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Sirvi SEARMET Autor "Ivask, Marilin" järgi
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Kirje Animal reproduction, technology and welfare, December 3-4, 2018, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia : [presentations](2018) Hyttel, Poul; Proudfoot, Christopher; Arney, David; Guo, Yongzhi; Salumets, Andres; Chankeaw, Wiruntita; Jaakma, Ülle; Mark, Elina; Strøbech, Lotte Bjørg; Ivask, Marilin; Holt, William; Loi, Pasqualino; Morrell, Jane; Tagoma, Aili; Thurston, Lisa; Reinsalu, Olavi; Nõmm, MonikaPresentations of the final conference of the SEARMET "Animal reproduction, technology and welfare".