2018, Vol. 16, No. 5
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/5378
Sirvi 2018, Vol. 16, No. 5 Märksõna "camel milk" järgi
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Kirje Identification of yeast species involved in fermentation of the Kazakh camel dairy product–shubat(2018) Nadtochii, L.; Orazov, A.; Kuznetsova, L.; Pinaev, A.; Weihong, L.; Garbuz, S.; Muradova, M.In certain countries of the world, camel's milk is used for food on a level with cow's milk. Shubat is a traditional food product based on camel milk in Kazakhstan. It is a fermented milk product obtained as a result of spontaneous fermentation of camel's milk under the influence of native microflora. Received dairy product from the southern region of K azakhstan became the object of the investigation of the microflora of the fermented milk product shubat . The aim of the research was to study the microflora of camel milk, which causes its spontaneous fermentation. During the experiment, the dynamics of ac id accumulation by the change in active acidity (pH) and titratable acidity (°T) was studied. In addition to lactic fermentation fermented product ( shubat ), alcoholic fermentation was noted, which has given the finished product an increased acidity and a h igh degree of gassing. To enumerate and identify microorganisms, shubat was sown to the following nutrient media: MRS, Malt wort - agar medium at 36 °C and 30 °C respectively both for 3 days. We suppose that the dominant component of the shubat ’ s microflora was yeasts: Brettanomyces anomalus, Naumovozyma castellii . Pathogenic microorganisms, such as Salmonella, Shigella , were not detected during the research, considering that the shubat is formed as a result of spontaneous fermentation and has poor hygienic c haracteristics in comparison with pasteurized milk. Identification of individual strains of bacteria allows us to simulate a starter microflora for the production of a safe fermented product based on camel milk on an industrial scale in Kazakhstan. The ide ntified microflora, which causes spontaneous fermentation of camel milk and isolated strains of lactic acid bacteria, will make a significant contribution to the improvement of food safety in arid regions.