2021, Vol. 19, No. 2
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/6854
Sirvi 2021, Vol. 19, No. 2 Kuupäev järgi
Nüüd näidatakse 1 - 20 28
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Kirje Research into geometric parameters of digging shares used for lifting sugar beet roots from soil with assistance of vibration(2021) Bulgakov, V.; Holovach, I.; Adamchuk, V.; Ivanovs, S.; Melnik, V.; Ihnatiev, Ye.; Olt, Jüri; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of TechnologyOne of the important conditions in securing the high quality, when performing the work process of vibrational root lifting, is to avoid damaging the roots. It is obvious that the greatest probability of damaging and even breaking the lifted root arises, when the tool interacts with the root body during their first contact and in the time of the root passing in the throat between the operating shares. The aim of the study is to substantiate the rational design length for the working throat of the vibrational root lifter in its interaction with the sugar beet root while lifting the latter from the soil. As a result of the completed research, the minimum permissible tool oscillation frequencies have been determined for the specific values of the lifter’s translational velocity and the working throat rear part length, at which the event of the vibrational lifting tool gripping the root will occur at least one time. For example, when the length of the lifter’s working throat rear part is equal to 0.1 m and the oscillation frequency is equal to ν = 20.3 Hz, the satisfactory quality of the vibrational root lifting process is ensured, when the velocity of the translational motion performed by the vibrational lifter stays within the range of 1.3–2.55 m s –1 . In order to ensure the good quality of the vibrational root lifting process at the lifter’s translational velocity equal to V = 2.0 m s –1 and the frequency of its tool’s oscillations equal to ν = 10 Hz, it is necessary that the length of the lifter’s working throat rear part is equal to 0.2 m, at a tool oscillation frequency of 6.7 Hz - 0.3 m. As a result of the completed numerical calculations, the permissible values have been determined for the tool oscillation frequency, which can be recommended for the translational velocities within the range of 1.3–2.2 m s –1 , taking into account the limitation set for the tool oscillation frequency by the pre-condition of the guaranteed gripping of each root by the digging shares.Kirje Evolution of production and forage quality in sown meadows of a mountain area inside Parmesan cheese consortium(2021) Argenti, G.; Parrini, S.; Staglianò, N.; Bozzi, R.Sown meadows, encompassing alfalfa and grass-legume mixtures, are the forage crops on which is based Parmesan cheese production system in the mountain area of the Apennines (central Italy). These grassland types experience, during their development, deep changes in terms of production potentiality, botanical composition and forage quality, thus these meadows have to be periodically renewed to guarantee adequate productive and qualitative performances. To have an accurate assessment of this evolution along time, a survey was performed in different mountain farms inside the Parmesan cheese consortium, analysing alfalfa meadows and grass-legumes mixtures of different ages. Grasslands were monitored during 2019, performing three samplings during growing season. Aboveground biomass production, botanical composition and crude protein content were collected during the survey. Results permitted to evaluate the level of production decrease along years, the evolution of analysed parameters among cutting dates and the dependence of productive and qualitative features on botanical composition and presence of sown species in the swards. Results were useful to hypothesize the composition of future mixtures, to improve management issues and to delineate the possible duration of sown meadows for the area with respect to different purposes in terms of desired productive or qualitative objectives.Kirje Relationship between somatic cell count in goat milk and mature Kashkaval cheese parameters(2021) Balabanova, T.; Ivanova, M.It is challenging to ensure Kashkaval cheese consistent quality during the production process which is directly correlated to the somatic cell count (SCC) and bacterial presence. This is one of the most popular and widely discussed topic areas in the dairy industry. SCC is used to limit the inflammatory process and to predict the health status of the animal’s mammary glands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics of mature Kashkaval cheese was produced