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Kirje Effect of the Lactation Months on Milk Composition of the Second-Parity Lacaune Ewes(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021) Tatar, Vilma; Tänavots, Alo; Polikarpus, Annemari; Sats, Andres; Arvi, Eleri; Mahla, Tauno; Jõudu, Ivi; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. Chair of Food Science and Technology; Estonian University of Life Sciences. ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorisation Technologies of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (VALORTECH)This research aims to determine the chemical composition of Lacaune ewe milk produced in Estonia, as well as the correlations and the influence the stages of lactation have on milk. The study was carried out on fifty-one second-parity ewes. The analysis involved a total of 178 milk samples collected monthly from the second to the seventh month of lactation. Milk analyses included the determination of the contents of total solids, fat, total protein, casein, casein index, lactose, ash, P, Ca, K, Na, Mg, somatic cell count and pH. The Lacaune ewes’ milk contained on average 18.62% total solids, 7.75% fat, 5.74% total protein, 4.32% casein, 4.76% lactose, 0.89% ash, 160.26 mg 100 g -1 Ca, 140.07 mg 100 g -1 P, 135.21 mg 100 g -1 K, 46.44 mg 100 g -1 Na, 17.66 mg 100 g -1 Mg. Overall means for casein index, pH value and somatic cell scores were 75.35%, 6.61 and 12.62, respectively. It was found that the month of lactation significantly affected almost all monitored traits except somatic cell score, casein index and Ca content. The contents of total solids, fat, total protein, casein, ash, P, and Mg increased, while the lactose content, and pH value decreased with the advancing lactation. Sodium content was highest and potassium content lowest value during mid-lactation. Producers must take into account that the composition of Lacaune ewe milk depends on the stage of lactation and may, therefore, affect the production process and the final quality of the product.Kirje Winter wheat leaf blotches development depending on fungicide treatment and nitrogen level in two contrasting years(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2021) Švarta, A.; Bimšteine, G.; Gaile, Z.; Kaņeps, J.; Plūduma-Pauniņa, I.Tan spot (caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) and Septoria tritici blotch (caused by Zymoseptoria tritici) are the most widespread winter wheat leaf diseases in Latvia. The aim of the present research was to clarify the development of leaf blotches on winter wheat depending on fungicide treatment schemes under four nitrogen rates. A two-factorial trial was conducted at the Research and Study farm “Pēterlauki” (Latvia) of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. For this study, data from the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 growing seasons was used. Four schemes of fungicide application and an untreated variant, as well as four nitrogen rates (N120, N150, N180, and N210 kg ha-1 ) were used. The total disease impact during the vegetation period was estimated by calculating the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The severity of leaf blotches in winter wheat leaves differed significantly during both vegetation seasons. Tan spot was the dominant disease in 2019 (18.7% in untreated variant). The development of tan spot was reduced by fungicide treatment; however, only in 2019, the influence of fungicide was significant. Septoria tritici blotch was the dominant disease in 2020 (11.4% in untreated variant), and its development was decreased by fungicides. Nitrogen fertilizer rate had no significant effect on the development of Septoria tritici blotches. Yield harvested in 2020 were significantly higher than those in 2019 (on average 5.23 t ha-1 in 2019, 8.40 t ha-1 in 2020). The using of fungicides provided significant increase of yield but there were no significant differences among fungicide treatment schemes.Kirje The effect of feed supplementation with inulin on boar taint levels and meat quality of entire male pigs(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Pereira Pinto, R.; Vaz Velho, M.; Barros, M.; Reis, N.; Pires, P.Skatole and androstenone are the two main compounds responsible for the foul odour in entire male pigs’ meat, known as boar taint. This study evaluated the effect of feed supplementation with inulin on the boar taint levels of 30 entire male pigs. Two months before slaughter, the animals were allocated into three groups (n = 10). The control group received a standard commercial diet. The other groups were fed the same commercial diet with 3% and 6% added inulin, respectively. Results showed that inulin addition to the feed significantly reduced skatole levels in the pigs’ adipose tissue compared with the control group. The levels of androstenone were not affected by the dietary approach. Although there were differences in some parameters, the supplementation with inulin did not promote extensive changes in the meat quality parameters between the tested groups. When raising entire males, supplementation with inulin in finishing diets could be considered to reduce the boar taint perception by the consumer.Kirje Mechanical weed control strategies for grain amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.)