2021, Vol. 19, No. 1
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/6822
Sirvi 2021, Vol. 19, No. 1 Autor "Bartzialis, D." järgi
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Kirje Evaluation of soil properties, irrigation and solid waste application levels on Cu and Zn uptake by industrial hemp(2021) Golia, E.E.; Angelaki, A.; Giannoulis, K.D.; Skoufogianni, E.; Bartzialis, D.; Cavalaris, Ch.; Vleioras, S.Α three-year experiment was performed to study the alteration of copper and zinc levels in industrial hemp grown in different soils using elevated sewage slurry solid waste applications. Two soil samples, an acidic and an alkaline one, with different soil properties, such as percentage of CaCO3 and cation exchange capacity values, were used. Three treatments of waste solid with provided elevated concentrations of Cu and Zn were combined with two irrigation levels. The application of high doses of the solid residue as well as high irrigation level lead to an increase of the mobility of metals in hemp leaves in acidic soil in contrast to alkaline. On the contrary, in alkaline soil along with a reduced irrigation level, there is a decrease in the mobility of Cu and therefore its accumulation in the roots or stems was observed. Concluding, hemp seem to be a promising plant remediator, after the application of the proper irrigation level and taking into account the physico-chemical soil properties of moderately contaminated (with copper and zinc) soils.