from goat milk with different SCC (below 1,200 thous cells mL-1 - group I (low), above 1,750 thous cells mL-1 - group II (high) and up to 1,600 thous cells mL-1 - group III (medium)) and samples were evaluated on the 1st and 60th day of ripening by chemical, microbiological and sensory profile. The results showed a significant relation (P < 0.05) between the levels of SCC and Kashkaval cheese water content during ripening. For all analysed samples, the total lactic acid bacterial count was the highest between the 15th and 45th day of ripening and reached values up to 6.0 log cfu g -1 . Pathogenic microorganisms (Listeria monocytogenes, Coagulase-positive staphylococci) and coliforms were not detected. The highest number of psychrotrophic microorganisms was observed in Kashkaval samples with high SCC. The sensory evaluation revealed a higher score for cheese samples with low and medium SCC in comparison to the cheese sample with a high SCC.Kirje Evaluation phenology, yield and quality of maize genotypes in drought stress and non-stress environments(2021) Horváth, É.; Gombos, B.; Széles, A.The aim of the study is to examine the effect of agrometeorological indices (growing degree days, GDD; heliothermal unit, HTU; photothermal unit, PTU; hydrothermal unit, HYTU) on the phenology and yield (GY) of the Sushi (FAO 340) and Fornad (FAO 420) maize hybrids. Furthermore, it was also analysed how the amount of nitrogen and its application time affected the productivity and protein content (GP) of maize under drought stress (DS) and non-stress (NS) conditions. There were seven fertilizer treatments in the scope of the field experiment. Non-fertilized treatment (A0) spring basic treatment with 60 and 120 N ha-1 (A60, A120), and following the basic treatments, 30 kg N ha-1 top-dressing was applied in the V6 (V690, V6150) phenophase and then another 30 kg N ha-1 in the V12 (V12120, V12180) phenophase. Based on the GDD and PTU, length of the vegetation period of maize hybrids can be predicted. Under DS, the largest GY and GP was recorded in the same treatment for Sushi (V6150 kg N ha−1 ), and at different nutrient levels under NS: GY (A120) and GP (V6150). The highest GY of Fornad hybrid under DS was achieved with the A120 treatment while the highest GP with the V6150; in the case of NS V6150 kg N ha−1 was the most effective for both GY and GP. The + 30 kg ha-1 N fertilizer applied in the V12 phenophase did not improve GY and GP in either hybrid during the two growing seasons. The findings provide useful help for farmers to prepare for future environmental changes and to operate successfully.Kirje Differentiated application of nitrogen fertilizers based on optical sensor readings(2021) Shchuklina, O.; Afanasiev, R.; Voronchikhina, I.; Klimenkova, I.; Komkova, A.The article considers the method of variable rate application of top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers in spring barley crops in the system of precise agriculture. The principle of is based on the in-process diagnosis of plants state in key phases of development and the introduction of necessary dose of top dressing in specific field areas. To assess the plants state, a GreenSeeker optical sensor, which measures the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). The tailored application of top dressing increases the yield of spring barley grain by 14.2% compared to the application of fertilizers with one calculated rate for the entire plot or field (Skudra, 2017, Hamann, 2020).Kirje Investigation into sugars accumulation in sweet cherry fruits under abiotic factors effects(2021) Ivanova, I.; Serdyuk, M.; Malkina, V.; Priss, О.; Herasko, T.; Тymoshchuk, Т.The level of sugars content in sweet cherry fruit depends on many factors. However, the decisive influence of weather factors is noted. In view of this, the issue of predicting the sugars content in sweet cherry fruit depending on the share of weather factors is relevant for further improvement of transportation technology, storage and processing. It has been established that according to sugars content and to the variability of their formation the most perspective from the technological point of view were varieties: Zabuta (12.47%), Dachnytsia (15.60%), Krupnoplidna (14.35%). Low and medium variabilities of the selected varieties according to the investigation years were established (Vр = 8.6%–13.0%). It has been shown that weather conditions had dominating effects on sugars accumulation for all varieties groups irrespective of the ripening period. According to the results of a two-factors dispersion analysis it is expedient to prognosticate the sugars content in