MII lõputööd
Selle valdkonna püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/7077
Sirvi MII lõputööd Autor "Aan, Aarne" järgi
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Tulemused lehekülje kohta
Kirje Raskuste kandmise abimehhanism(2013) Pertsev, Anton; Olt, Jüri; Aan, AarneGiven task of this thesis was to build a mechanism that would support the weight of a backbag by taking most of the load onto the structure. This type of mechanism is widely known as exoskeleton. For that I had to build a prototype for testing and further development. Before starting to build that prototype I made myself more familiar with the exoskeletons, then took some measures off myself and made details and different assemblies in SolidEdge. After that with the help of the craftsmen from workshop we started building this mechanism. Later with the help of some students from Ergonomics third course we took some field tests.