2019, Vol. 30, Special Issue 2
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/5577
Sirvi 2019, Vol. 30, Special Issue 2 Märksõna "energy efficiency" järgi
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Kirje Energy efficiency of consumption – methods of analysis and evaluation(Estonian Academic Agricultural Society, 2019) Karpov, Valerij; Zhguliov, Jevgenij; Kabanen, Toivo; Annuk, Andres; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Technology. Chair of Energy Application EngineeringTechnical, economic, and social need to define and control the efficiency of energy usage – consumer energy efficiency implies the necessity to determine the exact contents of this new concept. A deeper analysis of a consumer energy system in order to support the consumer energy efficiency value appropriate for the contents should be carried out to find the factors that affect the value. This article shows that for the purposes of advanced energy consumption analysis, the consumer energy system becomes an integral part of the whole energy system (starting with the energy generation facility) which forms the demand for the produced energy and its usage efficiency. The consumer energy system is so important that in the course of developing and improving the electric supply and consumption systems, it questions the traditional priority of the first component (energy supply) and adaptive dependence of the second one. This article proves, inter alia, that manufacturers can raise their consumer energy efficiency by improving the production technology, using materials with new properties, modernizing the energy equipment, switching to automatic enterprise design systems and using other means commonly known as scientific and technical progress.Kirje Retraction: Determination of efficiency in the design phase of the enterprise by the method of finite relations(Estonian Academic Agricultural Society, 2019) Karpov, Valerij; Nemtsev, Artem; Kabanen, Toivo; Annuk, Andres; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Technology. Chair of Energy Application EngineeringThe manuscript "DETERMINATION OF EFFICIENCY IN THE DESIGN PHASE OF THE ENTERPRISE BY THE METHOD OF FINITE RELATIONS" by Valerij Karpov, Artem Nemtsev, Toivo Kabanen and Andres Annuk was submitted to Agraarteadus on 3 November 2019, accepted on 15 November 2019 and published on In Press on 29 November 2019. In December 2021, we received expressions of concern from the Academic Ethics Commission of the Estonian University of Life Sciences about similarities with the article entitled "Determination of efficiency in the design phase of the enterprise by the method of finite relations" ("Opredelenie jenergeticheskoj jeffektivnosti na jetape proektirovanija predprijatija metodom konechnyh otnoshenij") [In Russian] https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/opredelenieenergeticheskoy-effektivnosti-na-etape-proektirovaniya-predpriyatiyametodom-konechnyh-otnosheniy/pdf by Valerij Karpov and Artem Nemtsev submitted to Bulletin of MSTU, vol. 18, no. 4, 2015, pp. 709– 718 (Vestnik MGTU, tom 18, # 4, 2015 g. str. 709–718). The expert of the Academic Ethics Commission of the Estonian University of Life Sciences analysed articles for similarities. The analysis revealed that the two articles reported the same experiments and the same results. Small divergences existed in the list of authors, in the Introduction, and the References. These divergences, however, are minor and were explained by the corresponding author. The corresponding author admitted that he was not aware of a previously published article. As a result, the article in Agraarteadus, accepted at a later date, is considered a duplicate publication. On this basis, we have decided to retract the article.