sweet cherry fruits by medium values for a particular group of sorts but not for each pomological sort. In the course of the work the average and strong correlation dependence between 14 weather factors (Хі, i = 1..14) and the sugars content for sweet cherries of early, medium, and late ripening period (|𝑟𝑌𝑗𝑋𝑖 | ≥ 0.55, 𝑖 = 1. .14, 𝑗 = 1. .3) were defined. The ranges of share of weather factors participation that have the maximum influence on sugars fund formation in sweet cherry fruit are established (∆𝑖 9.50% to 30.99%) . Based on regression analysis, it is substantiated that the sugars accumulation in sweet cherry fruit, regardless of the ripening period, is most influenced by weather conditions of the blossoming period, the last month of fruit formation and thermal parameters and humidity index at the stage of fruit picking.Kirje Alleviation of technological stresses by a feed supplement(2021) Miftakhutdinov, A.V.; Saifulmulyukov, E.R.; Nogovitsina, E.A.Technological stresses affect the productivity of broiler-type chicken and are related directly to poultry farming intensification. Heat stress occurring in conditions of high density keeping, especially at high summer ambient temperatures, is very important. Stress factors influence the metabolic processes in poultry, while reducing the production parameters of operation and, by extension, the efficiency of broiler farming. The objective of this research was to identify the efficiency of a feed supplement in alleviating technological stresses in poultry industry. Use of supplement (the preparation contains succinic acid, L-carnitine, betaine, inorganic salts of zinc, manganese, copper and lithium) preserved the production performance of broiler-type chickens in the pre-slaughter period, by reducing the technological load on the poultry body, as it was indicated by an increase in the efficiency of fattening by 16.2 conditional units, meat yield by 1.4%, gross income by 49.2% and a decline in mortality rate by 1.5%. The data on production efficiency indicators of broiler feeding were obtained on a large sample - 6136 heads.Kirje An investigation into the state of agricultural lands under water erosion conditions(2021) Kaminskyi, V.; Kolomiiets, L.; Bulgakov, V.; Olt, Jüri; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of TechnologyProtecting agricultural land from erosion continues to be the most important task within the overall issue of the protection and rational use of land resources. That is why it is necessary to comprehensively study patterns of development in the erosion processes, and to assess the specific nature and features of their impact upon soil and vegetation, water resources, and landscapes in various natural conditions. The work is based on the results of many years of experimental research on problems that are related to soil erosion, and on the accumulation of slope sediments in catchments and in the valleys of small rivers, based on the use of landscape geography, soil morphology, and cartography methods of research. The research methodology that is included the collection covers the analysis of cartographic and experimental materials on the geo-ecological situation regarding an formation and manifestation of spatial and temporal erosion processes in the territory, and, the carrying out of research work which cover the soil washout and erosion processes in key areas of agricultural landscapes. The methodology also includes, the process of conducting a determination of the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the intensity of erosion processes, and the cameral processing of results that have been obtained in the field, all of which characterise the erosion and hydrology situation in the basins of small rivers. The paper presents the latest levels of research on the spatial and temporal variability of the features of erosion processes, depending upon their mechanisms of functioning, the complexity of the territory’s geomorphological landscape conditions, and the intensity of anthropogenic load on the catchment areas of small rivers. The management of the migration of biogenic elements in agricultural landscapes can be improved if, on the one hand, the share of cultivated land is reduced and, on the other hand, the area of meadow land and small forest plots is increased, which significantly serve to slow down the flow of erosion products, including biogenic elements, into the hydrosphere. It has been established that, with an increase in the share of arable land, the removal of biogenic elements with runoff increases in direct proportion. Therefore, with up to 50% of the territory being cultivated, nitrogen