3. Doktoritööd
Selle kollektsiooni püsiv URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10492/7081
Sirvi 3. Doktoritööd Autor "Aan, Aare" järgi
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Kirje On Using Mathcad Software for Modelling, Visualization and Simulation in Mechanics(2015) Aan, Aare; Heinloo, MatiLearning and research are becoming increasingly more computerbased, which is supported by both the development of computing technology and better results in studying, teaching and research into engineering problems. According to Chonacky, 2006, computer modelling and simulation are some of the best methodologies that have been applied in science and engineering. This doctoral thesis develops computer-based learning and research methods in engineering mechanics, analytical mechanics and machinery mechanics. The results can be used in both teaching and practical engineering. In the current doctoral thesis, the objects that are automatically generated on the computer screen using a mathematical model are called virtual models for short. The process of creating images that correspond to calculation results (graphs, virtual models, simulations, etc.) is called visualization. The simulation of the movement of virtual models gives an idea of the movement of the object of study and the veracity of the solution calculated on the basis of the mathematical model. The use of computer-based visualization in teaching is very important. The analysis Höffler & Leutner, 2007 showed that the learning outcome improved by 37% on average when a simulation (animation) was used instead of a static picture. The simulations in the current thesis correspond to Recchi, et al., 2006 definition: an effective computer simulation is built on a mathematical model, which describes the process that is being studied. Visualization is interdisciplinary by nature, drawing on simulations, the psychology of perception, graphic art, computer graphics, picture editing, data management, etc. (Haber, 1990). The mechanical problems explored in the current thesis have been solved with a computer on a PTC Mathcad worksheet. Unlike other mathematics programs, in which the formulas have to be programmed as well, the engineering calculations software Mathcad allows writing formulas the way we are used to seeing them in books and writing them ourselves. The formulas and variables on a Mathcad worksheet can be changed on the computer screen and the changes in results can be directly observed in drawings, virtual models and motion simulations for the virtual models.