(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Casini, P.; Biancofiore, G.; Palchetti, E.Currently, no herbicide is registered for grain amaranth in Europe, the United States and South America. Hence, weed control must be addressed with alternative methods. Field trials were conducted in 2018 and 2019 in Central Italy by comparing some mechanical weed control treatments in grain amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.). In 2018, the five treatments were: untreated control (T118), cutter hoeing (T218), flat share cuts and one central duck foot tine (T318), flat share cuts and two central duck foot tines (T418), and three duck foot tines (T518). In 2019, the five treatments were: untreated control (T119), three duck foot tines (T219), flex tine harrowing (T319), flex tine harrowing plus finger weeding with red fingers (T419), and finger weeding with red fingers (T520). In 2018, amaranth was a successful competitor against weeds from 40 days after emergence (10 true leaf stage, corresponding to BBCH code 15). The competitive ability was showed by excellent seed yields averaging 1.2 t ha-1 , for all treatments. This feature was also confirmed to some degree in 2019. However, seed yield in 2019 was more strongly influenced by treatment as well as by the lower emergence of plants. All the mechanical methods employed can be effectively used for weed control in grain amaranth. Treatments with the flex tine harrower and finger weeder negatively affected the plant density at harvest, necessitating further optimization. However, combined mechanical strategies proved the most effective, especially in controlling dicot weeds. There is a need to optimize strategies, with mechanical equipment, to anticipate and improve the ground cover of amaranth. These strategies include selecting optimal plant density and the correct distancing between the rows for easier mechanical control.Kirje Yield and content of biologically active substances in blue honeysuckle fruit (Lonicera caerulea L.) grown in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Shevchuk, L.; Tereshchenko, Y.; Vintskovska, Y.; Levchuk, L.; Babenko, S.; Hrynyk, R.The blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) is a relatively new crop in Ukraine, its industrial cultivation is only 100 hectares. The main constraints are the lack of varieties with high yield and nutritional value of berries. Therefore, a study of the yield and quality of introduced varieties is necessary and relevant, both for producers and breeders. With our research, we determined the potential of the early stage of blue honeysuckle berries under the conditions of their cultivation in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine and the weather conditions of the year of the specified region. We assessed how early we can get a crop and set what quality and what it will be. To clearly understand the quality of the grown fruits, their average weight, size and uniformity were studied. From nutritional indicators of fruit quality, the content of dry matter, soluble solids, sugars and titrated acids was studied, from biologically active substances, the content of vitamin C and total phenolic was determined. It was found that in the zone of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine from the studied group of varieties, the highest yield potential, 3.13 kg from a bush for the second year of fruiting and fruit mass 2.4 g, had a variety of Canadian breeding ‘Boreal Beauty’. The fruits of the cultivars ‘Duet’ (4.3) and ‘Boreal Blizzard’ (4.5) were distinguished by the balance of taste according to the sugar-acid index, and the maximum amount of total phenolics for the studied group of varieties was accumulated by the fruits of ‘Boreal Beast’ (1,000 mg 100 g-1 ).Kirje Breeding and genetic improvement of soft winter wheat with the use of spelt wheat(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Diordiieva, I.P.; Riabovol, L.O.; Riabovol, Ya.S.; Serzhuk, O.P.; Nakloka, Iu.