removal was seven times higher - and phosphorus two times higher - than with the same territory under 20% of cultivation. With 80% cultivation, nitrogen removal increases two times and phosphorus and potassium removal increases four times when compared to 40–50% cultivation of the same territory in the catchments.Kirje Activation effect of β-alanine and chitosan derivative on A. glycyphyllos and A. membranaceus seed germination and seedling growth and development(2021) Khamidullina, L.A.; Cherepanova, O.E.; Tobysheva, P.D.; Rybina, E.A.; Pestov, A.V.Agricultural cultivation of astragalus is fraught with a number of difficulties caused by both certain requirements for climatic conditions and individual characteristics of plants of this genus. In this study, carboxyalkylated derivative of chitosan was first proposed to use for improvement of astragalus propagation. Effects of N-(2-carboxyethyl)chitosan on in vitro A. glycyphyllos and A. membranaceus seed germination and seedling growth and development in comparing with β-alanine and chitosan acetate were detected. Carboxyethylation of chitosan leads to an increase in hydrophilic properties of the molecule, which enhances a penetration of nutrients inside the plant owing to improved solvating effect and bioadhesive activity. Seed germination assay were performed on Murashige-Skoog growth medium with or without tested compounds. N-2-Carboxyethylated derivative of chitosan was found to demonstrate active stimulating effect on the plant growth and development, contrary to the effect of acetate chitosan, but not to cause an activating effect on seed germination, while β-alanine does.Kirje Apple scab detection using CNN and Transfer Learning(2021) Kodors, S.; Lacis, G.; Sokolova, O.; Zhukovs, V.; Apeinans, I.; Bartulsons, T.The goal of smart and precise horticulture is to increase yield and product quality by simultaneous reduction of pesticide application, thereby promoting the improvement of food security. The scope of this research is apple scab detection in the early stage of development using mobile phones and artificial intelligence based on convolutional neural network (CNN) applications. The research considers data acquisition and CNN training. Two datasets were collected - with images of scab infected fruits and leaves of an apple tree. However, data acquisition is a time-consuming process and scab appearance has a probability factor. Therefore, transfer learning is an appropriate training methodology. The goal of this research was to select the most suitable dataset for transfer learning for the apple scab detection domain and to evaluate the transfer learning impact comparing it with learning from scratch. The statistical analysis confirmed the positive effect of transfer learning on CNN performance with significance level 0.05.Kirje Enzymatic activity of podzolized chernozem contaminated by pollutants during its detoxification(2021) Chernikova, O.; Mazhayskiy, Yu.; Ampleeva, L.The soil is an indicator of the general technogenic situation. In terms of the scale of pollution, as well as the impact on biological objects, heavy metals occupy a special place among pollutants. One of the priority pollutants are Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu. In assessing the ecological state of the environment, the study of the soil cover plays an important role. The most informative integral characteristics of the biological activity of the soil is the activity of soil enzymes. In a lysimetric experiment with podzolized chernozem, we studied the change in the biological activity of soil in terms of dehydrogenase, catalase, urease, invertase and phosphatase enzymatic activity under the complex influence of heavy metals under conditions of the use of detoxification agents. The soil at the experimental site had the following characteristics: pHKCl 6.2; humus content - 3.2%, P2O5-229 mg kg-1 , K2O-250 mg kg-1 of soil. Organic and mineral fertilizers in various combinations were used as detoxifiers. According to the obtained data, the redox enzyme - dehydrogenase and hydrolytic enzymes urease and phosphatase are the most sensitive to soil pollution. The best decontamination effect is obtained when using a system of organo-mineral fertilizers, what contributes to an increase in the activity of soil urease by 3.38 times, invertase - by 2.47 times, phosphatase - by 1.48 times, dehydrogenase - by 1.46 times, catalase - by 1.60 times. Changes in the activity of these enzymes can be used to diagnose the effectiveness of the use of various fertilizer systems on soil contaminated by heavy metals.Kirje The food security concept as the state