cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6): associations with inflammatory response in neonatal calves(Eesti Maaülikool, 2021) Honkala, Anna-Leena; Orro, Toomas; Peetsalu, KristelColostrum is known to be vital for a newborn calf. It confers passive immunity and some of its components are suggested to be important for the development of calf’s immature immune system. Aim of the study was to investigate possible associations of colostral acute phase proteins (SAA and Hp) and cytokines (IL-1β and IL-6) concentrations to the same variables in calves’ serum in a research period from birth until three weeks of life after one-time ingestion of colostrum after birth. This study used a research material gathered for a large-scale study in 2015. The study population comprised of 144 female calves from a large dairy farm in Central-Estonia. Colostrum (n = 144) and calves’ serum samples (n = 383) were used to measure the studied concentrations, which were statistically evaluated after logarithmic transformation by using linear or Tobit regression models. The studied colostrum concentrations (median, min-max) measured were for SAA 52.2 mg/l (7.5–277.0), Hp 174.6 mg/l (103.7–479.5), IL-1β 115.1 ng/l (15.6–5445.1) and IL-6 43.5 ng/l (10.2–501.4). Colostrum IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations were observed to have a positive association with the same concentration variables in calves’ serum during the first week of life (p < 0.001). These results suggest that colostrum cytokines IL-1β and IL-6 may be transferred to calf by passive transfer and/or stimulate calf’s own cytokine production. Also, colostrum and calves’ serum IL-6 concentrations were observed to have a positive association with each other during the second (p < 0.001) and third week of life (p = 0.001). The cause for this long-term association is unknown and needs further research. Furthermore, colostrum IL-6 concentration had a positive association to calves’ serum Hp concentration during the first week of life (p < 0.001), which may indicate that colostrum cytokines have effect to the calves’ immune response development and maturation by inducing the calf’s liver to produce acute phase proteins.