2019, Vol. 17, Special Issue 1
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/5401
Sirvi 2019, Vol. 17, Special Issue 1 Märksõna "coconut oil" järgi
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Kirje Linear pressing of coconut copra meal (Cocos nucifera L.) under different temperatures(2019) Mizera, Č.; Herák, D.; Hrabě, P.; Saller, T.Pressing of vegetable oils plays an important role in the food processing. This study described the compression behaviour of copra (Cocos nucifera L.) using the universal compression testing machine and vessel diameter of 60 mm with a plunger. The influence of heat treatment on oil recovery efficiency and specific mechanical energy were determined. Compression tests at the rate of 1 mm s −1 under five different temperatures 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 °C were performed. The measuring range of force was between 0 kN and 50 kN. It has been found that the amount of obtained oil increased and specific mechanical energy decreased with increased temperature. Measured data were analysed by computer software Mathcad 14 (MathCAD 14, PTC Software, Needham, MA, USA). Mathematical model describing the mechanical behaviour of bulk copra under compression loading was represented.