support basis for agriculture(2021) Zhichkin, K.A.; Nosov, V.V.; Zhichkina, L.N.; Ramazanov, I.A.; Kotyazhov, I.A.; Abdulragimov, I.A.The article discusses the problem of the country (territory) food security formation and its relationship with the state support size for agriculture. The work purpose is to determine the features of the food security formation in the Samara region and the relationship with the state support size for agricultural production in the region. Within this study framework, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: - study the features of the food security concept and its application in the Samara region conditions; - the optimal parameters of the region's self-sufficiency determination in food products; - establishing a link between food security and the optimal amount of state support for the agro-industrial complex. Taking into account only the data on the region self-sufficiency, the region produces a sufficient amount of potatoes and vegetables. Comparing these indicators with rational consumption rates, it can be seen that the residents' demand for agricultural products is provided mainly by potatoes, the consumption of which is 1.5 times higher than the rational. The subsidies existing system in the Samara region is not optimal from the point of view for ensuring food security, which indicates either the underfunding of the production for both these and other product groups. In 2017–2018 the amount of state support, based on the above calculations, had to be increased by at least 100–500 million rubles.Kirje Investigating Calotropis Procera natural dye extracts and PDOT:PSS hole transport material for dye-sensitized solar cells(2021) Alami, A.; Alachkar, A.; Alasad, S.; Alawadhi, M.; Zhang, D.; Aljaghoub, H.; Elkeblawy, A.In this work, natural dye extracts from Calotropis Procera are used as the main dyesensitizer in solar cells. The Calotropis plant is a non-food item capable of surviving the harsh climate of the United Arab Emirates. Its incorporation into dye-sensitized solar cells is tested by constructing various cells, whose performance was also compared to that of more common chlorophyll-based dye extracts (i.e. spinach) as well as compared against a baseline cell sensitized with a synthetic ruthenium dye. The performance of the Calotropis-based cells was in general better than those with other natural sensitizers, but of course scored lower efficiency results when compared to cells built with synthetic dyes (0.075% compared to 5.11%). The advantage in using a natural sensitizer include facile extraction and preparation, low cost and abundance, since the Calotropis source has no competing applications in terms of food, livestock feed, etc. The figureof-merit of cell output vs. cost for such cells makes them a good contender for further research and development effort to overcome the obvious drawbacks of stability and service longevity. Adding a hole-transport material to the cells in the form of PEDOT:PSS was also attempted to assess the enhancement it could provide to the cells. This did not yield the desired results and more experiments have to be done to better understand the interaction of each added layer to the original cell design.Kirje Comparison of the effect of ultraviolet light, ozone and heat treatment on muesli quality(2021) Lignicka, I.; Balgalve, A.; Ābelniece, K.; Zīdere-Laizāne, A.M.Various muesli processing technologies can be used to lower microbiological parameters. It is necessary to find the best treatment technology to ensure that the product can meet various regulatory limits and to increase the shelf life of the product. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of ultraviolet light, ozone treatment and sterilisation on muesli quality. Muesli samples with dried fruits were tested, comparing the change in total plate count, yeast count and mould count. Short-wave ultraviolet (UV-C) light with a wavelength of 254 nm was used for ultraviolet light treatment, and the product was treated for 1, 2, and 5 minutes. As for ozone treatment, the samples were treated with an ozone concentration of 35 ppm for 30 minutes. Heat sterilisation was performed using sterilisation mode 25-30-50 (heating, holding, cooling), 119 °C, 2.2×105 Pa. Ultraviolet light and ozone treatment did not have a significant impact on total plate count, yeast count and mould count. Heat sterilisation had the most significant effect on muesli sample microorganism level, total plate count, yeast count and mould count level were 10 log cfu g -1 .Kirje The effect of succinic acid on the productivity of Lactuca sativa L. in artificial