І.; Nakloka, О.P.; Karychkovska, S.P.In the process of carrying out studies as a result of hybridization of soft wheat with spelt wheat, a number of new forms that differ in morphobiological and economically valuable features were obtained. The aim of the research was to expand the genetic diversity of soft wheat by hybridization with spelt wheat, analysis of the heterotic effect in hybrids in order to systematize the samples and obtain valuable original forms for the breeding process of creating high-yielding varieties. As a result of research the breeding technology of creating high-yielding forms of soft winter wheat by cross-species hybridization of Triticum aestivum L. × Triticum spelta L. has been improved. It has been determined that the plant height and ear length in hybrids are inherited by type of intermediate inheritance or negative dominance, the number of grains in the ear - by type of intermediate inheritance or positive dominance; ear grain weight - by type of superdominance or positive dominance. In F2 hybrids there is a dihybrid cleavage into forms with speltoid, squarehead and typical ear with a quantitative predominance of speltoid plants, which indicates the control of the ‘ear shape’ indication by two non-allelic genes. The ear shape of the soft wheat original varieties in relation to speltoid varieties turned out to be a recessive trait, but at the same time it was dominant to a squarehead form. Regardless of the genotypes of soft wheat included in the combination of crossbreeding with spelt wheat, red color ear indication was determined by a monogenic type of inheritance. Varieties of soft winter wheat Artaplot, Umanska Tsarivna and Freya have been created, which are included in the State Registry of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine and recommended for cultivation in Polissia.Kirje False flax (Сamelina sativa L.) and oil flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) – an important source of deficient omega-3 fatty acids(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Lykhochvor, V.; Olifir, Y.; Panasiuk, R.; Tyrus, M.Spring false flax (Camelina sativa L.), oil flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), spring rape (Brassica napus oleifera annua Metzd.), white mustard (Sinapis alba L.), and blue mustard (Brassica juncea Czern) were studied in order to establish their yield, oil content and quality. It was found that the highest seed yield (2.82 t ha-1 ) was formed by spring rape. Yields were also high in spring false flax (2.68 t ha-1 ) and oil flax (2.34 t ha-1 ). It was found that the highest oil content was in oil flax (52.2%), blue mustard (45.8%) and false flax (45.0%). The highest oil yields were provided by spring rape, false flax and oil flax - 1.21–1.25 t ha-1 . It was found that the most physiologically valuable are oil flax and false flax, which have a high content of omega-3(ω-3) fatty acids. It is advisable to use it for therapeutic, prophylactic and dietary purposes. The cultivation of false flax and oil flax is economically feasible and provides an environmental effect due to the reduction of pesticides.Kirje An investigation of the amount of grain loss – using plant density and reel index of two popular brands of combine harvesters(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Al-Slevani, S.S.A.; Hilal, Y.Y.; Rafiq, M.H.Large wheat fields are cultivated in Iraq every year, especially in the Bazalan region. Although the grain production rate is high in Bazalan, the grain harvest loss is significant. Investigating wheat crop losses in different harvesting units is crucial to making decisions and improving working conditions. The current research was carried out to study the effect of the two popular brands of combine harvesters (New Holland TC56 and John Deere 1450 CWS) based on a relationship between the amount of loss from combine harvesters, reel indexes, and plant density. Three reel indexes (1, 1.5, and 2) and two plant densities (high-density and low-density sites) were considered. A randomised complete block split-plot design with three replications was carried out. The results showed positive superiority of the New Holland TC56 in the percentage of header losses, threshing losses, separation and cleaning losses, total harvest loss, and total loss with the highest performance efficiency of 97.725%; however, the harvester performance efficiency of the John Deere 1450 CWS remained within the acceptable loss limits. Finally, the best results were achieved with a 1.5-reel index level interacting with a high-density site; these results were statistically more significant than the differences between the New Holland TC56 and the John Deere 1450 CWS.Kirje Amino acid content in rice and lentil meal for vegan and pescatarian diet(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Lignicka, I.; Graci (Balgalve), A.; Zīdere-Laizāne, A.M.Combining different raw materials, it is possible to increase plant-based protein functionality. Traditionally lentils are combined with rice. As rice complements lentils in sulphurcontaining amino acids this plant-based combination provides a complete profile of essential amino acids. The aim of this study was to compare amino acid content and scoring pattern in vegan and pescatarian quick preparation meals and analyse developed meal suitability for a vegan diet containing all needed amino acids. Results show that vegan and pescatarian quick preparation meals contain all essential amino acids at adequate amounts according to FAO`s recommendation, results showed no significant difference between samples (p > 0.05). These results show that combining rice and lentils it is possible to develop a meal suitable for a vegan diet that contains all needed amino acids.Kirje Growth-yield performances of two chilli varieties under different agronomical components applied and their partial economic analysis(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Kusumasari, A.C.; Sutoyo; Jauhari, S.; Hariyanto, W.; Sarjana; Sihombing, D.; Handayati, W.; Winarto, B.The present study had main objective to improve growth-yield performances of two curly red chilli varieties under different agronomical components (ACs) and their partial economic analysis. The research was conducted at Tampirkulon Village, Candimulyo Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, Central Java-Indonesia. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with six combination treatments and four replications. Two curly red chilli varieties tested were Capsicum annum L. ’Kencana’ and ‘OR Twist 42’. Three different ACs investigated were (1) Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVegRI) ACs, (2) farmer ACs, and (3) low-agro input and environmental-friendly (Lai-ef) ACs. Results of the study reveal that growth-yield of chilli were significantly improved due to utilization of healthy seedlings, ‘OR Twist 42’ variety and IVegRI ACs. The seedlings increased number of flowers and fruit plant-1 up to 24.9% and 14.2%; 23.6% and 19.5% induced by ‘OR Twist 42’; and 54.5% and 25.5% stimulated by IVegRI ACs. Combination of ‘OR Twist 42’ and IVegRI ACs was the optimal combination treatment in improving growth-yield performances of the curly red chilli with as high as 279.2 fruits per plant, 1,111.4 g chilli productivity fruit plant-1 , 167 kg chilli productivity plant-1 with 40.6, 39.9, and 33.3% improvement compared to farmer ACs. The combination had Return Cost (R/C) ratio with as high as 2.04. Lai-ef ACs was another interesting result with 1.90 R/C ratio due to low agro-input cost compared to the farmer ACs with as low as 1.64. These results clearly contributed to a better understanding the effect of utilizing healthy seedlings, high adaptive-productive variety and optimal ACs individually or in combination on improving growth-yield of chilli.Kirje Wheat-Faba bean intercrops improve plant nutrition, yield, and availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in soil(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Kaci, G.; Ouaret, W.; Rahmoune, B.In order to promote agroecological practices, this study compares two cropping systems, i.e., intercropping versus sole cropping of a cereal - durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf. ) and a nitrogen-fixing legume - faba bean (Vicia faba L.) on plant growth, Efficiency in the use of rhizobial symbiosis (EURS), grain yield and phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) accumulation in soil and plant. This study conducted during two cropping seasons in a field trial in the region of Tizi Ouzou, Algeria, shows that shoot dry weight (SDW), nitrogen nutrition index (NNI), phosphorus use efficiency (PUE), land use efficiency (LER), and grain yield were significantly higher for intercropped than for the sole cropped wheat. Furthermore, there was a considerable increase in soil P and N content across the two years of intercropping and sole cropping compared to the unseeded weeded fallow. Intercropping, it is claimed, improves wheat N nutrition by increasing the availability of soil-N for wheat. This increase might be due to reduced interspecific competition between legumes and wheat plants than intraspecific competition between wheat plants due to the legume’s ability to compensate by atmospheric nitrogen fixation.Kirje Possibility of using nutmeg flesh (Myristica fragrans houtt) extract in broiler diet to improve intestinal morphology, bacterial population, blood profile and antioxidant status of broilers under high-density condition(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Sapsuha, Y.; Suprijatna, E.; Kismiati, S.; Sugiharto, S.This study investigated the impact of nutmeg flesh extract on intestinal morphology, bacterial population, blood profile and antioxidant status of broiler chickens stocked at high density pens. After 15 days of rearing, 370 Lohmann broiler chicks (unsexed) were assigned to five treatment groups based on a completely randomized design, including T0 (chicks were raised at a density of 10 birds m-2 and received no nutmeg flesh extract), T1 (chicks were raised at a density of 16 birds m-2 and received no nutmeg flesh extract), T2 (chicks were raised at a density of 16 birds m-2 and received 0.5 mL kg-1 nutmeg flesh extract), T3 (chicks were raised at a density of 16 birds m-2 and received 1.0 mL kg-1 nutmeg flesh extract), and T4 (chicks were raised at a density of 16 birds m-2 and received 1.5 mL kg-1 nutmeg flesh extract). Sampling was conducted on day 35 of age. The results showed that the administration of nutmeg flesh extract (regardless of its levels) to broilers diets at high density (16 birds m-2 ) significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased the performance, villi height