2019, Vol. 30, Special Issue 2
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/5577
Sirvi 2019, Vol. 30, Special Issue 2 Märksõna "energy cosumption" järgi
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Tulemused lehekülje kohta
Kirje Juhtumianalüüs: Energiakulu analüüs põllumajandustoodangu väärindamisel talus autoklaavi abil(Estonian Academic Agricultural Society, 2019) Palge, Veli; Grigor, Andres; Eesti Maaülikool. Tehnikainstituut. Energiakasutuse õppetoolThe purpose of this article is to analyze the causes and distribution of autoclave energy consumption between the various stages of the technological process and identify ways to reduce energy costs. It was found that the recovery of waste heat is the most effective way to reduce energy consumption.