agroecosystems(2021) Knyazeva, I.V.; Vershinina, O.V.; Gudimo, V.V.; Grishin, A.A.; Dorokhov, A.S.The research of the effect of the biostimulant on the growth and development of plants of the ‘Robin’ lettuce variety was carried out in 2019–2020 in the department of closed artificial agroecosystems for crop production on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM», Moscow (VIM, Russia). Succinic acid was used at the stage of inoculation of seed and with constant drip irrigation of plants throughout the growing period. Lettuce plants were grown using a low-volume technology in a climatic chamber produced by VIM (Russia). According to the studies carried out, inoculation of seeds stimulates the development of plants at the initial stages, reducing the period from sowing to germination and increasing the rate of plant growth. As the lettuce plants grew, the leaf surface area increased from 221.0 to 1511.9 cm² with the addition of succinic acid to the hydroponic nutrient solution. The use of succinic acid under controlled growing conditions of ‘Robin’ lettuce plants allowed to increase the performance of the leaf apparatus in relation to the control. It was experimentally established that productivity directly depended on the value of photosynthetic potential and net productivity of photosynthesis, which is confirmed by a strong degree of dependence with a correlation coefficient of 0.98 and 0.77, respectively. Seed treatment and adding succinic acid to the hydroponic solution increases the accumulation of dry matter in lettuce plants. With this method of using succinic acid, significant differences in the accumulation of dry mass of plants were established. The share of the effect of the factor of inoculation of seeds with succinic acid was 17.5%, the addition of hydroponics to the nutrient solution was 50.1%. The use of succinic acid increases the accumulation of plant biomass, increases the total leaf surface area, and also contributes to an increase in the parameters of photosynthetic activity of the leaf apparatus of the ‘Robin’ lettuce plants under controlled conditions of the climatic chamber.Kirje Autoencoders for semantic segmentation of rice fungal diseases(2021) Polyanskikh, S.; Arinicheva, I.; Arinichev, I.; Volkova, G.In the article, the authors examine the possibility of automatic localization of rice fungal infections using modern methods of computer vision. The authors consider a new approach based on the use of autoencoders - special neural network architectures. This approach makes it possible to detect areas on rice leaves affected by a particular disease. The authors demonstrate that the autoencoder can be trained to remove affected areas from the image. In some cases, this allows one to clearly highlight the affected area by comparing the resulting image with the original one. Therefore, modern architectures of convolutional autoencoders provide quite acceptable visual quality of detection.Kirje Evaluation of selected soft winter wheat lines for main ear grain weight(2021) Lozinskiy, M.; Burdenyuk-Tarasevych, L.; Grabovskyi, M.; Lozinska, T.; Sabadyn, V.; Sidorova, I.; Panchenko, T.; Fedoruk, Y.; Kumanska, Y.Studies to assess the breeding samples of soft winter wheat by weight of grain from the main ear anddetermine the indicators of adaptability were conducted at the Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station (BTRSS) in 2011–2013. The study revealed significant differences in breeding lines in the range of variability of grain mass from the main ear and identified small, medium and significantcoefficients of variation, which indicates their excellent response to environmental conditions. It was due to genotype, year conditions and their interaction. Line 42 KS had significantly higher than the standard grain weight of the main ear (0.14 g) and the lowest value of the coefficient of variation (8.7%). According to the indicators of adaptability(GAC, σ²(GxE)gi, σ²SACi, σSACi, etc.) the lines 42 KS, 24 KS and 44 KS were distinguished. There was asignificant correlation between the weight of grain from the ear and the weight of 1,000 grains (0.603–0.674) and the direct influence of the weight of grain from the main ear on the weight of grain from the plantand grain yield (0.805–0.942). Selected lines as a result of research (2015–2020) from these populations of soft winter wheat are competitively tested in the conditions of Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station, forming high grain yields (7.39–8.12 t ha-1 ) and will be transferred to 2021 for the State variety test for inclusion in the Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine.Kirje