in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, decreased pH in the ileum and cecum, increased lactic acid bacteria and decreased coliform bacteria in the ileum and cecum, decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) and increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) and had no significant effect (p > 0.05) on the blood profile of broiler chickens. The findings demonstrated that nutmeg flesh extract improved performance, intestinal bacterial population and morphology and antioxidative status of broilers raised under high density condition.Kirje Agrochemical methods for reducing the translocation ability of heavy metals in sod-podzolic soil(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Mazhayskiy, Yu.A.; Guseva, T.M.; Kurchevskiy, S.M.; Vcherashnyaya, V.V.The impact of technogenesis on the agricultural landscape contributes to the contamination of all its components by heavy metals. The main measure to protect the environment from the input of heavy metals is the prevention of pollution, which is achieved by improving the technology of agricultural production. The development of methods for the agrochemical rehabilitation of technogenically polluted soil, which ensure the receipt of environmentally safe crop products, is an urgent task. The paper presents the results of a lysimetric experiment on the study of the use of fertilizer systems for the purpose of remediation of heavy-metal-contaminated soddy-podzolic soil. It has been experimentally established that the translocation ability of heavy metals and, as a result, the accumulation of toxicants in grain and tilled crops is reduced when using an organomineral fertilizer system. All the studied fertilizer systems reduced the entry of dangerous ecotoxicants - lead and cadmium, into the infiltration water, and also caused the immobilization of Cu and Zn.Kirje Effect of foliar products on the inflorescence yield of lavender and essential oil(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Minev, N.; Matev, A.; Yordanova, N.; Milanov, I.; Sabeva, M.; Almaliev, M.The topic of the effect of foliar fertilization on the productivity and oil content of lavender is relevant, but not sufficiently studied. The present study aims to establish the effect of foliar products on the growth, development and productivity of lavender. The field experiment was carried out at the Agricultural University - Plovdiv with lavender of ‘Jubileina’ variety during 2019–2020. The following variants were included in the study: 1. Untreated control; 2. Treatment with Fertileader Gold (FG) - 3 L ha-1; 3. Treatment with Fertiactyl Trium + Fertileader Vital (FT + FVital) - 1.5 + 1.5 L ha-1; 4. Treatment with Fertileader Viti (FViti) - 3 L ha-1; 5. Treatment with Fertileader Vital (FV) - 3 L ha-1; 6. Treatment with Fertileader Alpha (FA) - 3 L ha-1. Those preparations are bio stimulants for foliar application. The treatments were made in two consecutive lavender vegetation seasons. The first application was carried out in the second growing season (2019) and the second in the next, third growing season (2020). The foliar application of all tested products increased the photosynthetic activity, but it was better expressed when using the plant nutrition products FV, FViti and FT + FVital. A positive effect was also observed in the height and diameter of the bush, but during the third vegetation period. The number of flowering stems increased by 62.9%; 59.4%; 53.3% and 8.4%, respectively, when applying the fertilizers FG, FT + FVital, FViti and FV. The application of FG and FT + FVital increased the yield of fresh inflorescences by 6.1% and 3.7%. The application of the different products affected the oil yield in different ways; the application of FG, FT + FVital and FViti increased it, while FV and FA decreased it by 27 kg ha-1 and 16 kg ha-1, respectively, for the first vegetation and by 43.4 kg ha-1and 33.1 kg ha-1 for the second vegetation. The boron containing products FG, FT + FVital and FViti led to a significant increase in the essential oil yield, while the application of the foliar fertilizers FV and FA reduced it. Based on those results, the first three products are recommended.Kirje Adaptation of various maize hybrids when grown for biomass(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Radchenko, M.V.; Trotsenko, V.I.; Butenko, A.O.; Masyk, І.M.; Hlupak, Z.I.; Pshychenko, O.I.; Terokhina, N.O.; Rozhko, V.M.; Karpenko, O.Y.The aim of this research is to optimize growth and development of maize for biomass by selecting maize hybrids to fulfill their productivity potential. The following maize hybrids were the subject of research: Forteza, DM Native, DM Skarb. The greatest height of plants was formed in the interphase period of milk-wax maturity of grain in hybrid Forteza - 286.4 cm. In hybrid DM Native the height of plants was - 271.2 cm, hybrid DM Skarb - 263.6 cm. Weight of one plant of hybrids studied during the maize growing season ranged from 442 g to 760 g. Thus, the largest mass of maize