Some physical and mechanical properties of wood of Fast-growing tree species eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis) and radiata pine (Pinus radiata D.Don)(2021) Iejavs, J.; Podnieks, M.; Uzuls, A.Fast-growing imported plantation tree species have become an available wood resource for Europe’s wood industry in the last decades. This sustainable alternative may reduce the gap between the increasing demand for and decreasing supply of the local tree species. The aim of the study was to determine and compare basic physical and mechanical properties of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis) wood from Uruguay and radiata pine (Pinus radiata D.Don) wood from New Zealand as an alternative for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from Latvia, to produce non– structural semi–finished glued laminated timber members for the manufacturing of windows. Such properties as density, swelling, bending strength, bending modulus of elasticity, compression strength and resistance to impact were determined according to ISO 13061 series standards test methods for small clear wood specimens. As the result of this study it was established that there is not significant difference between the majority of radiata pine and Scots pine properties, with the exception of resistance to impact and radial swelling where radiata pine shows significantly higher values. Not surprisingly all the properties of deciduous eucalyptus wood were significantly higher compared to both coniferous tree species. Higher swelling and density properties of eucalyptus compared to radiata pine and Scots pine should be taken into consideration for the design and production of wooden window elements.Kirje Influence of humic acids, irrigation and fertilization on potato yielding in organic production(2021) Kołodziejczyk, M.The study aimed at determining the impact of organic fertilization, humic acids and irrigation on potato yielding in organic production system. Fertilization variants included: Humac Agro; manure; vermicompost; Fertil Bioilsa C-N 40-12.5; manure + Humac Agro; vermicompost + Humac Agro; Fertil Bioilsa C-N 40-12.5 + Humac Agro. Irrigation was carried out using drip lines. The highest tuber yield was determined on treatments fertilized with vermicompost. The combined application of organic fertilizers and humic acids resulted in increased total yield between 6 and 9%, whereas commercial yield from 5 to 10%. Application of fertilization resulted in increased total yield of tubers in individual fertilizer variants from 1.9 to 10.8 t ha-1 , and commercial yield from 1.6 to 12.3 t ha-1 . Water-use efficiency remained in the range from 35.2 to 113.1 kg mm-1 , whereas irrigation water-use efficiency from 9.9 to 166.3 kg mm-1 . Humic acids used in the study enhanced fertilizer and water-use efficiency.Kirje Productivity, heritability and stability analysis of a Moroccan sugar beet germplasm(2021) Tobi, G.; Bahloul, Y.E.; Oumouss, S.; Rahmouni, I.; Birouk, A.; Benlhabib, O.Progeny testing is the second part of maternal recurrent selection scheme adopted by INRA-Morocco for the national sugar beet breeding programme. The objective of this study is sugar beet germplasm productivity, heritability and stability analysis. The studied material concern 18 half-sib families (HSF) preselected initially for their seed production potential. Trials were conducted using randomised complete blocks designs during, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2017/18 campaigns in two experimental fields of INRA-Morocco; Sidi Allal Tazi (34° 30' N, 6° 19' W) and Larache (35° 11’ N, 6° 09’ W). Evaluated parameters concern the vigour, root weight (RW), leaf biomass yield (LBY), and sugar content (Sc). Data analysis by comparative procedures explores different accordance degrees of HSF versus controls. Good vegetative growth was observed, 85.6% closer to the maximal indicated scale level. The RW was significantly influenced by the genotype and reached a maximum of 1.06 kg versus 1.08 kg average recorded by controls. Sugar content recorded mean was 20.97% in HSF versus 21.39% in the controls. Most of HSF revealed mean values close to Z-type variety. Estimated heritability was 0.5 for RW, 0.2 for the LBY, and 0.02 for Sc. Sugar content was influenced by the environment and explained by the AMMI model (73.6%) versus 53.9% and 44.4% for root weight and leaf biomass yield respectively. The AMMI stability values showed F11, F12, F16, and F17 families as the most performing and stable HSF. Results demonstrate the relevance of the maternal recurrent selection scheme of the on-going national breeding programme.