plants was recorded in the milk-wax maturity stage. It was the largest at the hybrid Forteza and amounted to 760 g, that is more than at the hybrid DM Native for 3.4% (26 g) and at the hybrid DM Skarb for 6.6% (50 g). The average crop yield of the hybrid Forteza for the period of research was 55.1 t ha-1 . Hybrids DM Native and DM Skarb provided this indicator at the level of 50.6 and 45.7 t ha-1 respectively. Hybrid Forteza provided a maximum crop yield 55.1 t ha-1 with plant height 286.4 cm, assimilation surface of one plant and a crop 0.59 m2 ; 42.8 thousand m2 ha-1 and plant weight 760 g.Kirje Genetic diversity analysis of Indonesian rice germplasm (Oryza sativa L.) with simple sequence repeat markers(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Puspito, A.N.; Nabilah, S.; Imam Buqori, D.M.A.; Hartatik, S.; Kim, Kyung-Min; Ubaidillah, M.The characterization of germplasm provides information on the regional rice genetic diversity and variety kinship classification. This study aimed to provide information on the agromorphological traits and genetic diversity of fifty local rice varieties from Java and Borneo Island in Indonesia. The variability of thirteen agronomic traits showed the differentiation among t he accessions, while the phenotypic traits were grouped into six clusters. The genotyping characterization was conducted using SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) markers (22 microsatellites), and continued with genetic diversity and Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) analysis. The agro-morphological clustering based on Ward’s Hierarchical constructed six sub-clusters. The PC1 and PC2 had 86.3% of the total percentage. The UPGMA method was used to construct six different groupings, as the correlation between each group and its collecting source was significant. Furthermore, the UPGMA dendrogram clustered the 50 accessions into six main clusters, while the PIC showed a polymorphism value range of 0.41–0.74. RM162 located on chromosome 5, which was considered as the best marker for fifty-one genotypes. At the same time, the lowest PIC value of 0.41 was observed in RM431 located in chromosome 1. This classification can be helpful as a detailed information for plant breeders to characterize and select the germplasm, while conducting backcrosses between rice accessions.Kirje Comparative analysis of oil flax varieties according to economically valuable traits in the Steppe zone of Ukraine(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Poliakova, I.; Polyakov, O.; Vedmedeva, K.Interest in oil flax has been growing in recent decades. Linseed oil is a fast-drying oil and it is traditionally used in the production of linoleum, paints and coatings. Due to their content of essential polyunsaturated acids and vitamins, the growing use of flax seeds and oils in food and medicine has significantly increased the volume of its cultivation in different countries. This article presents the main research results for 2018−2020 of a large group of varieties of oil flax of Zaporizhzhia breeding for economically valuable traits. The purpose of research is to establish the genotypes that form the highest yields and oil content in arid conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine. It was found that the most productive year was 2020 due to more favorable temperatures and even distribution of precipitation during the growing season of oil flax. It was found that the yield of oil flax had a high correlation coefficient with weather conditions (r = 0.67) especially from precipitation in May-June (r = 0.60). A detailed study of the correlation between yield and habit traits and the main economically valuable traits revealed a close direct correlation between oil flax yield and seed weight per 1 plant (r = 0.99), yield and number of lateral stems per plant (r = 0.93), yield and number of bolls and seeds per 1 plant (r = 0.77), yield and weight of 1,000 seeds (r = 0.73), yield and duration of the growing season (r = 0.65). According to the results of three-year research, the highest yield was obtained from the variety Vodohrai 1.79 t ha-1 . The highest oil content and oil yield per hectare were formed by varieties Vodohrai 50.1% and 0.80 t ha-1 , Zolotystyi 49.7% and 0.76 t ha-1 , Aisberh 48.3% and 0.72 t ha-1.Kirje Evaluation of the honey bee colonies weight gain during the intensive foraging period(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Zacepins, A.; Ozols, N.; Kviesis, A.; Gailis, J.; Komasilovs, V.; Komasilova, O.; Zagorska, V.Beekeeping in Latvia has a long tradition and it is a classical branch of agriculture. In Latvia, there is no traditional beekeeping region, and beekeeping is performed in all regions. Honey yield is influenced by various factors - variety of crops (nectar plants) around the apiary, man-made changes in land/forests (deforestation), climate change, beekeepers’ actions, etc. Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of beekeeping can bring benefits to the beekeepers. To be more specific, continuous remote monitoring of certain bee colony parameters can improve beekeeper’s apiary management, by informing timely about the nectar flow (or even provide information on bee colony states, e.g., swarming). In such a way, beekeepers can plan their next actions - prepare supers or even choose to move the apiary to a different geographical location. Within this research, weight gain of the ten honey bee colonies was remotely monitored and analysed during two-week period at the beginning of the summer 2021 in Vecauce, Latvia, using the precision beekeeping approach. This monitoring period corresponded to intensive flowering of the winter rapeseed and field beans. Colonies were equipped with the automatic scales. In addition, colony and environmental temperature was monitored. Measurements were taken every thirty minutes. Analysing the obtained data, weight increase can be observed in all colonies, from 17 to 48 kg. As well, based on weight data, swarming event can be identified. Constant monitoring of weight change can also help to identify daily patterns in honey bee activity.Kirje Morphological and anatomical characterization of Actinidia kolomikta (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim. (C3) and Amaranthus tricolor L. (C4) leaves(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Motyleva, S.; Vlasova, E.; Kozak, N.; Gins, M.; Gins, V.Morphological and anatomical features of new cultivars with photosynthesis of C3 (Actinidia kolomikta (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim. cv. ‘Narodnaya’) and C4 (Amaranthus tricolor L. cv. ‘Valentina’) were established by light and scanning electron microscopy, as well as energy-dispersive analysis. The leaf lamina of Actinidia kolomikta cv. ‘Narodnaya’ has a dorsoventral anatomical structure, anomocytic stomata on the abaxial epidermis and two types of trichomes: multicellular, uniseriate hairs and multicellular bristle-like protrusions, containing raphids. The needle-like raphides are located in subepidermal layers along the veins. A vascular system of petiole consists of two upper concentric bundles and the crescentic vascular strand. A starch sheat is present. Raphides (needle-shaped and rectangular) are located in phloem and cortical parenchyma cells, contain Ca, K, Mg, P and Si. The leaf lamina of Amaranthus tricolor cv. ‘Valentina’ have the kranz-anatomy, dorsiventral mesophyll and contain druses. Betacyanins are concentrated in the epidermis and mesophyll, but are not present in the bundle sheath. The number of vascular bundles in petioles is odd-numbered and variable (from 5 to 13). Trichomes are multicellular, uniseriate, ending in a large oval cell. Cells with betacyanins are present in the epidermis cortex, and, rarely, the collenchyma and phloem of the petiole. Cells with betaxanthins are absent. A starch sheat is brightly pigmented with betacyanins. The crystall sand is deposited in the parenchyma cells of the cortex and pith of the petiole and contains Ca (mainly) and K oxalates. Druses in the leaf lamina additionally contain Mg and P.Kirje Effect of the predecessor and the nitrogen rate on productivity and essential oil content of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Southeast Bulgaria(Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2022) Harizanova, A.; Delibaltova, V.; Shishkova, M.; Neshev, N.; Yanev, M.; Mitkov, A.; Yordanova, N.; Manhart, S.; Nesheva, M.; Chavdarov, P.Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is one of the most important essential oil crops on a global scale. Coriander productivity is determined by the genotype, the environmental factors, as well the agronomic practices. A field experiment was conducted in Southeast Bulgaria during three vegetation seasons (2015, 2016, and 2017). The present study aimed at analysing the influence of two crop predecessors (winter wheat and sunflower) and four nitrogen (N) levels (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1 ). Productivity elements, seed yield, and seed essential oil content of coriander (cv. Mesten drebnoploden) were under evaluation. The results obtained showed that winter wheat was a more suitable predecessor of coriander in comparison to sunflower. The highest results regarding the number of umbels per plant, the umbel’s diameter, the number of umbellets per umbel, the number of seeds per umbel, the seed weight per plant, the 1,000 seed mass, as well as the seed yield for the rate of 80 kg ha-1 of N were recorded. The highest essential oil content after applying 120 kg ha-1 of N was established. Increasing the N level from 0 to 120 kg ha-1 led to a positive and significant effect on essential oil yield. No significant differences between the N rates of 80 and 120 kg ha-1 were recorded. The received results contributed for the evaluatation of the optimum nitrogen level, as well as for the determination of a more suitable predecessor of coriander in order to obtain the highest yield of better quality in the region of Southeast Bulgaria.